Saturn: Richard's Restrictor
Last blog we looked into the Mother's psyche around the time the Richard was born till the age of 3. (Venus profile) Now we will see the father's psyche and how that affected Richard in his early life. Normally this would be considered an outer planet but since it has so many aspects to the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) we will view it as a personal planet. Like the sun representing the Father or the father figure, Saturn takes on the authoritative role.
Some people have taken it to mean the person in your life that limits you or restricts you in some way. I tend to lean more on the side that Saturn's energy is more so to test you and see if you learning from your life. Some astrologers believe that Saturn's energy is likened to a Grim reaper- the energy that cuts one down. This Planetary energy gets a bad wrap. Saturn is like teacher trying to get you through this lesson so that you can build upon the foundations and learn more. Every time that you successfully pass one of Saturn's lessons you get a little bit closer to learning the universal laws that govern this world. When you do not pass or haven't learned any of the lessons Saturn can be a cruel teacher indeed. when the person isn't willing to give up their childhood ideas and illusions, allowing ourselves to remain ignorant of natural laws, if we think that the universe owes us a living Saturn seems to generate fear and apprehension within us. This energy isn't coming from Saturn specifically; it relates to the consciousness and lets us inherently know that we are not complying with cosmic law.
Early in our life Saturn Reveals the individuals weak points,points of insecurity that can manifest in a psychical manner (frail health) in an intellectual manner (apprehension regarding intellectual abilities) or it can influence one's own sense of self worth. children who do not feel worthy feel guilty about taking up space in the universe, for they are seldom recognized by anyone that they would consider to be an important authority figure in their life. Since Saturn is poorly aspected (lots of hard aspects) it shows that Richard's father had a unhealthy or nonconstructive impact on Richard's psyche. These influences don't show up til Richard starts taking on more adult responsibilities: ranging from expressing sexuality to career aspirations.
Saturn represents the mundane area in life that we regard with caution or approach with fear. For it is the energy that must be expressed in a responsible way; They must be channeled to meet the universal needs and not our personal drives in a willful fashion. Saturn also monitors all of the destructive behavior in the universe. The universal flow requires us to be responsible for our selves; if we aren't the irresponsibility will have to be ironed out. Again when we see Saturn impacting personal planets it shows that part of the personality that must mature in this life. Some people have to make a conscious effort to express or develop facets of the personality; the difficulties will be shown by the Saturn ties. These ties emphasize the importance of that life area not ties that keep us from being. The more aspects one has to Saturn the more one needs to intensely break the ties with the inherited experience and become self-responsible. When people can break from the past, when they can free themselves to explore all of the mythic images describing the process of maturity, the soul can assimilate the responsibility of higher consciousness.
Saturn in Libra
Since Saturn represents order, necessity, force of circumstances and the lessons that they impose. Naturally it brings along the sense of discipline and responsibility behind learning the lesson. Saturn is about testing and pressure which can make the energy limiting and depressing as it delays or denies. Any form of authority like parents, elders, teachers, and officialdom. Making inadequacy and inhibition normal feelings if we haven't learned our lessons yet and a sense of Achievement and Status when we have learned the lessons well.
With that being said when Saturn is in Libra, Richard is learning the art, grace, and harmony to develop principles concerning relating and justice. Initially, the need to learn such lessons may manifest as a fear of being answerable to something or someone, or having to subscribe to society's rules. Along the way, by way of compensation, drawn to committing yourself up to the eyebrows, either financially, emotionally, or both trying to be all things to all people or to be caught up in the valley of decisions. Richard needs to learn how to gradually and eventually acquire a sense of how to compromise without sacrificing his own or someone Else's principles, how to be lighthearted yet at the same time sincere, and to make considered decisions. This could enable Richard to become an authority in what were at first possibly areas of weakness: fair play and keeping the peace without merely glossing over issues.
Saturn in the 10th house
this is Saturn's Natural house. It actually rules the 10th house so when it is placed here it means that Richard's lessons and necessities are very obvious and make their self obvious. this is because Richard feels that he definitely needs to amount to something in life and therefore set about pursuing the goals and dealing with the challenges of the material world, or he feels rather weak in the face of the world at large and settle for being no one in particular. This is based off of his mother's influence in particular; due to her ambitions or fears, her confidences or doubts, got readily passed down to him.
Richard must make an attempt to amount to something in this world for that is Richard's test-bed of his life; worldly success is suppose to be his and could well be so but if his ambitions are someone Else's or they have been suppressed by self-doubt you will first have to fall or sink very low before you realize the true meaning and importance of amounting to something.
Aspects of Saturn
Saturn Semi square Moon
indicates that emotional responses cannot be totally selfish. Richard's fearful emotions can get in the way of his being objective about those demands. the hopeless child within Richard collapses in the face of them. So Richard must get touch with the adult inside of him and coolly manage the situation. Yet at the same time don't loose sight of the child in you, your soul, for that was probably not noticed or validated by parents or teachers in the first place.
This aspect is a hard one. It reflects the mother, her emotional reactions to her environment and how they are affected by the attitudes of the father during Richard's formative years. Due to this contact Richard feels that emotional reactions cannot or shouldn't be displayed; that all authority figures (the father, other males introduced into life later, and any person in authority) can restrict and restrain the emotional nature. this can bring on a depressive energy and bring out melancholia- viewing life through a glass darkly. Richard needs to learn to express his emotions in a constructive manner and that emotional involvements also include joy as well as sorrow that is all too often found.
Richard's father definitely thwarted Richard's mother's personal expression. He may have been the type of person that delighted in restricting and limiting the female. Richard sees in his early years that mother's don't have a chance to do what they want to do, can't pursue anything that interests them without being harassed by the father. since these psychological games weren't lost onto Richard because his father often thwarted him as well as mom and poured cold water all over Richard's childhood enthusiasm. Being a male Richard feels that women aren't to be trusted, that an emotional responses aren't given freely, that one doesn't respond spontaneously, the father's attitude and gestures toward the mother prevent Richard from developing easy emotional relationships. Manifesting as he's to masculine to care, to be emotional, to be responsive. As an adult he will offer love and then take it back; the woman who loves him will find that he opens up, responds to her and then withdrawals. Richard doesn't let loose with his emotions because he is trying to barricade himself against being hurt.
In order to begin the healing process Richard must learn to understand that he draws in relationships similar to that of his parents. Depressions and melancholia associated with relationships as well as suffering and a lack of emotional fulfillment. Emotional needs aren't to be confused with sexual needs here, for Richard can be involved in a satisfactory sexual relationships but their emotional needs are unfulfilled. Their parents are usually incapable of understanding them. He'll choose mates that are either far above or below them in terms of education, cultural or social economic backgrounds. Lack of understanding caused by too great a gap in either direction may cause hurt feelings, and barriers begin to pop up. This aspect causes Richard to feel like he has to give up something in order to have a relationship. Richard keeps falling back into the cycle that his parents created for him: unhappiness, emotional depression, a feeling that he cannot have what he wants. Saturn-moon afflictions cause a lack of joy. Life is seen as difficult. Joy needs to be nurtured.
Saturn square Mercury
(Covered in Mercury blog)
Saturn square Venus
(Covered in Venus blog)
Saturn Trine Mars
Actions is seriously considered, well thought out, not particularly restrictive, but Richard will seem very mature at a young age.Richard was taught to think more than most children. This will make Richard a dedicated and loyal employee, who makes careful decisions, who's highly organized, and who does well in traditional management or big business. Richard won't rush into a relationship; he relates only when he has thought out all of the possibilities of the situation, then he will slowly move throughout his goals. it indicates that Richard tends to be loyal sexually and emotionally, who feels a strong bond of responsibility regarding sexual relationships.
Saturn Conjunct Jupiter
(Covered in Jupiter blog)
Saturn Sextile Ascendant
(Covered in Big 3 Aspects)
Putting it all together
We see from Saturn's influence that there are a lot of lessons that Richard had trouble de cyphering at a young age; his parents relationship and his place within it. The limiting factor of his father and how that played a huge role on his mother as well as himself. Richard grew up watching his father limit his mother almost in the same manner as Richard's father did to him. With all of this going on Richard was learning that women aren't equal to men; that a woman's needs come after the father's if they even come at all. This left no room for Richard in his parents life. He didn't understand why his father wouldn't allow him to do things as a child or letting his mother do the things that she wanted. Seeing how this affected his mother Richard decided to side with his mother. Learning that women aren't good. That there is something about them to be feared, not to trust their emotions and that their thoughts and feelings do not matter because that's how my father views them. Without a balanced way for Richard to see the masculine and the feminine his self- worth, self- values, and any effort made to be an individualized person went out the door. So Richard learned how to watch others and get an idea of how to function on an intellectual basis; not an emotional one. Any interactions that Richard has to a degree are based on subconscious memories that he has carried with him into adulthood; all of his preconceived notions that he learned from mom and dad can be seen within every aspect of his life. Richard grew up feeling alone and unable to relate to others due to his fear of what his parents might say. When he wanted to express himself in a positive way there was always someone (mom, dad, teacher, older person) there making sure that he didn't. So when Richard feels like sharing anything you can see him going through the motions of wanting to say it, going to say it and then not saying it with a look of being internally torn apart. Because Richard puts so much value into this childhood memory and refused to let it go, he will have a tremendous time trying to figure out what he wants vs what his parents wanted for him and who he is without the negativity that he received in his childhood. in doing so he will be able to pursue an actual relationship where there is more than just assuming a role.
When Richard is in a relationship he will instinctively remember and think back to his parent's relationship. When this happens Richard needs to remind himself that this relationship in his head isn't a good relationship basis for comparison. As an adult if Richard chooses to look back and see his parent's relationship for what it truly was- not a very good one worthy of taking with me into adulthood he can begin to make the necessary changes needed to build and work on having a true relationship that encourages nurturing healthy and supportive words to one another, where feelings are heard, acknowledged and talked about in an openly and warming environment, but most importantly, Richard learns that relationships are safe; something to keep sacred and loyal, and that it is okay to be one's self when it comes to loving another being.
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