Shaina's Big 3 Aspected
In yesterday's blog we learned and discovered that there is Leo/ Capricorn/ Aquarius energy at the heart of this Capricorn. Shaina can be highly creative if she can get the energies to function properly within her. How does she go about making her energy work for her? It helps if we know what kind of energy we are working with and how they are manifesting within her. Let's take a look at what Shaina's big 3 aspects lead us to in discovery.
Aspects Affecting the Ascendant
Ascendant Semi Square Sun
So Shaina's goals reached for or her early childhood experience make it a little bit more challenging for her to find her career path. Something about this area of her life- I'm guessing that it is a mixture of fear of becoming like her mother and her father's treatment early in life that makes her uneasy about reaching her goals.
Ascendant Trine Jupiter
Since the Ascendant is an indicator of how we project our persona it is known as the masquerade and it also reflects new beginnings. Jupiter represents how we relate ourselves to others, and how we relate to our personal needs. We either relate (or understand) what we start or we don't. If we relate easily we tend to do well professionally; if not we have to be brilliant in order to get ahead. Shaina relates to others by opening up her Jupiter energy in a manner complimentary to the persona that she has put forth.
Ascendant Square Saturn
Saturn represents what we regard with caution and the Ascendant represents the persona; or of starting something new. Aspects between these two show that there is a indication of caution or circumspection. Since these aspects are squared it shows that the father wasn't very encouraging early in life and when Shaina approaches a new beginning she is clouded with conflict. She will start new activities with caution or apprehension; some of this conflict will be caused by an inner lack of self confidence, for early problems with the father image usually manifest as problems with authority figures. Due to the square it also represents a self-worth predicament. From what I can tell it looks like Father wasn't there to encourage Shaina or he somehow took away her power within the family making her have issues with her worth. As she was trying to exert herself it was the father that put her in her place either by any means he could.
Ascendant Square Midheaven
If the Ascendant represents the persona and the starting of something new then the MidHeaven indicates your position in the world- status, profession, reputation, recognition and authority. Shaina has an internal battle between what she wants the world to see from her. On one hand Shaina wants to be seen as the fiery Leo that unpredictable and generous; on the other she is a stable and reliable person who manages well and is organized. Leo gives her the emotional side while the Taurus part gives her the professionalism that she craves. Her work needs to consist of things of substance which gets on the Leo's nerves. There is a struggle between expressing her emotional needs and that of having a profession in where she is the Alpha Female. If her professional side that she gets from her mother could integrate with the fun Leo side she would be a force to be reckoned with. This would require Shaina to confront her feelings with her father in a constructive way so that she can put her energy to better use. ---Side Note:---- Due to Scorpio being the opposite of the MidHeaven it shows that in Shaina's private life, home life and early family life is very secretive; and maybe even deep dark family secrets that lie at the root of her issues.
Aspects Affecting the Sun
Sun Conjunct Mercury
Shaina's Sun and Mercury are both in the sign of Capricorn which means that she thinks, hears, and communicates like a Capricorn. That she will take her time formulating and putting together a plan of action that is highly effective and organized. Because she has a higher than average intelligence this aspect also makes her prone to worrying due to all of the calculating that goes on in her head. Remember that there is more to life than just thinking; Capricorn naturally despises feelings, emotional intuition, and instinct which leaves biases within Shaina's way of thinking. It also has a hard time understanding why the emotions aren't acknowledged by both parents in the way that they needed them which leaves them emotionally stifled and lonely. So even though Shaina is suppose to be this bright and shiny person we now see that there is a lot of sadness and emotional neglect that comes through in her manner of speech, the way that she carries herself, and how she feels about herself on an intellectual level.
Sun Conjunct Neptune
The "I am" principle is affected by inspiration or delusion. This is a powerful conjunction that tells us that Shaina is influenced by a strongly spiritual father image. She has chosen to develop a spiritual consciousness this lifetime and this consciousness may be hard to discover. However, this type of insight may not be appreciated by the family. Much of this insight is derived from something picked up from the father image. With this placement individuals usually get some kind of distorted father image later on in childhood and don't later remember what their father stood for. Because Shaina couldn't consciously relate to what she intuitively feel for her father , shes gets caught up in self-doubt. With Neptune affecting the "self" energy the personality is influenced by fantasy. This aspect indicates an intuitive, creative potential that can make these children like Shaina unwelcome in their household, for they see and know things that make parents uncomfortable. Like Shaina, these children live in 2 worlds: the world of parental authority and school systems, and the world of fantasy and illusion.
If properly guided when young, they can develop into tremendously creative and intuitive types, being drawn to more creative aspects of life- classical ballet, classical music, the arts. If early environment doesn't provide this insight then they may begin to wonder if they are living a lie and wonder what is real. This could manifest in different ways as an adult: may become an adult who muddles through life until they find some form of creative expression, adults that have trouble dealing with what the rest of us call reality. they can be so sensitive that they retreat into the world of drugs, fantasies or both in order to avoid facing the more harsh aspects of living experience. Shaina will have a long road ahead of her on her way to spiritual enlightenment. If there are blocks it is because there are unresolved issues with the Father due to misunderstanding. he was also looking for something that he hasn't found yet.He too was trying to find himself in his own way. if father sold out, gave up his quest, left home of happened to pass away then the child was young they will have great difficulty sorting through the family history so that they can get a clear truth about the father.
Sun Trine Midheaven
Shaina's life and purpose are one in the same. She needs to become aware of her feminine traits to better serve her profession. The intuitive nature that she keeps hidden away is another asset in her arsenal if she chooses to view it as such.
Aspects of the Moon
Moon Conjunct Mars
The Moon represents the physical mother in an individuals early childhood environment. The child imitates her emotional reactions to life and develops accordingly. Mars indicates how the child acts physically, how it will react to external stimuli, what kind of action will be taken whenever an attempt is made to start something new. This interaction helps us to know and understand how Shaina will act in regard to emotional issues. It also indicates how she will take action to protect her body; to care for it.
we see that Shaina had an emotional mother early on in childhood. she nursed her hurts, who reacted to her husband and children when her feelings were hurt. Shaina learned to respond in a similar way. As an adult she will be easy to anger, will act on hurt feelings, will act out emotional upsets rather than thinking them out. She may be seen as self destructive because seldom does she consider her own safety while in the midst of emotional trauma. As she matures and as she experiences physical pain because of her emotional reactions, she will eventually learn to think before she acts but this behavior will be learned.
This also indicates that she has a great deal of anger to work out and cope with. Shaina either explodes and takes out her anger on someone else or she implodes and takes out her anger on herself. This energy operates either imploding, exploding or both. Rather than suppressing the anger, it is more important to understand it- to allow oneself time to work through it( writing letters that aren't mailed, sitting on reactions prior to doing anything about the situation, getting perspective from someone else) in order to learn how to channel the energy. Mars is in fact a creative energy; anger is just the undisciplined side of it. Only when the super sensitivity is understood, when the overreaction to the environment is understood then this energy can be used creatively.
Moon Sextile Jupiter
If the Moon represents the physical body, how we respond to life around us, our need for affection, the mother as she responded in the early childhood relationship with us then Jupiter represents how we open up, and how we expand our consciousness. This tells us that Shaina's mother felt good emotionally about herself as she came into the world providing her with a healthy and warm atmosphere. Shaina learns to relate well to others in an open fashion which brings a sense of personal generosity, and ability to share emotional experiences.
Moon Semi square Uranus
Uranus represents the behavior and the behavior of our generation. Because it is making contact with the Moon it tells us that there will be some unusual, eccentric,erratic, or different types of responses. This also shows that the mother plays an eccentric role when Shaina is a child. since the moon symbolizes the mother and how she reacts to life, and her reactions inspire her child to react, to develop an emotional response to all life situations; and if Uranus symbolizes the behavior pattern of a generation, as well as how we handle ourselves with others then we see that Shaina is likely to abruptly end a relationship of any kind for Mother taught her that pattern. Shaina feels that it is normal to end relationships abruptly and that it is normal to make relationship decisions before discussing them with the other person. this produces a brusque behavior with friends, lovers, family members and co-workers. she could leave a job suddenly, or impetuously change her feelings about her present career.
we see how this affects Shaina in her personal relationships: she doesn't give her partner an even break. When her feelings are hurt she often plays the situation over in her head and by the time she gets around to discussing the unpleasant situation with the loved one shes' already made to decision to end the relationship. any conversation regarding it is merely polite form of speech. this aspect gives way to a lot of misunderstanding in all types of relationships: the eccentric life reaction was learned from the mother because she was eccentric in her own way. If Shaina can remember her mother's relationships, how she handled her husband or friends or the rest of the family members the behavior pattern can be broken. When she understands where she gets these patterns from they can be easily dissolved. In order to develop relationships that other people will understand she needs to reconize when her feelings are hurt, when animosity is beginning to build, so that the unpleasant life situations can be worked out instead of cut out. The alternative is to leave every unpleasant situation and start over and over again with new friends and lovers. we need to face those unpleasant situations in order to grow and become a better person. In doing so Shaina will also work through understanding others personalities and how they differ from hers. This aspect gives potential for understanding, much personal growth, a chance to rise the consciousness to a high point, to break old family patterns. Once this is done the creative energy will burst forth.
Moon Conjunct Pluto
When Pluto is conjunct with the Moon it brings a kind of transformational energy to the emotional responses of an individual: it brings all of the possible energies created through Pluto into focus with emotions. Because of this, the focus is on concepts of cooperation, coercion, obsession, a need to manipulate, as well as the idea of transformation or helping others transform there selves. there are also healing energies at play here, an ability to research the intuitive and feeling capacities. This is a strong and productive configuration if handled consciously; if not they can represent an obsessive personalities that tend to control others in order to insure their own safely in the environment they attempt to create.
It also symbolizes the emotional transformation that must take place in order to free Shaina from the powerful tie to her mother. Do to the conjunction Shaina's mother may have been very controlling and manipulative mother type. She is a strong woman; a woman who is obsessed by something that is going on in her life during the time Shaina's influenced.Emotional responses are usually from in the in subconscious rather than in the conscious mind. the aspect indicates a person who responds emotionally, although the cause of the emotional reaction is actually subconscious. By way of compensation Shaina feels that she must be in control of all of her responses all the time. She will keep a tight reign on her own emotional responses and will attempt to control any emotional situations around her in order to avoid being surprised or shocked by her won reactions. This can indicate that her mother controlled her environment completely and manipulated everyone around her. Shaina will become an adult who has difficulty responding spontaneously in any emotional relationship revolving family, friends or lovers. She can obsess on any relationship and may surround herself with people that she can control. She may surround herself with inferior types in order to maintain control; she may play all the control games possible from excessive gift-giving to "smother" love. Pluto gives an intuitive type of creative energy plus the fact that there is the moon conjunct to it makes Shaina have a tremendous amount of creative potential within her. As long as Shaina is feeling controlled she will never develop the skill of letting the intuitive energy flow. She has a great healing and intuitive abilities. If she can reach into the subconscious and really figure out what her reasons are for having such deep anger towards her mother then most of her emotional blocks will be removed.
Putting it all Together:
Here we learned that Shaina has some issues with her early family life. We see that mommy was a very dominant figure in the household. She was the one that Shaina sees as her universe and everything that mommy does Shaina repeated because that is what she thought was normal. Whether or not she realizes this Shaina has a lot of anger issues about the way that she was treated as a child from her mother. The overly nurturing nature of mother mixed in with the fact that Shaina was better seen and not heard has stayed with her into adulthood. Because she saw how mommy controlled and dominated everyone around her Shaina does the same thing within reason. Due to mommy's traditional manner of upbringing her intuitive nature was shunned and made her parents feel uncomfortable around her. that awkwardness from both father and mother made Shaina feel inadequate and it is partly the reason why she shys away from her feelings. Because she never saw her parents interact emotionally only discuss them she does the same. What is difficult here is that she thinks like her mother, talks like her mother, and communicates like her mother. Her mother has such an emotionally coercive controlling nature towards her that unless Shaina figures out where her mother went wrong with her treatment of her and makes strides to modify this behavior she will never be able to let go of her mothers chains and continue the vicious cycle. At first it looks like this has everything to do with the father but his passivity didn't sit well with Shaina and she looked to her mother for everything. Her mother is on a pedestal and she can do no wrong in Shaina's eyes as a child but as she begins learning how to tap into her intuitive side she subconsciously understands that this is how the world works and i would rather go into a fantasy world than deal with all of the harshness that mother is providing.
I think that Shaina's key here is UNDERSTANDING. understanding of her feelings both conscious and subconscious towards her family; in particular her Mother. Anger is an emotion that shows us that someone hurt us emotionally. It helps pave the way to understanding WHAT got you so angry in the first place. understanding WHY her parents treated her in the manner that they did and express in a constructive manner how that affected her. Seeing that her intuitive nature is not something to be feared but to be embraced as part of yourself. If she can get over all of the injustices that she endures as a child by reconditioning herself to see other points of views/ perspectives; ask questions when she doesn't quite understand instead of getting angry. than and only then will she be the person that she wants to be- free from her mother's influence in all of the ways that she chooses.
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