After exploring Shaina's big 3 we have come to learn much about her but we still have a long way to go if we are to understand the birth chart fully. If we look at the sign in which Shaina's Sun is in we see that it is in Capricorn; ruled by the planet Saturn. Some words to describe this planet would be practicality, status, suppressing, and establishing boundaries. To take it a step further and tie it in to what we have already discovered just re worded to fit this discussion:
Saturn's connection to the Sun
The Sun, which is in its natural house, should reflect the "I am" qualities of the Sun- generosity, heart, a heroine, and the radiance of life. It is manifested to take on the traits of Leo- creating, dominating, confident, playing and being romantic which is similar to what Shaina shows to the world as her persona (ascendant). This is where it gets tricky. Shaina should be this queenly royal person that leads through love and admiration but here in lies the problem: Her Sun was shining farther away from the Earth at her time of birth; the "curse" of being born in the winter; never knowing the true power of the Sun and how bright it can truly shine. Not knowing the warmth one feels when being born during the summer when the sun is the closest. For the winter is cold and harsh; and it forces you to grow up quickly... which is one or the many reasons that she has a hint of apprehension towards everyone and a faint glimmer of coldness in her eye.
The Sun also represents the how the physical father manifests himself when our personality is forming: how we feel about him and what kind of value system we were exposed to. Since it is in Capricorn during this time Shaina's father was somehow limiting and restricting towards her. Due to the positioning of the sun in the 5th house we see where and how the father was restrictive and limiting- in her creativity, self-expression, fun and games, and her passions. Her father was the one who instilled what he "thought" was a healthy dose of fear in her which he used to control her. Her interactions with father taught her that she doesn't like authority figures, that she needs to be highly objective and by putting pressure on her make her feel inadequate as a child. With the conjunction to Mercury we see that her father is the reason that she communicates, talks, hears, and learns the same way that he did. This is not a normal thing to have this much influence over Shaina since she is after all born under a Mother-dominant environment.
Let's take a look into the actual Saturn profile and get a clearer picture of what we are looking at...
Saturn: Shaina's Governing Planet
Shaina's planet that is ruled by her sun sign has to with lessons and responsibility. Saturn is all about order; necessity and a force of circumstances (karma) and the lessons that they impose with a sense of discipline and responsibility that is behind the learning of them. Saturn is all about teaching you life lessons so that you may become more refined. It tests and puts pressure on a person so it can be limiting and depressing as it delays and denies. It can also represent the concrete reality, the status quo or anything that takes the form of authority: parents, teachers, elders, and officialdom. This planet can also give a sense of inadequatecy or inhibition yet is also the one that gives the sense of achievement and status when we have learned our lessons well. Saturn is indicative of that part of us that needs to mature. If we grow, mature, pass the tests at various life cycles, if we understand universal law, this planet is a friendly one. But if the person still clings to their childhood ideas and illusions, if they wish to remain ignorant of natural law, if we seem to think that Saturn owes us a living it instills fear and inner apprehensions because it relates to the individuals conscious. deep down we know that somehow we didn't cooperate into cosmic law.
This planet is also an indicator of a person's weak points early in life; the point of insecurity that can manifest on a physical level which could mean ill heath or on an intellectual level indicating an apprehension regarding intellectual ability or it can influence one's feeling of self-worth. Children who don't feel worthy feel guilty about taking up space in the universe (more reinforcement of "it is better to be seen and not heard" mentality) for they are seldom recognized by anyone they consider to be an important authority figure early in the life.
Saturn in Scorpio
Shaina is learning to handle and express effectively any kind of power, be it sexual, political, personal, material, occult or whatever. Initially the need to learn these lessons will appear as a fear or disdain of being deeply involved, of psychology and the unconscious mind, for such things threaten her feelings of control. For the same reason fear of death itself could be an issue since it is the ultimate power in life. She finds herself getting caught up in anything powerfully influential, or compulsive, or that breaks taboos. As time goes by Shaina will learn how to gradually acquire a sense of how to manage intimate relationships and critical, life and death situations which will enable her to become an authority of what was once her weak points: sexuality, death and power with ruthless but just efficentcy.
Saturn in the 4th
The environment was harsh, cold and extremely formal in early childhood; the effect of the father on Shaina's Psyche will manifest as some apprehension of making a home one's own subconsciously fearing that they may inadvertently create the same home environment as an adult if they attempt to establish a parental experience. The lessons that need to be learnt mainly focus on Shaina's inner life and home, and the sense of order that was laid down during the formative early years- By the father. If that sense was absent or restrictive, she will go around with an inner feeling that somethings is missing or not good enough. She'll then become dependant upon having a very stable domestic security to compensate. at some point Shaina will have to reestablish and reaffirm her sense of belonging which was not forthcoming as a child. If this has been had been the other extreme Shaina's early life might have been highly structured in a supportive way, giving her an inner sense of being in the right place at the right time.
Aspects to Saturn
Saturn Trine Mercury
Mercury is the symbol of outgoing communication, the mind, ideas, the five senses. Saturn represents the law, tradition, the psychological influence of the father, our ideas of caution based on apprehensions that we may have absorbed from the early father image. It indicates that Shaina takes her words seriously, that inhibitions or traditions taught to her by her father will affect her ability to communicate. It places restrictions on her confidence regarding her ability to communicate even it is a soft aspect. This type of energy shows us that Shaina is a person who is kind of serious, dependable and often hardworking. A certain type of loneliness can be inferred for when communication is restricted limitations may be placed on the ability to share thoughts.With a Trine being in place here the energy reveals that she was exposed to a father image that helps her learn to communicate, even though family communication tends to be on the serious side but will follow through on details, work well with the general public, and have well ordered mind.
Saturn Semi Square Neptune
When these two planets combine, tradition and father influence are tied to the concept of creativity and spiritual love. The father image becomes cloudy because Neptune brings illusion to anything that it touches. This can manifest as either some delusion or inspiration about ones own roots. It can indicate who has the skeletons in their closet or one who worships the family. also someone who wants to explore the creative consciousness or one who is afraid of it. Sometimes Neptune can add additional apprehensions and paranoia's to the exploration of the Saturn fears then the exploration becomes more difficult. In order to take our place in the universe one must become conscious of the effect that our father had on us; mythologically explore the concept of the father, by understanding the physical man that is the personal father to the mythic symbolism of heredity as it forms the basis of tradition. Neptune represents the spiritual love and the universal creative urges. When hard aspects are involved it could mean that the ability to free one's self from the bonds of tradition become arduous but the labor is well worth it.
Shaina may have been born into a family that has illusions or delusions regarding the father, heredity or family influence. The father will affect Shaina's concept of creativity, perhaps impeding the development of some form of creative expression. Influence of the father will work against her dreams and goals, or even the development of her spiritual goals. This aspect may indicate a person that has to pull away from the family experience in order to find herself. She may not see authority figures for what they are; she may be supportive of people who disappoint her.
Saturn squaring Ascendant
(covered in Shaina's Big 3 Aspected)
Saturn opposing Mid Heaven
Due to the nature of this aspect it is another reinforcement of how Shaina's father's early childhood influence has taken a toll on her. whatever her father instilled in her is what is keeping her from being the person that she needs to be in her professional life.
Putting it all Together:
Taking a look at the Saturn profile really gave us some insight into Shaina's fears and how they came about. Again it is important to note that Shaina has a lot of fatherly influence over her even though she was born under a mother dominant sign. This also reinforces the fact that Shaina's Leo/ Capricorn problem goes far deeper than just what lies on the surface of the Big 3 discussion. It was the image that her father imposed on her as a child that still haunts her into adulthood and it is that memory of him that hinders Shaina. When we look at the whole of it we see that mommy and daddy's treatment of Shaina was hard on her development as a child. The home environment wasn't a very comforting one where she felt that she didn't belong. Along with other factors we see that if Shaina wants to get over these blocks she will have to face her father on mulitiple levels that may bring up a lot of things that the family doesn't want to discuss.
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