Saturday, February 23, 2013

Shaina's Chiron Profile...

***The information seen on this page comes from a combination of multiple sources in its entirety: Solar Fire, CHIRON ~The Healing Pathway to Personal and Global Reconciliation by Candy Hillenbrand, and for the sole purpose of this discussion. This is not plagiarism;
Only the "Putting it all Together"  and (...) is written by me.*** 
Chiron as an indicator of "early childhood issues" which affect and in some ways determine their physical and psychological well-being as adults. Chiron can be a bit of a "blind spot" with some folks and thus much be approached with tact and compassion. These are often sore-spots, and there can be outright denial or rejection if you get too close to the truth. The upside to Chiron is that when the placement is in relatively good condition, there can be something of a "blessing in disguise" energy related to Chiron. One could lose a job for example, then discover that they are in the perfect place to start a new business. Or, they could lose an abusive partner days before meeting someone they might have rejected previously.
Healing ability: A prominent Chiron can indicate healing ability. In general, the number of aspects (in this case 3) between Chiron and the other planets indicates the degree of healing potential in a client, but you will find it is almost inevitable when Chiron is close to an axis-point, especially the Ascendant or Midheaven. (which we see here as it is next to the Midheaven)
Chiron in the natal chart represents our "deepest wound". It shows an area of our lives and part of our psyches in which we lack self-esteem or even self-respect and tend to overcompensate as a result. We tend to give and give and give in these areas of life, until we learn to build our confidence. Chiron represents insecurity, guilt, and, to some degree, subservience. We feel a seemingly endless need to prove ourselves in these areas of life, until we learn that proving ourselves simply never works! In fact, it ends up making us feel even more ineffective.
Chiron in Taurus
You will experience a crisis of values. You may experience a lack of self-worth and over-compensate by accruing money and possessions. You may also distrust your body, or feel that your body is not beautiful. You will learn to rely on your own and your body's experiences, and could become a healer.
With Chiron in this placement, values and security are prominent issues in your life. You may feel that you have never been given enough - materially, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Ultimately, your heart may feel neglected and undernourished leading to poor self-esteem. You may over-compensate this inner wound by accruing money and possessions, or clinging to people in the hopes that they can provide you with that missing sense of security. With Chiron here, you may also mistrust your body, feeling that it will let you down, or you may perceive that your body is not beautiful. There may be an injury or physical trauma that you find difficult to come to terms with, or you may have suffered pain through financial loss or financial insecurity.
Make a list of what you have received in your life, particularly from your parents and loved ones. Keep listing until you can acknowledge the abundance that the Universe has provided for you with sincere gratitude and love. Where you feel you have not been given your due, list the ways in which not receiving has helped you to acknowledge the true abundance that lies inside you - in your heart. Also, list out in two columns what you do and don't like about your body and for each list why. For each answer of 'why' look deeper and list the why of that, you will soon find that appearances are truly only skin deep -- your strength and beauty lie inside - -- in your heart.
The Gift of Chiron in Taurus lies in the acknowledgement of the abundance of love that lies within your own heart................... the Universe provides. You were created in love to express love, and there is no end to that love.
Essential oils which will assist in dissipating and coming to terms with these feelings are: Hyacinth, sandalwood, vetiver, ylang ylang, rose maroc, jasmine, carnation, bergamot, geranium, ormenis flower, cedarwood, tuberose.

Chiron in the 10th House
You suffer from feelings of inadequacy in the outside world and a feeling that your worth is not being recognised. You may be unsure over your career path. Later, you may have a profession as a wounded healer or teacher.
A 10th house placement of Chiron often manifests in a difficulty in setting and achieving goals, or finding our niche in society. There is also the possibility that we may be living up to parental expectations to achieve where they have failed - carrying other's burdens is often a theme, particularly that of the mother. Feelings of inadequacy and that you are not acknowledged for your true worth can also be issues.
If these themes are manifesting in your life, try listing the ways in which you are acknowledged and appreciated by others. Also, make a list of what you believe your value is. Acknowledge your value. Then for each instance where you feel that you are not valued, recognised or heard, list the ways in which this has helped you to value, recognise and hear yourself.
Chiron's special gift here is the acknowledgement of your own value. To recognise yourself and where your gifts lie. To listen and hear the messages of your own heart, see your special place in the Universe, and to help others do the same.
Essential oils which will assist in dissipating and coming to terms with these feelings are: Cardamon, lemon, ginger, black pepper, bergamot, orange, jasmine, rose otto, ormenis flower, basil, peppermint, linden blossom, vetiver, jasmine, clary sage.

Aspects of Chiron
Chiron Sesquisquare Mercury
This is the realm of the mind rather than the heart. The native can tend to be a bit of a "know it all", and the degree to which this is a benefit or a drawback may be indicated by the number of supportive versus challenging aspects.
The Wounding: A communication wound. Feeling misunderstood and unable to communicate.
Parental/environmental Message: "We don't like the way you communicate."
Internalised Message: "You don't understand me. You don't listen to me. I am dumb."
Healing the Wound: Singing, public speaking, chanting, writing, playing a musical instrument. Creative expression of sound. Throat chakra unblocking and healing. Practice of Right Speech and Thought. Snapdragon and Calendula flower essences.
The Gift: The ability to understand others and to teach the art of effective communication and problem solving.
Chiron Opposing Venus
You tend to suffer emotional pain in your personal relationships. You are so busy caring for your loved ones that you neglect your own needs. This imbalance can lead to you resenting your partners . You also tend to become the peacemaker as you are so sensitive to disharmony. You need to learn to nurture yourself and trust your own wisdom.
This native approaches sexual and sensual experiences with a childlike charm and innocence that makes them incredibly attractive. When the two planets are in harmonious contact, a client might be having sexual or creative experiences which are out of the normal realms of social tastes, but are absolutely vital to their own personal development. There can be problems with sexual or gender identity when the two planets are not in harmony, and a challenging aspect can indicate physical, emotional or sexual abuse in childhood. These people become expert at "reading" the motives of other people, and learn to use their sexuality as a shield of protection.
The Wounding: A wound in the area of relationships. Wounded partners. Taking on the wounds of others. Grief, loss of the loved one or beloved. Wounded in love or wounding others in love. Feeling unloved. A wound to the heart.
Parental/environmental Message: "Our love is conditional. We will love you if..."
Internalised Message: "I don't like, appreciate or approve of myself. I am unlovable. Nobody loves me."
Healing the Wound: All experiences of unconditional love. Heart chakra healing. The practice of forgiveness and compassion. The path of Bhakti Yoga (Devotion). Devotional music. Massage and touching. Reiki. The practice of Right Human Relationships. Holly and Borage flower essences. Rose essential oil.
The Gift: The ability to help others heal their relationships. Counselling. Diplomacy. Love.
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
You have a tendency to suffer needlessly. You see yourself as a martyr-like figure. You need to look after yourself, and to be honest with other people.
A stressful Neptune-Chiron placement can indicate that the native is, frankly, not living in the real world. They can often be quite aware that they are "professional daydreamers", and a career in the arts, television or film can be a positive expression of a good contact between these two planets. However, they can indicate self-deception and delusional thinking, drug and sexual abuse when they are strongly challenged.

Putting it all Together:
It seems that Chiron reiterates the core of the problem: self image issues based off of the mother. The way that she reacted in front of, towards and to Shaina has left a deep wound within her. Shaina's concept of the feminine as well as her ability to be comfortable with her body image and self-value are severly lacking here. Throughout this whole discussion of Shaina's chart we see reflections of how her mothers influence has been embedded into her entire being. Her mother was such a powerful figure in her life that it is even indicated here within the Chiron profile. As I have suggested before that there are a lot of issues concerning the mother and her treatment of Shaina- from the aspect that she was better seen and not heard which affected her communication skills (chiron/Mercury) Her ability to find any positivity in the feminine mystique (chiron/Venus) and as a result she feels like everything is her fault (chiron/Neptune). Also I should note that there are actually 8 aspects connected to Chiron: the 3 above mentioned plus the asteriods- Pallas Athena, Ceres, Hygia, and  Lillth (or black moon). 3 of these asteriods are directly related to the feminine principle(Pallas, Ceres and Lillith) which again reinforces the fact that there are heavy issues regarding Women or anything Feminine. The concerns that Shaina has in adulthood can be summed up in Chiron and its aspects; By the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun eventhough it represents the Father figure it is in the sign of Capricorn which is governed by a controling mother-dominated enviornment. Since this is a very sensitive subject and area this is all I will expand on for this discussion.

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