Monday, February 18, 2013

Shaina's Birth Chart... Big 3 + Capricorn Sign

Shaina's Big 3
Here is another chart that I was able to look at courtesy of my friend Shaina. Here we see that her chart has some interesting things going on within it...
Leo Ascendant + Aquarius Descendant, Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Libra
The Ascendant indicates the things that we are trying to be; not the things that we are. This is where the individual creates her persona; a survival mechanism that allows us to put our best foot forward and be seen for what we want to be seen as. Depending on the environment the ascendant qualities and traits might have been more accepted than the person's sun and moon aspects were. When this happens the person learns to hide their "true self" and only bring out their "representative" i.e. the ascendant sign. What is challenging is that when we are young we are at odds with our selves- the person that we are trying to be (the Ascendant), the person that we are (the Sun) and how that person responds to life. (the Moon)
Ascendant in Leo
Shaina expresses herself like a queen: with apparent confidence and style that has a regal air that names the game and makes the rules. This attracts Other who positively responds to only when you are aware of whats popular and have at heart the interest of Other. Failing this she is met with cool difference, mockery or outright rebellion.  Conversely, Other's views and theories about life and society, if only slightly tinged with political correctness, are shot down by her with a blast of passionate self justification. When the Other's populist point  is expressed in such a way as to make it clear that nothing it would lead to elevating your individual position, then you graciously and happily accept it.
Shaina has a dread of being merely one amongst the grey mass of human society so she rankles when the Other shows signs of being a member of this large and unexclusive club with values that subscribe to fitting in but at the same time want to be slightly different too. such naffness is what you live in fear of being seen as. But being a bit so-called ordinary can be paradoxically quite quirky, and more to the point helps her be less self-conscious and more at ease in the world. Likening it to the monarch who is far more popular with their subjects because they are seen to be like them if shed held themselves apart from and above them.
Unusual and unprecedented types of interaction, with an accent of freedom, is what suits her, despite the hassle of unpredictability then engender. Its as if she is inventing a set of values that will suit her and Other exclusively. This quality of her relationships reflects what the poet Kahil Gibran advised any couple: "Let the winds of Heavens dance between you" or simply don't ever fall into complacency by thinking you really know, let alone own, one another, or shock and upset will descend upon her. Shaina is inclined to run hot and cold, go on/off, as needs for freedom and companionship alternate.
When or if alone- or without success in, or recognition from , the world at large- it is no doubt because she has been sticking stubbornly to an egocentric viewpoint or value system that failed to appeal to Other. So Other had to follow the only course open to them in the face of such overt self-righteousness. if in future she begins to show that behind her magnificent facade she is an ordinary, feeling human being, then Other- either in your current form or a new one- will be only too pleased to bask in your light or appreciate her creative expressions. Just as long as her persona is not just a defence system against a world she feels doesn't understand her. The truth is that it will not do so as long as you fail to show the mere human side.
The Sun
If the Ascendant tells us who we are trying to be then the Sun placement shows us what we are or who we are. This is our true self; we just hide it underneath the persona of the Ascendant. When we chase and pursue our persona we neglect the person that were are suppose to be. 
Sun in Capricorn
Shaina's essential purpose in life is to establish a material position in the world that she regards as useful. In order to accomplish this she has an innate sense of ambition and organization. She makes a point of knowing how the world of politic and business works- along with anything else which your canny mind determines as being practical and relevant to your overall interactions.
Her earthly common sense is something that others depend on her for- and at times can feel rather inadequate in comparison to. Shaina's weakness is that she tends to overlook or simply not see matters of emotional significance, which are patently obvious to types less pragmatic than herself. Although she is more likely than  most to achieve some sort of success in the world as a result of her industriousness, Shaina is at some point more than likely to encounter a collapse or a profound sense of pointlessness because she has only taken into consideration the practial side of life, and underestimated the importance of unseen factors like human longings and weaknesses, and the mystery of life itself. When Shaina's sense of what matters begins to include these more visible and mystical aspects of existence, she'll then become the true organizer that she was born to be. When she applies her worldly, responsible and hard-working nature, to making a sound base for the furtherance of collective or spiritual interests, then she'll truly feel that she is the success, which she originally thought she would be.
Sun in the 5th House
Shaina needs to focus on the means and products of her creative expression. This wold involve things like pastimes, romance, children, art, speculation, drama,partying, etc. What this entails and demands of her is that she celebrate her uniqueness in an unreserved or even an abandoned way. She finds brightness simply through shining; and in company she does seem to glow. Being proud of your own life and personality, as long as it doesn't devolve into conceit, encourages others to be proud of themselves as well. Her essential quality is to is to make something or to make someone. To her, the world is a stage; so the power and ability to play is vital to her well being as well as that life is for living.  
The Moon
The Moon reflects the light the sun is giving off. it shows us how we respond to the others, the world and to ourselves when we are emotionally hurt. It indicates our security needs, the mother, and fear of the unknown.The moon is reflecting what the sun represents: your feeling responses, reactions to "OTHERS" will, your childlike security needs, represents mother, family, survival instincts, sympathy and sense of belonging. Negatively fear of the unknown, insecurity, defensiveness. This represents your SOUL and also gives clues as to your previous life.
Moon in Libra
Shaina's reigning need is to have a partner, to have people around her, to have a definite social position. she has an instinct for what pleases, and possess or acquire talents for things like cooking, decor, fashion, entertaining or anything that introduces a sense of harmony or togetherness to a situation.  Perversely, not trusting this social sense can make her rather antisocial. Her weakness is that she becomes so dependant upon life being nice and pleasant that she finds it hard to confront the darker or less attractive parts of her personality. And because she does have the grace and and charm it is only too easy to maintain a superficial sense of things being alright. It is quite likely that this need to please has its roots in her having felt that she had to please her mother , father or the person that brought her up.
The ironic part is that her over-ridding need for a partner ensures that sooner or later she will have to face what it is about herself that is not all that easy to relate to- either because you have lost a partner or cannot find or keep one. Important advances are made when she has a partner with whom she can rationally discuss her mutual shortcomings without feeling rejected or unattractive- which is basically what she is so sensitive about. Once having confronted this issues, she will then discover that her talent for making others, and therefore herself, feel good is increased a hundredfold because feeling at ease with your own dark spots enables others to to feel at ease with theirs. 
Moon in 3rd House 
All of her feelings are greatly reflected in her relationships with siblings, her school years, and in how she goes about her everyday affairs. Her feelings can lend themselves to the climate of the moment with some ease. This favours occupations from counsellor to shopkeeper, from writer to local gossip. such an ongoing curiosity as yours both dislikes routine and can dispel it. Shaina has the common touch which means that she is aware of what's happening locally, She can be intellectually stimulating, but may prattle on somewhat- it all depends what she fills her mind with, but fill it she will. Her ear-to-the-ground awareness is very useful in serving in serving her moon needs.
Shaina is a Trinity with 2 masculine planets( Ascendant in Leo and Moon in Libra) and 1 feminine planet.(Sun in Capricorn) Means that she has begun to get out of balance. normally within a woman it should be 60% feminine and 40% masculine which means that she can manifest her masculine side more readily and it can be in a way that is not well received. She may not value herself as a woman, and she may not truly value the biological role that she was cast into. She can be overly aggressive with men; she may value an intellectual companion more than an emotional one; she may value professional standing more than a personal relationship. Shaina should work on not avoiding developing her masculine traits (intellect) but also focus on the feminine side of her personality which needs to be acknowledged and respected. Remember that feelings are felt; not just thought.
The Sign of Capricorn:
 Children born into the mother-dominated sign of Capricorn obtain values of traditional business and the corporate power structure and the ability to go about attaining power, from the influence of the mother. Father is a passive figure, however most Capricorns have a father who is a respected member of the family, but one who is untouchable and uninvolved in the family structure. So immediate decisions are left in the hands of the mother, and in the child's eyes she runs the universe. When daddy comes home he upsets the apple cart since the little Capricorn is second in command while the father is away. Capricorns feel apprehensive about confronting their fathers which is something that the other Earth signs have no problem with.
Shaina's mother is very traditional in her attitudes. She runs a saturnine household where children are to be seen and not heard. Because of this they are usually well behaved and they tend to frown on too much frivolity in life. They take responsibility seriously- even their sense of humor is serious- often being cynical or satirical; funny stories are told with a straight face. Mother wants to go places in life and Shaina picked up on that. Mother instills a sense of management, a sense of power, and a need for power and control for she is a powerful and controlling figure. She uses every piece of information at hand so that she can keep her family in line. Capricorns get all of this from their mother. So Shaina goes out into the world looking for her place to climb and wants to be the head of something at all costs. Shaina is a natural born leader because being born in the sign of Capricorn she is ready to learn about the responsibility of power. If she is in a hurry to get ahead in life she will use any means available, including using people to get what they want. Capricorns are also known as the mercenary of the zodiac for this reason. If they will learn to wait, to earn their position, they will be better off. The natural vibration of Capricorn will put them into positions of authority if they train themselves properly.
When the Capricorn female  grows up she wants to leave home to get away from the strong mother influence. Shaina doesn't immediately realize that she has the same strengths and abilities to manipulate others that her mother has. It would be wise to select a mate carefully; she needs to untie with a man who has strong power drives and ambition that matches her own. if he doesn't, Shaina will get angry and destroy him emotionally. She doesn't know her own strength in her youth; and may look like the ugly ducking and for this reason Shaina may not have a great deal of faith in her femininity. However when she reaches her thirties there's a transformation that keeps her looking attractive well into her seventies. Shaina will make a terrific partner for any man who wants to develop a business or political career, because she will work tirelessly with a man who is going somewhere.
As with all Capricorns she needs to learn how to relate emotionally because she feels uncomfortable with this aspect of herself. Emotional responses imply that one is out  of control, and she wants to know what is going on in her universe at all times. She represents a part of the feminine principle that has to deal with building and collecting and overseeing the universe. She wants to create boundaries, but emotional expression has to do with letting down boundaries. In order to be emotionally fulfilled, she will need to learn to let go of some of the control and work with the concept of universal flow- it will never let you down.
It is said that Capricorn falls from high places. Their symbol being the Mountian goat- climbing to the top of the mountains. the trick is to develop sure-footedness in order to climb the mountain with out falling. Some people think that they should just give up the climb but that would be wrong; Capricorns need to develop the qualities of an experienced mountain climber so that they can reach the top and do some good. The universe needs leadership, guidance into new traditions, and help to establish order and purpose in the social structure. Capricorns are the most theoretical of all of the Earth signs 
Putting it all Together:
So far all 3 Birth Charts we have looked at have all had a major Theme: The Ascendant signs completely mask the person that they are trying to be. Also, that these individuals are more than one sign blending into their Sun sign.
Shaina's chart shows that she has an internal struggle between being the Capricorn and being the creative fun person that she wants to be seen as plus there is a disconnect between her emotions and anything she deems "feminine". Here we see that Shaina has some pretty significant things going on just from looking at the Big 3: Shaina's Ascendant is in Leo which means that she comes off as someone who is fun, vibrant and self confident. As we look as her sun sign we notice that she is in fact a Capricorn; one who is suppose to naturally shy away from the "fun" side of life due to her pragmatic view of the world that she received from her mother. Factor in her emotional outlook and we can see ideals, philosophy, perspectives are all going to crash upon one another. Due to Shaina's upbringing she is at odds with what her mother taught her as a child. Since she only knows what it is like to be seen and not heard she has no idea how to manage her emotions or to convey her feelings in a percise way. To Shaina, emotions are illrelevant and have no purpose in her life. Because of this thought process she has neglected her feminine side and we see from her Moon being in Libra that even her emotions are intellectualized and rationalized without being felt. This aspect is then reinforced by the Leo on the Ascendant by not being able to handle emotional outbursts even if they are coming from herself. What Shaina needs to learn is that it is okay to express your emotions in a clear and constructive manner. Emotions need to be let out because they show you that you are out of balance. They inform you that you have been wounded, hurt, happy, sad and all of the other emotions in between so that you know on a regular basis if you are alright.   

1 comment:

  1. This was very accurate, especially the qualities of the ascendant/descendant (that durn Aquarius kicks in when I least expect it, haha) and the basic conflict of my life, the struggle between being Leo/Cap. I'm a little softer than the pure interpretation of Sun/Asc because my Neptune trines Ascendant and conjuncts Sun and I sit in that energy quite a bit (and Asc progressed to Virgo/Pisces axis when I was 13, which was marked by significant family events). I love the way you wove it all together at the end. Thank you again!!
