Friday, February 22, 2013

Shaina's Venus Profile...

Shaina's Venus Profile
Yesterday we took a look at the planet Saturn and discovered how the psychological influence of the father stayed with Shaina into her adulthood. Now we are going to see the psychological influence that the mother had over Shania.
The planetary influence of Venus shows us our attractions and our harmony. It can show you what you need and can give by way of love and affection, beauty and happiness. Positively it shows as social graces and charm. negatively represents indulgence, superficiallity and wanton pleasure seeking which can be interpreted as anti-social. It also represent the ability to relate, harmonize, and to express ones self through art and a sense of aesthetics. it has a great deal to do with female sexuality and sensuality and symbolizes what you like.
Venus is never far from the Sun but here it is. Venus is usually one sign ahead or behind the sun just as Mercury is. Here Venus is 2 signs behind the sun which is very unique. It represents the impact of the mother has on the child's psyche on a subconscious level. Every mother has her own attitudes regarding the concenpt of motherhood, the responcibilities of rearing children and viewpoints regarding self- value. If her mother had poorly developed concepts of regarding the feminine princible, if her self-estteem is low if she thinks that woman (or the feminine) have little value, these concepts will be passed into the child. Hard aspects indicate that Shaina's mother affected her child adversely becuase of her state of mind at the time. Becuase this influence happens within the first 3 years of Shaina's life the effect on the subconscious is hard to diagnose. The mother may change, mature, become self aware, develop self easttem later, and Sahina won't remember the early pattern. Shaina is receptive in the formative years to the attitudes projected by her mother; but her responce to the mother's influence is directed at herself. Shaina may feel like she is a second class citizen, she amy feel that women have no rights, and she may have little sense of self-esteem. She may be apprehensive regarding the role of the biological female; all phrases of the reproductive and mothering process may be affected in some adverse way, ranging from avoiding motherhood to overcompinsating for her dislike or apprehension regarding the child rearing process. Shaina may be defenseive of herself and her rights not seeing clearly that those ideas could be better established within. If Shaina has no need of her femininty, she may respond to love and affection with difficulty- it not seem natural to her. She may reject men who are nice to her, for when a woman regards herself as second rate she will be suspicious of anyone who likes her. As Shaina becomes conscious of the limitations of her hard aspects she can cure them and thereby enter into more satisfying relationships.  
Venus in Scorpio
Shaina loves deeply and intensely. Perhaps a bit too much, for she can find herself consumed by desire- and then mistake it for love. She will then wind you up trying to satisfy her emotional hunger with sexual indulgence, which doesn't bring her love. Or else she gets herself into a tight relationship where each of them is help hostage by her fearful needs. Or she might attempt to step out of the intimacy stakes altogether which takes some doing. What Shaina really needs to do is return to her first principles: you love deeply becuase at a deep level you want love to transform you. This presupposes that she do not know what love is until it has transformed her and her idea of it. In this way and in this way only can Shaina discover the profound commitment that she craves.
Venus in the 4th House
Shaina finds expression in her home and private life. so her interior decor is tasteful, and her flair for this might be employed on a professional level. Romance too is more happily persued in the home or family envirionemnt, where there is more likely to be a warm atmshpere and no unwelcome intrusions. Shaina's father and background are the wellspring of your sense of grace and charm and in times of stress Shaina will retreat to regenerate in her nest of pleasingly familiar surroundings.
Aspects to Venus
Venus Opposing Chairon
If they react to the confrontation by healing themselves and others they may develop talent as a teacher, counselor, healer, or visionary. Otherwise, they may find themselves flipping back and forth between wanting relationship and wanting to protect themselves from facing the painful issues. They may be drawn to toxic and painful relationships, and may sacrifice the rest of their lives in an attempt to endure the situation until the end. Chiron in this position may connotate somewhat of a loner who has learned to avoid relationships in order to preserve some semblance of inner peace, or in order to keep from engaging in painful interactions. However, the Chiron opposite Venus native may still feel compelled to act out a mentor/student relationship, which can still lead to other forms of relationship in the end.People with this aspect also have a problem with remaining comfortable and secure in their lives, as the financial security they seek is often the source of conflict, or may provide a toxic environment on some level. However, whether the aspect is applying to jobs or relationships, a focus on healing, education, and rising above it all may be the answer to resolving a difficult situation.
Venus is unaspected with any other planet:
Shaina very much needs a partner so that she can feel related and close. The qualities can then be experienced which means that she then feels an integrated member of soceity. In the process however she can exhibit a more or less take-it-or-leave-it attitude when it comes to love ties and social committments. This is because she is predisposed to expect a certain amount of freedom with regard to social involvements- as if there were no rules or constraints invloved. This kind of floating attitude can either be expressed by her as waywardness or irresponcibilty where relationships are concerned or, by way of compensation, she will be attreacted to partnerdhips where limitations and duties sharply defined. The former expression is more likely if there are indications of restlessness or evasiveness elsewhere in your personality; the latter will be more the case if her personality has a conservative bent or where the safer options are pursued in personal relationships. But at some stage of her early life Shaina felt socially confused, like an outcast or disinherited as a result of the diffuculty here in finding or knowing her social or romantic place.
Putting it all Together:
Looking at Shaina's Venus profile we see that Mother has alot to do with how Shaina interepets her self worth and her self value the way that her mother did. What Shaina has to remember is thaat eventhough she is a combination of mother and father it is up to her to be herself; pick the best parts of mom and dad and blend them together inside of her or completely discard what her parents taught her and be free to be the person that she has always wanted to be but didn't know how to go about it. There is a huge pull within Shaina to be exactly like her mother; but she is better than her mother in so many ways if she would just take the time to acknowledge herself in a positive light. It is interesting to note that it was her father that showed her how to retreat into pleasant surroundings not her mother. Maybe this started out as a coping mechanism that turned into a way of life to escape the dominating mother figure in her life. When Shaina begins to develop a healthy sense of herself for the right reasons she will be much happier with herself inside and out. The hard part for Shaina is to be open enough to see patterns that her parents had and not fall into the same trap of becoming them. Due to her parents "role playing" relationship Shaina has an incomplete understanding of what it truly means to love someone. she has so many apprehensions towards it that she will not be able to grow untill she understands that love is not sex and that you cannot get love from sex. Love is something that takes time, energy and effort but if she is willing to relate to her partnes in a loving and affectionalte manner without smothering then most of her mother issues will dissapear.  

1 comment:

  1. Super accurate! I especially like that you noted the Chiron opposition - that one drove me batshit for years and I ended up in a lot of teacher/student relationships. I didn't know the distance Venus sits from the Sun could be significant.

    I had a previous engagement where I started repeating the patterns of my parents' marriage (sexual attraction mixed with contempt and control issues) - fortunately when I chose to end that I started experiencing much more equal and positive relationships.

    An astrologer I used to have readings with once suggested that although my Saturn is 10 degrees off Venus it is still a wide conjunction and perhaps explains some things about my childhood. I had a very Venuslike childhood until 13, when my Asc progressed to Virgo (in retrospect I noticed the connection), when my family moved to OC and things were miserable for me for a long time (Saturn/Chiron).

    Thank you!!
