In case you were wondering where I came up with the name and slogan CLOCKWORK ILLUMINATION - Illuminating your life one tick at a time.... It is an evolution of thoughts and theories put together over decades of time. True, the name began on January 27th, 2013, but the concept has been in the making since 1991 when I would give people sun sign readings as a parlor trick. Linda Goodman's Sun signs helped me learn certain traits and features that I would incorporate into my daily life. The best part is that the book quoted one of my favorite childhood books: Alice in Wonderland which made it easier to commit to memory. After completion of this book I had come to the conclusion (like I said in the FB post a long time ago) that my career would be in child development or child psychology because I was so fascinated with the concept of "Nature vs. Nurture" because Linda went to explain the Gemini boy , the Gemini Girl, The Gemini Employee, etc and the differences between each of the 12 signs in a way that I could digest and understand. My fascination I now understand was from my own deep seeded need of trying to figure out my place in this world and how I related to it that drove me to think that way. To see how much of my Self was from my parents, my environmentt and which was actually myself. After learning such information I expanded my vision to incorporate psychology, behavioral neuroscience and deviant behavior so I could understand how the mind worked and how "nature vs. nurture" played a role in the teenage to adult psyche. I researched a lot about the mind, the psyche even going so far as to get my Associates in Anthropology so i could study sociology and Magic, witchcraft and religion. At this point I understood on a cellular level why we did what we did; that i may be predestined to certain ailments due to heredity. That Certain chemicals and a knock to the prefrontal cortex could create a serial killer. Even a mother's simple spanking of her male son over the thighs and all he can see is her heels could trigger a fetish within him years later.That environment can and will shape your life if you let it and yet I still was left feeling empty. Then astrology opened my eyes to something that still keeps me in awe til this day- the clockwork mechanism that is yourself! how you work, what makes you tick, how do you relate to others? All of this fascinates me which is why I created Clockwork Illumination.
Since then I have held a more than an enthusiastic point of view when it comes to true astrology. Reading the newspaper "sun signs" does not constitute as true astrology. In reality, a person can be more than one sign blended together to create the "sun sign" that you read within the paper. Richard's chart is an example of just that. Even though him and I are both in fact Gemini's we are very different beings. Yes we have some similarities but we are essentially different types of Geminis. it was this understanding that people are the same and yet different that made me liken people to clocks. That as time goes by some change for the better or the worse... you have a ticking clock that helps serve as a guide to where you have been, what "baggage" you are taking with you and why. then we see where you are at as an adult to see if you have learned any of the lessons or overcome any obstacles that the natal chart spoke of. Once the Transits are introduced and we see how the planets affect you on a regular basis so you can see your patterns and learn from them. Hence the illumination portion of the name. I have always loved shining light on things that are in the dark. Illuminating things in such a way that it brings enlightenment to the person that needed it. that is something very important to me but only if they want it; I learned my lesson from casting pearls of wisdom to swine, dogs, and snakes... Some people just aren't ready to handle the truth it seems... even if it will help them in their life.
I call myself a life interpreter because i incorporate astrology, psychology, sociology, and life experience into interpreting your life. I help serve as a guide to your life; pointing out helpful/ harmful patterns that help you better understand yourself as a whole. sometimes we as human beings have a tendency of blocking out certain things that we do not want to confront. We willingly blind ourselves so that we do not see the things that are going on in our everyday life. When all other methods do not give you the things that you are looking for try to find a life interpreter (like me) who knows about astrology so they can help shed light on the things that you should focus on in order to unblock yourself in these areas... you will be surprised at the things you will learn about yourself.
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