Here we have another birth chart that I was graciously allowed to analyze for my friend Logan. Using the same method as Richard's chart we will be taking a closer look at all the things that make Logan tick.
The Big 3...
Gemini Ascendant + Sagittarius Descendant, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Cancer
The Ascendant indicates the things that we are trying to be; not the things that we are. This is where the individual creates her persona; a survival mechanism that allows us to put our best foot forward and be seen for what we want to be seen as. Depending on the environment the ascendant qualities and traits might have been more accepted than the person's sun and moon aspects were. When this happens the person learns to hide their "true self" and only bring out their "representative" i.e. the ascendant sign. What is challenging is that when we are young we are at odds with our selves- the person that we are trying to be (the Ascendant), the person that we are (the Sun) and how that person responds to life. (the Moon)
Ascendant in Gemini
Logan's self expression, identity, character, self image all stem from a Gemini type of vibration as we look at her chart. So what Logan appears to be to everyone that meets her is a Gemini. Her approach to life is that of spirit and inquiry. she loves making connections between one thing or another without having to make any sense of where it is all heading or what it all means. she prides herself on knowing many different people from different walks of life. Logan has a great wit and knows how to use words. Even though Logan puts forth all this effort to be likable there is a part of her that remains aloof and elusive. She attracts others that want to teach her how to become some kind of comprehensive whole. The other self or person that Logan lets into her life can help her organize her into an entity that has more meaning and emotional integrity if she lets them. Usually that makes Logan feel preached at and she tries to find ways of wriggling around in order to remain the free agent that she identifies being; even chopping and changing identities to do this.
Her friendliness and conversational ease give way to the lie that behind this ability languishes a quite aloof and even supercilious being. it's ass if there is a dimension to your personality that you feel is apart from the world, that no one can ever understand. this is Logan's shadow and as such she is denied, she winds up feeling like there is a part of her that she must keep out of sight, and so she uses her agile tongue and wits to throw Other off the scent. If Logan accepted her shadow, she would find that is not so much superiority but more of a sense of your higher self- looking out for you in spite of yourself.
Relationships that appear like they are going somewhere make Logan happy. But with her dilettante-like nature Logan will interpret it to mean a literal trip somewhere. To Logan, her relationship has to amount to something like a moral statement. Likening her relationship to a hair clasp that holds together all of the desperate strands of her Mercurial temperment. When or if Logan is ever alone she really isn't. She has her alter ego for company and this is a clue as to why Logan is alone: she is disinclined to allow an Other to see the side to your nature which is the "dark twin" that is, the one who you assume would not be accepted by the Other. What characterizes Logan's dark twin you may know in your heart. What ever it is Logan it needs to be let out so that it might grow to be seen, known, loved and transformed. Mercury is Logan's ruling planet since she has a Gemini rising.With Sagittarius on the Descendant Logan's partners, alter ego, her better half, projected self and Shadow are all giving off a Sagittarius vibe. this shows us where Logan is getting her "dark heart" from. We will find out more when we look at Logan's Jupiter profile.
The Sun
If the Ascendant tells us who we are trying to be then the Sun placement shows us what we are or who we are. This is our true self; we just hide it underneath the persona of the Ascendant. When we chase and pursue our persona we neglect the person that were are suppose to be. Here we see that Logan's sun sign is actually Cancer. Giving her water- like qualities but expressed through Gemini's quick wit, sharp tongue and lack of caring whole-heartily.
Sun in Cancer
Logan's purpose in life is to nurture and care for whatever or whomever you believe needs it. she has an instinct for survival, marked by a sense of what best constitutes protection and nourishment. Logan's sense of need, sympathy, and emotional receptivity which makes Logan a natural wife and mother, and she meets her own needs through the needs of others. Only problem is that the Cancerian lifestyle of home being a priority, becomes dull and automatic and can turn into more of a prison life than an actual life. The key to a Cancer type being happy: is to have someone or something to selflessly care for is how the Cancer becomes secure and happy. So what become clinging claws or would "clam up" at the slightest sign of emotional intrusion, then become a pair of open arms that holds firmly, cradles gently. The acute awareness of someone else's feelings, which negatively can feel threatened an be used to emotionally blackmail, becomes a ray of healing. Creating a motto of "Who cares is cared for"
Sun in First house
Logan needs to realize that it is okay to be a Cancer. that it isn't okay to pretend to be a Gemini when she has so much more to offer the world by showing us her Cancerian side. She should allow and trust her identity to shine through shadows and all .Because Logan does wear her heart on her sleeve it might make her feel self conscious but it can lead to a feeling that all of your worse aspects are showing and so she retreats behind a cloud. Logan needs to learn how to resist hiding her own light or she'd be missing the whole point of having a bright sunny personality that shed light on all that it touches or regard as important. The other extreme is that Logan can turn her self-consciousness into arrogance which prevents her from taking on board any useful feedback for fear of it being negative. Working up an enthusiasm for yourself tempered with a bit of modesty, will put a smile on the faces of both yourself and others
The Moon
The Moon reflects the light the sun is giving off. it shows us how we respond to the others, the world and to ourselves when we are emotionally hurt. It indicates our security needs, the mother, and fear of the unknown. Since this is Logan's sun sign ruler the moon plays a big role in her life. Let's sees how:
Moon in Cancer
You need to feel familiar with your surroundings. the establishing a home or a garden is something that is very important to Logan. she is also a sympathetic and caring soul who makes others feel at home. if Logan's security and need for the familiar get the better of her will power and faith in life itself then she can wind of feeling uncomfortably needy of others and limiting your sphere of involvement to the point of stagnation. Behind this motivation was her mother's influence that probably consisted of the best and worse aspects of maternal love. Mommy cared greatly for you but used emotional blackmail to ensure that you cared for her. Logan also tends to do this with people whom she cares deeply for and is emotionally attached to. It would be wise to put a bit of space between you and mommy and anybody else in your emotional life because of her emotional responses Logan is wonderfully fluid and elicits strong feelings from others. She tends to overlook the value of being a natural carer and it makes others overlook it as well. So take this as a good thing but do not become a mother hen!
Moon in the First
This need and emotional disposition that Logan has is what she is constantly living by for it is how she immediately responds to all life situations. There is a child-like quality to how you out yourself across, and therefore like a child she can be anything from ingenuously enchanting to acutely annoying.
Logan is a trinity with 1 air sign and 2 water signs making her have a pretty well balanced. This tells us that Logan can work through most personality issues and handles life crisis better than most. It is interesting to note that The rising sign of Gemini is followed by both the Sun and the Moon in Cancer.
Water signs and Cancer
Water signs bring feeling and emotional understanding to the ideas and concepts of the air signs. With that being said Logan is a Cancer. she is the most personal of all of the water signs. they respond intensely to their environments and as a result they are among the more sensitive in the universe. She is ruled by the Moon who is known as the great mood changer. This isn't a easy sign to live out since the emotional tensions and sensitivities create great inner turmoil in these individuals. Cancer is a cardinal sign that is full of energy and possessing a great ambition to do something in this world but because of the emotional tensions no one really sees the driving ambition. This also happens to be the sign of the orphans of the zodiac. Even when the Cancer keeps both of their parents the children feel emotionally orphaned or emotionally deprived.
Logan came into this world in a mother-dominated world. the mother ruled the marriage at the time of Logan's birth. If the father is missing or is absent the Cancer child feels that the mother rules the universe. the father could be gone for a number of different reasons but Logan never knew the reason why he left. he just did. Logan just saw that mothers do everything and that her mother seemed to be a particular type of person: she's highly manipulative, she controls people around her by never showing her personality as a woman; she handles people by acting the role of mother surrogate or by acting the role of helpless little girl. Logan saw this kind of behavior growing up and decided that when she grows up she wants to be just like mommy and so Logan plays the role of Big mama or helpless little girl. Cancers have a hard time understanding how to play the role of adults; they control their relationships by being a parent or child which can cause difficulties in career or relationships.
Traditionally, Cancer females present their self as a helpless little thing who needs protection. Logan marries a man who will save her from her environment. Logan develops into a strong woman following after her mother since she is mother dominated. Logan won't have any idea of her own strength until she's around 30... she felt left out as an infant; her mother's love wasn't apparent and since she wants security as an adult. so when she feels uncomfortable in a relationships shell use her wiles to regain control: either by playing helpless so that her partner will have to take care of her, or by being insecure, which usually manifests in wonderful jealousies. when there is insecurity there is a tendency to overcompensate, so she may be jealous of her husbands friends or even his business. she may also call him at the office 20 times a day, may pull scenes if he comes home late from work because he stopped to talk to someone or become a parasite looking for constant reassurance of his love and affection. the irony here is although Logan needs love and affection she may have difficulty giving it in return because she never saw her mother give it. Through observing her mother Logan learned that one must control men, manipulate them gently into getting what she wants. Logan learned so well these lessons that her mother was teaching her that she has a lot of "gimme" in her personality till Logan matures out of it. For a role playing relationship these traits that Logan learned will work beautifully until she wants a relationship that has more meaning. then these traits will hinder her in an adult relationship.
Thanks to mommy being so competent Logan can become quite aggressive in the career area. she wants to make money so that she can spend it. She wants to have a nice place to come home to when she gets tired of the world. Contrary to belief Cancers aren't homebodies... they like to have the choice of going to their beautiful home or be out in the world exploring and feeling with the masses.
Cancer is the sign that indicates nurturing and growth; teach and train, to encourage and help others. They do well in helping professions, make good teachers, and are helpful to people in general. They can be moody and intuitive and function better if they listen to their intuition more than their intellect. No one paid any attention to the Cancer child in the home so grades became important to prove to the world that they were as smart as everyone else. They are often put down because they have emotional responses in stead of rational responses. The emotional response it the beginning of the intuitive process which the rest of the signs have to learn to do. Logan responds to feelings better than words. ask them how they feel about it versus what they think about it. If the Cancer rejects their intuitive side they become stiff and over rational. Once Logan learns to value her wonderful intuitive self she won't go through this anymore.
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