Monday, February 25, 2013

Shaina's Retrogrades: Mercury

Today we are going to divert from my usual beaten path and talk/ discuss Retrogrades. In particularly Shaina's Mercury Retrograde. Normally I do not bring up this area of the chart because it can confuse people but since there are some blocks concerning Shaina's Mercury I thought that this would be a good time to introduce the concept of Mercury Retrograde.
Retrograde Mercury
To begin with there is a threefold phase retrograde process: (1) jumping ahead of them self trying to live the future now (2)in the process of living out the future, experiencing the feelings that she has already been there (3) Repeating in mind the first phase, so that she is actually reliving the looking forward to a future that has already occurred.
If we break down the symbol of Mercury we see that there are in fact 3 elements that make up this symbol: the circle of Spirit resting between the crescent of Soul and the Cross of Matter that together represent the way that we process and understand ourselves. The crescent on top symbolizes the Soul which is actively pouring itself downward into Spirit which in turn strives to express itself outwardly by pushing its ideas downward further into the Cross of Matter. In order for this process to work man must have the understanding that all knowing comes from the highest plane and gradually shifts down to the lowest. When a person is in tune with  them self all of his knowledge originates in his Soul and then by penetrating the Spirit seek its outward expression through the actions of the body and their responses to the body of form they sees in the world around them.
When Mercury is in retrograde the natural priority of Soul over Spirit over matter becomes inverted. Individuals are more concerned with the form of life as well as understanding the form in all things around them. Then through their perception  of whether such form either fits or contradicts the ideas of form they established in them self through prior incarnations they react in Spirit. Finally when the form is satisfied, and Spirit is activated they achieve contentment with form and allows them self to experience their soul.  
Shaina's conscious mind is capable of tapping ideas in the universal consciousness from prior times. She is most likely unaware that she has the ability to do so but what she is aware of is she cannot make others understand all she knows. Because Mercury's Symbol is inverted matter takes precedence over Spirit and Soul. This causes Shaina to be become preoccupied with the form of ideas and this acts like a block to the essence of her knowledge. Her wavelength is slightly different from the rest of society in terms of her mental life.  thought processes tend to repeat like an endless record and as a result most of the things she creates are in different shapes or forms, carbon copies of things that she has done. When she speaks she had difficulty project the exact telepathic pictures which convey the meaning of her thoughts. Thus she often feels misunderstood and wonders why others do not always see the things the way that she does. Shaina believes herself more separated from society than a person with a direct motion Mercury might.(retrogrades seen from the Earth appear to be spinning backwards which is where they get the name retrograde) So as a result she tries to desperately develop contact with others to the point that she often overemphasises her ideas till they can actually become an annoyance to those around them. uncomfortable in company, she tries too hard to win the acceptance of others. Still at the slightest hint of rejection she can give up too easily. ultimately Shaina learns that her safety is in growing more detached and impersonal than those people with direct motion Mercury. It can also be called a "coldness" but it is only the vibration of the retrograde Mercury which is obviously disharmonious with direst motion Mercury. Underneath the apparent wall, Shaina is a lot more sensitive than most people would realize. Once the communication barrier is passed there is a tremendous amount of insight that comes out. She should try her best not to make the form of her life fit into the ideas and opinions of others around her. instead find comfort in being grateful for her rather unique way of seeing things. Shaina is an excellent student even though it may take a little longer to grasp the ideas and principles. In the End she'll know the lessons better than everyone else. This happens because she ignores nothing. When it comes to areas of learning she is unwilling to skip over something that leaves her with questions.      
Mercury in Capricorn
Shaina is a very deep and weighty thinker. Having once made the mistake she has the ability to understand it on a deep level with a great sense of perspective. She can then approach the source or similar construct again and make it work correctly. In her early years it seemed like she did things the hard way but this helped her to achieve much later on. Self-expression was difficult for her, for she tries too hard to pinpoint her exact meaning. So she only talks about things that are either meaningful, serious, or which represent sobriety. Shaina doesn't live a spontaneous life, for it is easier for her to be more in tune with the purpose of her own thought patterns, than the natural flow of forces in the world around her. In all things she always considers the end result before she will even contemplate the steps that she might take  towards achieving it. Thus, she is highly pragmatic and practical. Shaina brought with her into this incarnation the knowledge of how man attains his physical goals in substance, she knows the steps that must be taken to achieve anything substantial, and will draw on this past life knowledge again and again in order to try to convey this to others who are always looking for the easy way out. She is more easily understood later in life after the weight of her thinking has found suitable outlets in traditional society. In the first half of her life she can go through paranoid periods in which she gets bogged down in her own depth. She is more than able to plod herself out. Her greatest difficulties lie in personal relationships as others tend to loose patience with all she is trying to build.
Mercury in the 5th house
Experiencing difficulties in focusing her mental energies she is working on a Karma learning how to make her mental plane productively creative. Curiosity leads her to leap ahead into the multitude of ideas that she would like to create. Yet it is easier to think about creating or telling others what she would like to create than actually carry out her projects completely. She experiences great sexual tensions whose energies are constantly spilling over into her mental centers. Attracted to younger people, she finds it easier to express herself to them. when she is around her own age or older she becomes more inhibited. Shaina is confronted with the conflict between being the actress at the center of her life or being a spectator of it, through observing the actions of others.
She is attracted to reading romantic novels as well as stories of how people reached their greatness but has difficulty putting her knowledge into practice. She often thinks that she should be doing more than she is and this keeps her mind racing further and further into the future while the natural quality of Retrogrades is to look back keeps receiving glimpses of how little she has accomplished in her past. She must learn how to overcome these frustrating mental pictures which keep impeding her in all that she thinks she could be. Some are inclined to shy away from the opposite sex, as childhood problems are reprojected into individuals of the opposite sex in their present and their future.In addition there is the tendency to project personal childhood inadequacies onto her own children. The Karma in this placement is to be able to understand how to organize and create the present from all that Shaina has been conscious to in the past. 
Putting it all Together:
Even the Mercury Retrograde profile pointed out the difficulties that Shaina had as a child when it came to Perception and communication. It also reiteraltes Shaina's famous Leo/ Cap struggle within herself. At least this gives some more insight as to why she had to go through this and what she needed to take from her life experience and apply it to her "now".  

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Shaina's Chiron Profile...

***The information seen on this page comes from a combination of multiple sources in its entirety: Solar Fire, CHIRON ~The Healing Pathway to Personal and Global Reconciliation by Candy Hillenbrand, and for the sole purpose of this discussion. This is not plagiarism;
Only the "Putting it all Together"  and (...) is written by me.*** 
Chiron as an indicator of "early childhood issues" which affect and in some ways determine their physical and psychological well-being as adults. Chiron can be a bit of a "blind spot" with some folks and thus much be approached with tact and compassion. These are often sore-spots, and there can be outright denial or rejection if you get too close to the truth. The upside to Chiron is that when the placement is in relatively good condition, there can be something of a "blessing in disguise" energy related to Chiron. One could lose a job for example, then discover that they are in the perfect place to start a new business. Or, they could lose an abusive partner days before meeting someone they might have rejected previously.
Healing ability: A prominent Chiron can indicate healing ability. In general, the number of aspects (in this case 3) between Chiron and the other planets indicates the degree of healing potential in a client, but you will find it is almost inevitable when Chiron is close to an axis-point, especially the Ascendant or Midheaven. (which we see here as it is next to the Midheaven)
Chiron in the natal chart represents our "deepest wound". It shows an area of our lives and part of our psyches in which we lack self-esteem or even self-respect and tend to overcompensate as a result. We tend to give and give and give in these areas of life, until we learn to build our confidence. Chiron represents insecurity, guilt, and, to some degree, subservience. We feel a seemingly endless need to prove ourselves in these areas of life, until we learn that proving ourselves simply never works! In fact, it ends up making us feel even more ineffective.
Chiron in Taurus
You will experience a crisis of values. You may experience a lack of self-worth and over-compensate by accruing money and possessions. You may also distrust your body, or feel that your body is not beautiful. You will learn to rely on your own and your body's experiences, and could become a healer.
With Chiron in this placement, values and security are prominent issues in your life. You may feel that you have never been given enough - materially, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Ultimately, your heart may feel neglected and undernourished leading to poor self-esteem. You may over-compensate this inner wound by accruing money and possessions, or clinging to people in the hopes that they can provide you with that missing sense of security. With Chiron here, you may also mistrust your body, feeling that it will let you down, or you may perceive that your body is not beautiful. There may be an injury or physical trauma that you find difficult to come to terms with, or you may have suffered pain through financial loss or financial insecurity.
Make a list of what you have received in your life, particularly from your parents and loved ones. Keep listing until you can acknowledge the abundance that the Universe has provided for you with sincere gratitude and love. Where you feel you have not been given your due, list the ways in which not receiving has helped you to acknowledge the true abundance that lies inside you - in your heart. Also, list out in two columns what you do and don't like about your body and for each list why. For each answer of 'why' look deeper and list the why of that, you will soon find that appearances are truly only skin deep -- your strength and beauty lie inside - -- in your heart.
The Gift of Chiron in Taurus lies in the acknowledgement of the abundance of love that lies within your own heart................... the Universe provides. You were created in love to express love, and there is no end to that love.
Essential oils which will assist in dissipating and coming to terms with these feelings are: Hyacinth, sandalwood, vetiver, ylang ylang, rose maroc, jasmine, carnation, bergamot, geranium, ormenis flower, cedarwood, tuberose.

Chiron in the 10th House
You suffer from feelings of inadequacy in the outside world and a feeling that your worth is not being recognised. You may be unsure over your career path. Later, you may have a profession as a wounded healer or teacher.
A 10th house placement of Chiron often manifests in a difficulty in setting and achieving goals, or finding our niche in society. There is also the possibility that we may be living up to parental expectations to achieve where they have failed - carrying other's burdens is often a theme, particularly that of the mother. Feelings of inadequacy and that you are not acknowledged for your true worth can also be issues.
If these themes are manifesting in your life, try listing the ways in which you are acknowledged and appreciated by others. Also, make a list of what you believe your value is. Acknowledge your value. Then for each instance where you feel that you are not valued, recognised or heard, list the ways in which this has helped you to value, recognise and hear yourself.
Chiron's special gift here is the acknowledgement of your own value. To recognise yourself and where your gifts lie. To listen and hear the messages of your own heart, see your special place in the Universe, and to help others do the same.
Essential oils which will assist in dissipating and coming to terms with these feelings are: Cardamon, lemon, ginger, black pepper, bergamot, orange, jasmine, rose otto, ormenis flower, basil, peppermint, linden blossom, vetiver, jasmine, clary sage.

Aspects of Chiron
Chiron Sesquisquare Mercury
This is the realm of the mind rather than the heart. The native can tend to be a bit of a "know it all", and the degree to which this is a benefit or a drawback may be indicated by the number of supportive versus challenging aspects.
The Wounding: A communication wound. Feeling misunderstood and unable to communicate.
Parental/environmental Message: "We don't like the way you communicate."
Internalised Message: "You don't understand me. You don't listen to me. I am dumb."
Healing the Wound: Singing, public speaking, chanting, writing, playing a musical instrument. Creative expression of sound. Throat chakra unblocking and healing. Practice of Right Speech and Thought. Snapdragon and Calendula flower essences.
The Gift: The ability to understand others and to teach the art of effective communication and problem solving.
Chiron Opposing Venus
You tend to suffer emotional pain in your personal relationships. You are so busy caring for your loved ones that you neglect your own needs. This imbalance can lead to you resenting your partners . You also tend to become the peacemaker as you are so sensitive to disharmony. You need to learn to nurture yourself and trust your own wisdom.
This native approaches sexual and sensual experiences with a childlike charm and innocence that makes them incredibly attractive. When the two planets are in harmonious contact, a client might be having sexual or creative experiences which are out of the normal realms of social tastes, but are absolutely vital to their own personal development. There can be problems with sexual or gender identity when the two planets are not in harmony, and a challenging aspect can indicate physical, emotional or sexual abuse in childhood. These people become expert at "reading" the motives of other people, and learn to use their sexuality as a shield of protection.
The Wounding: A wound in the area of relationships. Wounded partners. Taking on the wounds of others. Grief, loss of the loved one or beloved. Wounded in love or wounding others in love. Feeling unloved. A wound to the heart.
Parental/environmental Message: "Our love is conditional. We will love you if..."
Internalised Message: "I don't like, appreciate or approve of myself. I am unlovable. Nobody loves me."
Healing the Wound: All experiences of unconditional love. Heart chakra healing. The practice of forgiveness and compassion. The path of Bhakti Yoga (Devotion). Devotional music. Massage and touching. Reiki. The practice of Right Human Relationships. Holly and Borage flower essences. Rose essential oil.
The Gift: The ability to help others heal their relationships. Counselling. Diplomacy. Love.
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
You have a tendency to suffer needlessly. You see yourself as a martyr-like figure. You need to look after yourself, and to be honest with other people.
A stressful Neptune-Chiron placement can indicate that the native is, frankly, not living in the real world. They can often be quite aware that they are "professional daydreamers", and a career in the arts, television or film can be a positive expression of a good contact between these two planets. However, they can indicate self-deception and delusional thinking, drug and sexual abuse when they are strongly challenged.

Putting it all Together:
It seems that Chiron reiterates the core of the problem: self image issues based off of the mother. The way that she reacted in front of, towards and to Shaina has left a deep wound within her. Shaina's concept of the feminine as well as her ability to be comfortable with her body image and self-value are severly lacking here. Throughout this whole discussion of Shaina's chart we see reflections of how her mothers influence has been embedded into her entire being. Her mother was such a powerful figure in her life that it is even indicated here within the Chiron profile. As I have suggested before that there are a lot of issues concerning the mother and her treatment of Shaina- from the aspect that she was better seen and not heard which affected her communication skills (chiron/Mercury) Her ability to find any positivity in the feminine mystique (chiron/Venus) and as a result she feels like everything is her fault (chiron/Neptune). Also I should note that there are actually 8 aspects connected to Chiron: the 3 above mentioned plus the asteriods- Pallas Athena, Ceres, Hygia, and  Lillth (or black moon). 3 of these asteriods are directly related to the feminine principle(Pallas, Ceres and Lillith) which again reinforces the fact that there are heavy issues regarding Women or anything Feminine. The concerns that Shaina has in adulthood can be summed up in Chiron and its aspects; By the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun eventhough it represents the Father figure it is in the sign of Capricorn which is governed by a controling mother-dominated enviornment. Since this is a very sensitive subject and area this is all I will expand on for this discussion.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Shaina's Venus Profile...

Shaina's Venus Profile
Yesterday we took a look at the planet Saturn and discovered how the psychological influence of the father stayed with Shaina into her adulthood. Now we are going to see the psychological influence that the mother had over Shania.
The planetary influence of Venus shows us our attractions and our harmony. It can show you what you need and can give by way of love and affection, beauty and happiness. Positively it shows as social graces and charm. negatively represents indulgence, superficiallity and wanton pleasure seeking which can be interpreted as anti-social. It also represent the ability to relate, harmonize, and to express ones self through art and a sense of aesthetics. it has a great deal to do with female sexuality and sensuality and symbolizes what you like.
Venus is never far from the Sun but here it is. Venus is usually one sign ahead or behind the sun just as Mercury is. Here Venus is 2 signs behind the sun which is very unique. It represents the impact of the mother has on the child's psyche on a subconscious level. Every mother has her own attitudes regarding the concenpt of motherhood, the responcibilities of rearing children and viewpoints regarding self- value. If her mother had poorly developed concepts of regarding the feminine princible, if her self-estteem is low if she thinks that woman (or the feminine) have little value, these concepts will be passed into the child. Hard aspects indicate that Shaina's mother affected her child adversely becuase of her state of mind at the time. Becuase this influence happens within the first 3 years of Shaina's life the effect on the subconscious is hard to diagnose. The mother may change, mature, become self aware, develop self easttem later, and Sahina won't remember the early pattern. Shaina is receptive in the formative years to the attitudes projected by her mother; but her responce to the mother's influence is directed at herself. Shaina may feel like she is a second class citizen, she amy feel that women have no rights, and she may have little sense of self-esteem. She may be apprehensive regarding the role of the biological female; all phrases of the reproductive and mothering process may be affected in some adverse way, ranging from avoiding motherhood to overcompinsating for her dislike or apprehension regarding the child rearing process. Shaina may be defenseive of herself and her rights not seeing clearly that those ideas could be better established within. If Shaina has no need of her femininty, she may respond to love and affection with difficulty- it not seem natural to her. She may reject men who are nice to her, for when a woman regards herself as second rate she will be suspicious of anyone who likes her. As Shaina becomes conscious of the limitations of her hard aspects she can cure them and thereby enter into more satisfying relationships.  
Venus in Scorpio
Shaina loves deeply and intensely. Perhaps a bit too much, for she can find herself consumed by desire- and then mistake it for love. She will then wind you up trying to satisfy her emotional hunger with sexual indulgence, which doesn't bring her love. Or else she gets herself into a tight relationship where each of them is help hostage by her fearful needs. Or she might attempt to step out of the intimacy stakes altogether which takes some doing. What Shaina really needs to do is return to her first principles: you love deeply becuase at a deep level you want love to transform you. This presupposes that she do not know what love is until it has transformed her and her idea of it. In this way and in this way only can Shaina discover the profound commitment that she craves.
Venus in the 4th House
Shaina finds expression in her home and private life. so her interior decor is tasteful, and her flair for this might be employed on a professional level. Romance too is more happily persued in the home or family envirionemnt, where there is more likely to be a warm atmshpere and no unwelcome intrusions. Shaina's father and background are the wellspring of your sense of grace and charm and in times of stress Shaina will retreat to regenerate in her nest of pleasingly familiar surroundings.
Aspects to Venus
Venus Opposing Chairon
If they react to the confrontation by healing themselves and others they may develop talent as a teacher, counselor, healer, or visionary. Otherwise, they may find themselves flipping back and forth between wanting relationship and wanting to protect themselves from facing the painful issues. They may be drawn to toxic and painful relationships, and may sacrifice the rest of their lives in an attempt to endure the situation until the end. Chiron in this position may connotate somewhat of a loner who has learned to avoid relationships in order to preserve some semblance of inner peace, or in order to keep from engaging in painful interactions. However, the Chiron opposite Venus native may still feel compelled to act out a mentor/student relationship, which can still lead to other forms of relationship in the end.People with this aspect also have a problem with remaining comfortable and secure in their lives, as the financial security they seek is often the source of conflict, or may provide a toxic environment on some level. However, whether the aspect is applying to jobs or relationships, a focus on healing, education, and rising above it all may be the answer to resolving a difficult situation.
Venus is unaspected with any other planet:
Shaina very much needs a partner so that she can feel related and close. The qualities can then be experienced which means that she then feels an integrated member of soceity. In the process however she can exhibit a more or less take-it-or-leave-it attitude when it comes to love ties and social committments. This is because she is predisposed to expect a certain amount of freedom with regard to social involvements- as if there were no rules or constraints invloved. This kind of floating attitude can either be expressed by her as waywardness or irresponcibilty where relationships are concerned or, by way of compensation, she will be attreacted to partnerdhips where limitations and duties sharply defined. The former expression is more likely if there are indications of restlessness or evasiveness elsewhere in your personality; the latter will be more the case if her personality has a conservative bent or where the safer options are pursued in personal relationships. But at some stage of her early life Shaina felt socially confused, like an outcast or disinherited as a result of the diffuculty here in finding or knowing her social or romantic place.
Putting it all Together:
Looking at Shaina's Venus profile we see that Mother has alot to do with how Shaina interepets her self worth and her self value the way that her mother did. What Shaina has to remember is thaat eventhough she is a combination of mother and father it is up to her to be herself; pick the best parts of mom and dad and blend them together inside of her or completely discard what her parents taught her and be free to be the person that she has always wanted to be but didn't know how to go about it. There is a huge pull within Shaina to be exactly like her mother; but she is better than her mother in so many ways if she would just take the time to acknowledge herself in a positive light. It is interesting to note that it was her father that showed her how to retreat into pleasant surroundings not her mother. Maybe this started out as a coping mechanism that turned into a way of life to escape the dominating mother figure in her life. When Shaina begins to develop a healthy sense of herself for the right reasons she will be much happier with herself inside and out. The hard part for Shaina is to be open enough to see patterns that her parents had and not fall into the same trap of becoming them. Due to her parents "role playing" relationship Shaina has an incomplete understanding of what it truly means to love someone. she has so many apprehensions towards it that she will not be able to grow untill she understands that love is not sex and that you cannot get love from sex. Love is something that takes time, energy and effort but if she is willing to relate to her partnes in a loving and affectionalte manner without smothering then most of her mother issues will dissapear.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Shaina's Pluto Profile...

Pluto: Shaina's Transformative Side
Today we are going to be looking at Shaina's Pluto Profile and how the Plutonian energy affects her. The reason that we are starting on Pluto today is because the sign that Saturn is ruled by in her chart is Scorpio and Scorpio is naturally ruled by Pluto. So lets see what we can learn:
Pluto represents power and transformation; it is the seed of power within one's self. This can amount to a sense of destiny or just an obsession. It is also known as the lord of the underworld, urging you to get in touch with your deep and profound levels of consciousness. It is the power of death and transformation and of sexuality and the secrets of birth and all other things. Pluto governs the hidden (occult) and the darker side of life. So Pluto either regenerates or destroys- nothing in between.It has the power to harm or to heal as no other planetary force and it shows you depths (which you might sink to) and insight (that you gained thereby)
Some keywords for the energy of Pluto can be: I'm unconsciously motivated, my generation is unconsciously motivated, I'm obsessed by or I want to be in control of.
Pluto in Scorpio
This generation witnesses the inevitable surfacing of previously hidden or repressed facts and feelings. The deeper and more profound qualities of human nature appear along with, or in some cases are preceded by the most degenerate and coarse aspects of it. This is like a gigantic boil that just had to burst and the poison cleared up, actually forcing us to find a more thorough and effective means of healing and dealing with society's ills. Keywords for Scorpio: searching, feeling unwanted, strong need for love, and researching.
Pluto in the 3rd house
For Shaina, any call of transformation and for depth of experiences is aimed at areas of communication such as education, everyday encounters with relatives, neighbors etc. Such areas are usually noted for their ordinariness, and so she could  well play down heavier and darker emotions such as guilt, desire, phobias and the like. Or as a child they may have been kept out of the way for you- or thrust under your nose in the form of some sort of crisis at school, the death of a brother or a sister, or something that deeply disturbed Shaina's ability to communicate. One day she will appreciate the power of thoughts and words and seemingly commonplace everyday occurrences. This apprehension could show itself as an interest in anything that requires deep thinking- like psychology, detective work, the transforming of her local environment through tackling pollution or informing your neighbors of something of great importance. If Shaina uses writing or spoken word to convey her deeper feelings then her writing will be aimed at altering the very way in which we look at life. She aims to introduce a more profound intellectual tone to her surroundings.  
Aspects to Pluto
Pluto Conjunct Moon
Due to Pluto's closeness to The Moon we will consider this planet to be a personal planet. Pluto conjuncting with the Moon symbolizes  a coercive mother image that needs to free oneself from the confusion caused by a controlling mother and her effect on the feminine image in Shaina's own psyche. Until this confusion is understood it may be difficult for Shaina to develop the feeling side of her self. Shaina's personal power and influence are checked and complicated by the negative traits of her moon profile (also refer to the Big 3 + Big 3 Aspected for more information) and by a suspicion that someone or something is out to control her. This is because she absorbed the negative emotions of others especially from her mother. Her own intense and vehement emotional nature resented this and built up an obsessive resistance to changing her emotional disposition or domestic situation- even though she don't really like it. Sooner or later she will be called upon to confront and free these rich, dark feelings once and for all.
Pluto Sextile Neptune
Generationally speaking you know that we are all in the same boat and its time to sink or swim with your fellow human beings.You are helped in taking steps towards enlightenment by the fact that doing so has become a more generally accepted pursuit.
Putting it all Together:
Now we are getting a clearer picture into the early childhood life of Shaina; it looks as though her father kept her focused on the teaching and communicating aspect of Saturn while the mother controlled and manipulated everyone into doing what she wanted. Since both parents help foster the feelings that the energy of Capricorn gave Shaina no wonder she had a tough time growing up! Her intuitive nature with a deep understanding of the undercurrents of her family left her with a sense of not belonging or not being loved by her family. She could sense the uneasiness that she brought to her family because they didn't know how to deal with her. Being tested by her father constantly and consistently with the mothers coercive controlling it is a miracle that Shaina was able to separate herself from her family. Growing up in this type of environment must have been very painful, lonely and cold which is why you may see Shaina for a brief moment have a look of extreme sadness. All of this negative reinforcement took a toll on Shaina which made her look at herself without confidence or self worth. It is no wonder that she feels like no one cares; because it is one of her deep seeded fears from childhood. There is a lot of conflict within this family dynamic that Shaina is going to have to work through and deal with in a constructive manner. It starts by understanding what her childhood interactions were like with her family. understanding that her mother and father image may be tainted only because of her treatment from them. Once She has the courage to face her family fears and find the positive aspects of her mother and father or take it a step further and embody a positive Mother Nature and a Father Nature ideals that will help her cope with just how negative her parents images that she carries around with her conscious, unconscious, or subconsciously. Once she beings to heal herself in that way and realize that she didn't do anything wrong; that her parents were just ill equip to handle someone like Shaina since she needed more attention, affection and love than most due to her intuitively sensitive nature. We ALL IMITATE our parents; as children that is how we learn. If we didn't see certain types of interactions then we do not know that they exist until we go to school and see how other children interact with their parents. In this time we are suppose to be learning how to think for our selves; learn that maybe mommy and daddy aren't always right but here there was fear to do so. Shaina for whatever reason didn't learn these lessons as as a result she has been carrying all of these dark and hurtful feelings around because the 2 people that she needed to understand her refused to at such an early age.     

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Saturn: Shaina's Governing Planet...

After exploring Shaina's big 3 we have come to learn much about her but we still have a long way to go if we are to understand the birth chart fully. If we look at the sign in which Shaina's Sun is in we see that it is in Capricorn; ruled by the planet Saturn. Some words to describe this planet would be practicality, status, suppressing, and establishing boundaries. To take it a step further and tie it in to what we have already discovered just re worded to fit this discussion:
Saturn's connection to the Sun
The Sun, which is in its natural house, should reflect the "I am" qualities of the Sun- generosity, heart, a heroine, and the radiance of life.  It is manifested to  take on the traits of Leo- creating, dominating, confident, playing and being romantic which is similar to what Shaina shows to the world as her persona (ascendant). This is where it gets tricky. Shaina should be this queenly royal person that leads through love and admiration but here in lies the problem: Her Sun was shining farther away from the Earth at her time of birth; the "curse" of being born in the winter; never knowing the true power of the Sun and how bright it can truly shine. Not knowing the warmth one feels when being born during the summer when the sun is the closest. For the winter is cold and harsh; and it forces you to grow up quickly... which is one or the many reasons that she has a hint of apprehension towards everyone and a faint glimmer of coldness in her eye.
The Sun also represents the how the physical father manifests himself when our personality is forming: how we feel about him and what kind of value system we were exposed to. Since it is in Capricorn during this time Shaina's father was somehow limiting and restricting towards her. Due to the positioning of the sun in the 5th house we see where and how the father was restrictive and limiting- in her creativity, self-expression, fun and games, and her passions. Her father was the one who instilled what he "thought" was a healthy dose of fear in her which he used to control her. Her interactions with father taught her that she doesn't like authority figures, that she needs to be highly objective and by putting pressure on her make her feel inadequate as a child. With the conjunction to Mercury we see that her father is the reason that she communicates, talks, hears, and learns the same way that he did. This is not a normal thing to have this much influence over Shaina since she is after all born under a Mother-dominant environment.
Let's take a look into the actual Saturn profile and get a clearer picture of what we are looking at...
Saturn: Shaina's Governing Planet
Shaina's planet that is ruled by her sun sign has to with lessons and responsibility. Saturn is all about order; necessity and a force of circumstances (karma) and the lessons that they impose with a sense of discipline and responsibility that is behind the learning of them. Saturn is all about teaching you life lessons so that you may become more refined. It tests and puts pressure on a person so it can be limiting and depressing as it delays and denies. It can also represent the concrete reality, the status quo or anything that takes the form of authority: parents, teachers, elders, and officialdom. This planet can also give a sense of inadequatecy or inhibition yet is also the one that gives the sense of achievement and status when we have learned our lessons well. Saturn is indicative of that part of us that needs to mature. If we grow, mature, pass the tests at various life cycles, if we understand universal law, this planet is a friendly one. But if the person still clings to their childhood ideas and illusions, if they wish to remain ignorant of natural law, if we seem to think that Saturn owes us a living it instills fear and inner apprehensions because it relates to the individuals conscious. deep down we know that somehow we didn't cooperate into cosmic law.
This planet is also an indicator of a person's weak points early in life; the point of insecurity that can manifest on a physical level which could mean ill heath or on an intellectual level indicating an apprehension regarding intellectual ability or it can influence one's feeling of self-worth. Children who don't feel worthy feel guilty about taking up space in the universe (more reinforcement of "it is better to be seen and not heard" mentality) for they are seldom recognized by anyone they consider to be an important authority figure early in the life.  
Saturn in Scorpio
Shaina is learning to handle and express effectively any kind of power, be it sexual, political, personal, material, occult or whatever. Initially the need to learn these lessons will appear as a fear or disdain  of being deeply involved, of psychology and the unconscious mind, for such things threaten her feelings of control. For the same reason fear of death itself could be an issue since it is the ultimate power in life. She finds herself getting caught up in anything powerfully influential, or compulsive, or that breaks taboos. As time goes by Shaina will learn how to gradually acquire a sense of how to manage intimate relationships and critical, life and death situations which will enable her to become an authority of what was once her weak points: sexuality, death and power with ruthless but just efficentcy.
Saturn in the 4th
The environment was harsh, cold and extremely formal in early childhood; the effect of the father on Shaina's Psyche will manifest as some apprehension of making a home one's own subconsciously fearing that they may inadvertently create the same home environment as an adult if they attempt to establish a parental experience. The lessons that need to be learnt mainly focus on Shaina's inner life and home, and the sense of order that was laid down during the formative early years- By the father. If that sense was absent or restrictive, she will go around with an inner feeling that somethings is missing or not good enough. She'll then become dependant upon having a very stable domestic security to compensate. at some point Shaina will have to reestablish and reaffirm her sense of belonging which was not forthcoming as a child. If this has been had been the other extreme Shaina's early life might have been highly structured in a supportive way, giving her an inner sense of being in the right place at the right time.     
Aspects to Saturn
Saturn Trine Mercury
Mercury is the symbol of outgoing communication, the mind, ideas, the five senses. Saturn represents the law, tradition, the psychological influence of the father, our ideas of caution based on apprehensions that we may have absorbed from the early father image. It indicates that Shaina takes her words seriously, that inhibitions or traditions taught to her by her father will affect her ability to communicate. It places restrictions on her confidence regarding her ability to communicate even it is a soft aspect. This type of energy shows us that Shaina is a person who is kind of serious, dependable and often hardworking. A certain type of loneliness can be inferred for when communication is restricted limitations may be placed on the ability to share thoughts.With a Trine being in place here the energy reveals that she was exposed to a father image that helps her learn to communicate, even though family communication tends to be on the serious side but will follow through on details, work well with the general public, and have well ordered mind.  
Saturn Semi Square Neptune
When these two planets combine, tradition and father influence are tied to the concept of creativity and spiritual love. The father image becomes cloudy because Neptune brings illusion to anything that it touches. This can manifest as either some delusion or inspiration about ones own roots. It can indicate who has the skeletons in their closet or one who worships the family. also someone who wants to explore the creative consciousness or one who is afraid of it. Sometimes Neptune can add additional apprehensions and paranoia's to the exploration of the Saturn fears then the exploration becomes more difficult. In order to take our place in the universe one must become conscious of the effect that our father had on us; mythologically explore the concept of the father, by understanding the physical man that is the personal father to the mythic symbolism of heredity as it forms the basis of tradition. Neptune represents the spiritual love and the universal creative urges. When hard aspects are involved it could mean that the ability to free one's self from the bonds of tradition become arduous but the labor is well worth it.
Shaina may have been born into a family that has illusions or delusions regarding the father, heredity or family influence. The father will affect Shaina's concept of creativity, perhaps impeding the development of some form of creative expression. Influence of the father will work against her dreams and goals, or even the development of her spiritual goals.  This aspect may indicate a person that has to pull away from the family experience in order to find herself. She may not see authority figures for what they are; she may be supportive of people who disappoint her.  
Saturn squaring Ascendant
(covered in Shaina's Big 3 Aspected)
Saturn opposing Mid Heaven
Due to the nature of this aspect it is another reinforcement of how Shaina's father's early childhood influence has taken a toll on her. whatever her father instilled in her is what is keeping her from being the person that she needs to be in her professional life.
Putting it all Together:
Taking a look at the Saturn profile really gave us some insight into Shaina's fears and how they came about. Again it is important to note that Shaina has a lot of fatherly influence over her even though she was born under a mother dominant sign. This also reinforces the fact that Shaina's Leo/ Capricorn problem goes far deeper than just what lies on the surface of the Big 3 discussion. It was the image that her father imposed on her as a child that still haunts her into adulthood and it is that memory of him that hinders Shaina. When we look at the whole of it we see that mommy and daddy's treatment of Shaina was hard on her development as a child. The home environment wasn't a very comforting one where she felt that she didn't belong. Along with other factors we see that if Shaina wants to get over these blocks she will have to face her father on mulitiple levels that may bring up a lot of things that the family doesn't want to discuss.       

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shaina's Big 3 Aspected...

Shaina's Big 3 Aspected

In yesterday's blog we learned and discovered that there is Leo/ Capricorn/ Aquarius energy at the heart of this Capricorn. Shaina can be highly creative if she can get the energies to function properly within her. How does she go about making her energy work for her? It helps if we know what kind of energy we are working with and how they are manifesting within her. Let's take a look at what Shaina's big 3 aspects lead us to in discovery.
Aspects Affecting the Ascendant
Ascendant Semi Square Sun
So Shaina's goals reached for or her early childhood experience make it a little bit more challenging for her to find her career path. Something about this area of her life- I'm guessing that it is a mixture of fear of becoming like her mother and her father's treatment early in life that makes her uneasy about reaching her goals.   
Ascendant Trine Jupiter
Since the Ascendant is an indicator of how we project our persona it is known as the masquerade and it also reflects new beginnings. Jupiter represents how we relate ourselves to others, and how we relate to our personal needs. We either relate (or understand) what we start or we don't. If we relate easily we tend to do well professionally; if not we have to be brilliant in order to get ahead. Shaina relates to others by opening up her Jupiter energy in a manner complimentary to the persona that she has put forth.
Ascendant Square Saturn
Saturn represents what we regard with caution and the Ascendant represents the persona; or of starting something new. Aspects between these two show that there is a indication of caution or circumspection. Since these aspects are squared it shows that the father wasn't very encouraging early in life and when Shaina approaches a new beginning she is clouded with conflict. She will start new activities with caution or apprehension; some of this conflict will be caused by an inner lack of self confidence, for early problems with the father image usually manifest as problems with authority figures. Due to the square it also represents a self-worth predicament. From what I can tell it looks like Father wasn't there to encourage Shaina or he somehow took away her power within the family making her have issues with her worth. As she was trying to exert herself it was the father that put her in her place either by any means he could.
Ascendant Square Midheaven
If the Ascendant represents the persona and the starting of something new then the MidHeaven indicates your position in the world- status, profession, reputation, recognition and authority. Shaina has an internal battle between what she wants the world to see from her. On one hand Shaina wants to be seen as the fiery Leo that unpredictable and generous; on the other she is a stable and reliable person who manages well and is organized. Leo gives her the emotional side while the Taurus part gives her the professionalism that she craves. Her work needs to consist of things of substance which gets on the Leo's nerves. There is a struggle between expressing her emotional needs and that of having a profession in where she is the Alpha Female. If her professional side that she gets from her mother could integrate with the fun Leo side she would be a force to be reckoned with. This would require Shaina to confront her feelings with her father in a constructive way so that she can put her energy to better use. ---Side Note:----  Due to Scorpio being the opposite of the MidHeaven it shows that in Shaina's private life, home life and early family life is very secretive; and maybe even deep dark family secrets that lie at the root of her issues.   
Aspects Affecting the Sun
Sun Conjunct Mercury
Shaina's Sun and Mercury are both in the sign of Capricorn which means that she thinks, hears, and communicates like a Capricorn. That she will take her time formulating and putting together a plan of action that is highly effective and organized. Because she has a higher than average intelligence this aspect also makes her prone to worrying due to all of the calculating that goes on in her head. Remember that there is more to life than just thinking; Capricorn naturally despises feelings, emotional intuition, and instinct which leaves biases within Shaina's way of thinking. It also has a hard time understanding why the emotions aren't acknowledged by both parents in the way that they needed them which leaves them emotionally stifled and lonely. So even though Shaina is suppose to be this bright and shiny person we now see that there is a lot of sadness and  emotional neglect that comes through in her manner of speech, the way that she carries herself, and how she feels about herself on an intellectual level.   
Sun Conjunct Neptune
The "I am" principle is affected by inspiration or delusion. This is a powerful conjunction that tells us that Shaina is influenced by a strongly spiritual father image. She has chosen to develop a spiritual consciousness this lifetime and this consciousness may be hard to discover. However, this type of insight may not be appreciated by the family. Much of this insight is derived from something picked up from the father image. With this placement individuals usually get some kind of distorted father image later on in childhood and don't later remember what their father stood for. Because Shaina couldn't consciously relate to what she intuitively feel for her father , shes gets caught up in self-doubt. With Neptune affecting the "self" energy the personality is influenced by fantasy. This aspect indicates an intuitive, creative potential that can make these children like Shaina unwelcome in their household, for they see and know things that make parents uncomfortable. Like Shaina, these children live in 2 worlds: the world of parental authority and school systems, and the world of fantasy and illusion.
If properly guided when young, they can develop into tremendously creative and intuitive types, being drawn to more creative aspects of life- classical ballet, classical music, the arts. If early environment doesn't provide this insight then they may begin to wonder if they are living a lie and wonder what is real. This could manifest in different ways as an adult: may become an adult who muddles through life until they find some form of creative expression, adults that have trouble dealing with what the rest of us call reality. they can be so sensitive that they retreat into the world of drugs, fantasies or both in order to avoid facing the more harsh aspects of living experience. Shaina will have a long road ahead of her on her way to spiritual enlightenment. If there are blocks it is because there are unresolved issues with the Father due to misunderstanding. he was also looking for something that he hasn't found yet.He too was trying to find himself in his own way. if father sold out, gave up his quest, left home of happened to pass away then the child was young they will have great difficulty sorting through the family history so that they can get a clear truth about the father.  
Sun Trine Midheaven
Shaina's life and purpose are one in the same. She needs to become aware of her feminine traits to better serve her profession. The intuitive nature that she keeps hidden away is another asset in her arsenal if she chooses to view it as such.  
Aspects of the Moon
Moon Conjunct Mars
The Moon represents the physical mother in an individuals early childhood environment. The child imitates her emotional reactions to life and develops accordingly. Mars indicates how the child acts physically, how it will react to external stimuli, what kind of action will be taken whenever an attempt is made to start something new. This interaction helps us to know and understand how Shaina will act in regard to emotional issues. It also indicates how she will take action to protect her body; to care for it.
we see that Shaina had an emotional mother early on in childhood. she nursed her hurts, who reacted to her husband and children when her feelings were hurt. Shaina learned to respond in a similar way. As an adult she will be easy to anger, will act on hurt feelings, will act out emotional upsets rather than thinking them out. She may be seen as self destructive because seldom does she consider her own safety while in the midst of emotional trauma. As she matures and as she experiences physical pain because of her emotional reactions, she will eventually learn to think before she acts but this behavior will be learned.
This also indicates that she has a great deal of anger to work out and cope with. Shaina either explodes and takes out her anger on someone else or she implodes and takes out her anger on herself. This energy operates either imploding, exploding or both. Rather than suppressing the anger, it is more important to understand it- to allow oneself time to work through it( writing letters that aren't mailed, sitting on reactions prior to doing anything about the situation, getting perspective from someone else) in order to learn how to channel the energy. Mars is in fact a creative energy; anger is just the undisciplined side of it. Only when the super sensitivity is understood, when the overreaction to the environment is understood then this energy can be used creatively. 
Moon Sextile Jupiter
If the Moon represents the physical body, how we respond to life around us, our need for affection, the mother as she responded in the early childhood relationship with us then Jupiter represents how we open up, and how we expand our consciousness. This tells us that Shaina's mother felt good emotionally about herself as she came into the world providing her with a healthy and warm atmosphere. Shaina learns to relate well to others in an open fashion which brings a sense of personal generosity, and ability to share emotional experiences.
Moon Semi square Uranus
Uranus represents the behavior and the behavior of our generation. Because it is making contact with the Moon it tells us that there will be some unusual, eccentric,erratic, or different types of responses. This also shows that the mother plays an eccentric role when Shaina is a child. since the moon symbolizes the mother and how she reacts to life, and her reactions inspire her child to react, to develop an emotional response to all life situations; and if Uranus symbolizes the behavior pattern of a generation, as well as how we handle ourselves with others then we see that Shaina is likely to abruptly end a relationship of any kind for Mother taught her that pattern. Shaina feels that it is normal to end relationships abruptly and that it is normal to make relationship decisions before discussing them with the other person. this produces a brusque behavior with friends, lovers, family members and co-workers. she could leave a job suddenly, or impetuously change her feelings about her present career.
we see how this affects Shaina in her personal relationships: she doesn't give her partner an even break. When her feelings are hurt she often plays the situation over in her head and by the time she gets around to discussing the unpleasant situation with the loved one shes' already made to decision to end the relationship. any conversation regarding it is merely polite form of speech. this aspect gives way to a lot of misunderstanding in all types of relationships: the eccentric life reaction was learned from  the mother because she was eccentric in her own way. If Shaina can remember her mother's relationships, how she handled her husband or friends or the rest of the family members the behavior pattern can be broken. When she understands where she gets these patterns from they can be easily dissolved. In order to develop relationships that other people will understand she needs to reconize when her feelings are hurt, when animosity is beginning to build, so that the unpleasant life situations can be worked out instead of cut out. The alternative is to leave every unpleasant situation and start over and over again with new friends and lovers. we need to face those unpleasant situations in order to grow and become a better person. In doing so Shaina will also work through understanding others personalities and how they differ from hers. This aspect gives potential for understanding, much personal growth, a chance to rise the consciousness to a high point, to break old family patterns. Once this is done the creative energy will burst forth. 
Moon Conjunct Pluto
When Pluto is conjunct with the Moon it brings a kind of transformational energy to the emotional responses of an individual: it brings all of the possible energies created through Pluto into focus with emotions. Because of this, the focus is on concepts of cooperation, coercion, obsession, a need to manipulate, as well as the idea of transformation or helping others transform there selves. there are also healing energies at play here, an ability to research the intuitive  and feeling capacities. This is a strong and productive configuration if handled consciously; if not they can represent an obsessive personalities that tend to control others in order to insure their own safely in the environment they attempt to create.
It also symbolizes the emotional transformation that must take place in order to free Shaina from the powerful tie to her mother. Do to the conjunction Shaina's mother may have been very controlling and manipulative mother type. She is a strong woman;  a woman who is obsessed by something that is going on in her life during the time Shaina's influenced.Emotional responses are usually from in the in subconscious rather than in the conscious mind. the aspect indicates a person who responds emotionally, although the cause of the emotional reaction is actually subconscious. By way of compensation Shaina feels that she must be in control of all of her responses all the time. She will keep a tight reign on her own emotional responses and will attempt to control any emotional situations around her in order to avoid being surprised or shocked by her won reactions.  This can indicate that her mother controlled her environment completely and manipulated everyone around her. Shaina will become an adult who has difficulty responding spontaneously in any emotional relationship revolving family, friends  or lovers. She can obsess on any relationship and may surround herself with people that she can control. She may surround herself with inferior types in order to maintain control; she may play all the control games possible from excessive gift-giving to  "smother" love. Pluto gives an intuitive type of creative energy plus the fact that there is the moon conjunct to it makes Shaina have a tremendous amount of creative potential within her. As long as Shaina is feeling controlled she will never develop the skill of letting the intuitive energy flow. She has a great healing and intuitive abilities. If she can reach into the subconscious and really figure out what her reasons are for having such deep anger towards her mother then most of her emotional blocks will be removed. 
Putting it all Together:
Here we learned that Shaina has some issues with her early family life. We see that mommy was a very dominant figure in the household. She was the one that Shaina sees as her universe and everything that mommy does Shaina repeated because that is what she thought was normal. Whether or not she realizes this Shaina has a lot of anger issues about the way that she was treated as a child from her mother. The overly nurturing nature of mother mixed in with the fact that Shaina was better seen and not heard has stayed with her into adulthood. Because she saw how mommy controlled and dominated everyone around her Shaina does the same thing within reason. Due to mommy's traditional manner of upbringing her intuitive nature was shunned and made her parents feel uncomfortable around her. that awkwardness from both father and mother made Shaina feel inadequate and it is partly the reason why she shys away from her feelings. Because she never saw her parents interact emotionally only discuss them she does the same. What is difficult here is that she thinks like her mother, talks like her mother, and communicates like her mother. Her mother has such an emotionally coercive controlling nature towards her that unless Shaina figures out where her mother went wrong with her treatment of her and makes strides to modify this behavior she will never be able to let go of her mothers chains and continue the vicious cycle. At first it looks like this has everything to do with the father but his passivity didn't sit well with Shaina and she looked to her mother for everything. Her mother is on a pedestal and she can do no wrong in Shaina's eyes as a child but as she begins learning how to tap into her intuitive side she subconsciously understands that this is how the world works and i would rather go into a fantasy world than deal with all of the harshness that mother is providing.
I think that Shaina's key here is UNDERSTANDING. understanding of her feelings both conscious and subconscious towards her family; in particular her Mother. Anger is an emotion that shows us that someone hurt us emotionally. It helps pave the way to understanding WHAT got you so angry in the first place. understanding WHY her parents treated her in the manner that they did and express in a constructive manner how that affected her. Seeing that her intuitive nature is not something to be feared but to be embraced as part of yourself. If she can get over all of the injustices that she endures as a child by reconditioning herself to see other points of views/ perspectives; ask questions when she doesn't quite understand instead of getting angry. than and only then will she be the person that she wants to be- free from her mother's influence in all of the ways that she chooses.   

Monday, February 18, 2013

Shaina's Birth Chart... Big 3 + Capricorn Sign

Shaina's Big 3
Here is another chart that I was able to look at courtesy of my friend Shaina. Here we see that her chart has some interesting things going on within it...
Leo Ascendant + Aquarius Descendant, Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Libra
The Ascendant indicates the things that we are trying to be; not the things that we are. This is where the individual creates her persona; a survival mechanism that allows us to put our best foot forward and be seen for what we want to be seen as. Depending on the environment the ascendant qualities and traits might have been more accepted than the person's sun and moon aspects were. When this happens the person learns to hide their "true self" and only bring out their "representative" i.e. the ascendant sign. What is challenging is that when we are young we are at odds with our selves- the person that we are trying to be (the Ascendant), the person that we are (the Sun) and how that person responds to life. (the Moon)
Ascendant in Leo
Shaina expresses herself like a queen: with apparent confidence and style that has a regal air that names the game and makes the rules. This attracts Other who positively responds to only when you are aware of whats popular and have at heart the interest of Other. Failing this she is met with cool difference, mockery or outright rebellion.  Conversely, Other's views and theories about life and society, if only slightly tinged with political correctness, are shot down by her with a blast of passionate self justification. When the Other's populist point  is expressed in such a way as to make it clear that nothing it would lead to elevating your individual position, then you graciously and happily accept it.
Shaina has a dread of being merely one amongst the grey mass of human society so she rankles when the Other shows signs of being a member of this large and unexclusive club with values that subscribe to fitting in but at the same time want to be slightly different too. such naffness is what you live in fear of being seen as. But being a bit so-called ordinary can be paradoxically quite quirky, and more to the point helps her be less self-conscious and more at ease in the world. Likening it to the monarch who is far more popular with their subjects because they are seen to be like them if shed held themselves apart from and above them.
Unusual and unprecedented types of interaction, with an accent of freedom, is what suits her, despite the hassle of unpredictability then engender. Its as if she is inventing a set of values that will suit her and Other exclusively. This quality of her relationships reflects what the poet Kahil Gibran advised any couple: "Let the winds of Heavens dance between you" or simply don't ever fall into complacency by thinking you really know, let alone own, one another, or shock and upset will descend upon her. Shaina is inclined to run hot and cold, go on/off, as needs for freedom and companionship alternate.
When or if alone- or without success in, or recognition from , the world at large- it is no doubt because she has been sticking stubbornly to an egocentric viewpoint or value system that failed to appeal to Other. So Other had to follow the only course open to them in the face of such overt self-righteousness. if in future she begins to show that behind her magnificent facade she is an ordinary, feeling human being, then Other- either in your current form or a new one- will be only too pleased to bask in your light or appreciate her creative expressions. Just as long as her persona is not just a defence system against a world she feels doesn't understand her. The truth is that it will not do so as long as you fail to show the mere human side.
The Sun
If the Ascendant tells us who we are trying to be then the Sun placement shows us what we are or who we are. This is our true self; we just hide it underneath the persona of the Ascendant. When we chase and pursue our persona we neglect the person that were are suppose to be. 
Sun in Capricorn
Shaina's essential purpose in life is to establish a material position in the world that she regards as useful. In order to accomplish this she has an innate sense of ambition and organization. She makes a point of knowing how the world of politic and business works- along with anything else which your canny mind determines as being practical and relevant to your overall interactions.
Her earthly common sense is something that others depend on her for- and at times can feel rather inadequate in comparison to. Shaina's weakness is that she tends to overlook or simply not see matters of emotional significance, which are patently obvious to types less pragmatic than herself. Although she is more likely than  most to achieve some sort of success in the world as a result of her industriousness, Shaina is at some point more than likely to encounter a collapse or a profound sense of pointlessness because she has only taken into consideration the practial side of life, and underestimated the importance of unseen factors like human longings and weaknesses, and the mystery of life itself. When Shaina's sense of what matters begins to include these more visible and mystical aspects of existence, she'll then become the true organizer that she was born to be. When she applies her worldly, responsible and hard-working nature, to making a sound base for the furtherance of collective or spiritual interests, then she'll truly feel that she is the success, which she originally thought she would be.
Sun in the 5th House
Shaina needs to focus on the means and products of her creative expression. This wold involve things like pastimes, romance, children, art, speculation, drama,partying, etc. What this entails and demands of her is that she celebrate her uniqueness in an unreserved or even an abandoned way. She finds brightness simply through shining; and in company she does seem to glow. Being proud of your own life and personality, as long as it doesn't devolve into conceit, encourages others to be proud of themselves as well. Her essential quality is to is to make something or to make someone. To her, the world is a stage; so the power and ability to play is vital to her well being as well as that life is for living.  
The Moon
The Moon reflects the light the sun is giving off. it shows us how we respond to the others, the world and to ourselves when we are emotionally hurt. It indicates our security needs, the mother, and fear of the unknown.The moon is reflecting what the sun represents: your feeling responses, reactions to "OTHERS" will, your childlike security needs, represents mother, family, survival instincts, sympathy and sense of belonging. Negatively fear of the unknown, insecurity, defensiveness. This represents your SOUL and also gives clues as to your previous life.
Moon in Libra
Shaina's reigning need is to have a partner, to have people around her, to have a definite social position. she has an instinct for what pleases, and possess or acquire talents for things like cooking, decor, fashion, entertaining or anything that introduces a sense of harmony or togetherness to a situation.  Perversely, not trusting this social sense can make her rather antisocial. Her weakness is that she becomes so dependant upon life being nice and pleasant that she finds it hard to confront the darker or less attractive parts of her personality. And because she does have the grace and and charm it is only too easy to maintain a superficial sense of things being alright. It is quite likely that this need to please has its roots in her having felt that she had to please her mother , father or the person that brought her up.
The ironic part is that her over-ridding need for a partner ensures that sooner or later she will have to face what it is about herself that is not all that easy to relate to- either because you have lost a partner or cannot find or keep one. Important advances are made when she has a partner with whom she can rationally discuss her mutual shortcomings without feeling rejected or unattractive- which is basically what she is so sensitive about. Once having confronted this issues, she will then discover that her talent for making others, and therefore herself, feel good is increased a hundredfold because feeling at ease with your own dark spots enables others to to feel at ease with theirs. 
Moon in 3rd House 
All of her feelings are greatly reflected in her relationships with siblings, her school years, and in how she goes about her everyday affairs. Her feelings can lend themselves to the climate of the moment with some ease. This favours occupations from counsellor to shopkeeper, from writer to local gossip. such an ongoing curiosity as yours both dislikes routine and can dispel it. Shaina has the common touch which means that she is aware of what's happening locally, She can be intellectually stimulating, but may prattle on somewhat- it all depends what she fills her mind with, but fill it she will. Her ear-to-the-ground awareness is very useful in serving in serving her moon needs.
Shaina is a Trinity with 2 masculine planets( Ascendant in Leo and Moon in Libra) and 1 feminine planet.(Sun in Capricorn) Means that she has begun to get out of balance. normally within a woman it should be 60% feminine and 40% masculine which means that she can manifest her masculine side more readily and it can be in a way that is not well received. She may not value herself as a woman, and she may not truly value the biological role that she was cast into. She can be overly aggressive with men; she may value an intellectual companion more than an emotional one; she may value professional standing more than a personal relationship. Shaina should work on not avoiding developing her masculine traits (intellect) but also focus on the feminine side of her personality which needs to be acknowledged and respected. Remember that feelings are felt; not just thought.
The Sign of Capricorn:
 Children born into the mother-dominated sign of Capricorn obtain values of traditional business and the corporate power structure and the ability to go about attaining power, from the influence of the mother. Father is a passive figure, however most Capricorns have a father who is a respected member of the family, but one who is untouchable and uninvolved in the family structure. So immediate decisions are left in the hands of the mother, and in the child's eyes she runs the universe. When daddy comes home he upsets the apple cart since the little Capricorn is second in command while the father is away. Capricorns feel apprehensive about confronting their fathers which is something that the other Earth signs have no problem with.
Shaina's mother is very traditional in her attitudes. She runs a saturnine household where children are to be seen and not heard. Because of this they are usually well behaved and they tend to frown on too much frivolity in life. They take responsibility seriously- even their sense of humor is serious- often being cynical or satirical; funny stories are told with a straight face. Mother wants to go places in life and Shaina picked up on that. Mother instills a sense of management, a sense of power, and a need for power and control for she is a powerful and controlling figure. She uses every piece of information at hand so that she can keep her family in line. Capricorns get all of this from their mother. So Shaina goes out into the world looking for her place to climb and wants to be the head of something at all costs. Shaina is a natural born leader because being born in the sign of Capricorn she is ready to learn about the responsibility of power. If she is in a hurry to get ahead in life she will use any means available, including using people to get what they want. Capricorns are also known as the mercenary of the zodiac for this reason. If they will learn to wait, to earn their position, they will be better off. The natural vibration of Capricorn will put them into positions of authority if they train themselves properly.
When the Capricorn female  grows up she wants to leave home to get away from the strong mother influence. Shaina doesn't immediately realize that she has the same strengths and abilities to manipulate others that her mother has. It would be wise to select a mate carefully; she needs to untie with a man who has strong power drives and ambition that matches her own. if he doesn't, Shaina will get angry and destroy him emotionally. She doesn't know her own strength in her youth; and may look like the ugly ducking and for this reason Shaina may not have a great deal of faith in her femininity. However when she reaches her thirties there's a transformation that keeps her looking attractive well into her seventies. Shaina will make a terrific partner for any man who wants to develop a business or political career, because she will work tirelessly with a man who is going somewhere.
As with all Capricorns she needs to learn how to relate emotionally because she feels uncomfortable with this aspect of herself. Emotional responses imply that one is out  of control, and she wants to know what is going on in her universe at all times. She represents a part of the feminine principle that has to deal with building and collecting and overseeing the universe. She wants to create boundaries, but emotional expression has to do with letting down boundaries. In order to be emotionally fulfilled, she will need to learn to let go of some of the control and work with the concept of universal flow- it will never let you down.
It is said that Capricorn falls from high places. Their symbol being the Mountian goat- climbing to the top of the mountains. the trick is to develop sure-footedness in order to climb the mountain with out falling. Some people think that they should just give up the climb but that would be wrong; Capricorns need to develop the qualities of an experienced mountain climber so that they can reach the top and do some good. The universe needs leadership, guidance into new traditions, and help to establish order and purpose in the social structure. Capricorns are the most theoretical of all of the Earth signs 
Putting it all Together:
So far all 3 Birth Charts we have looked at have all had a major Theme: The Ascendant signs completely mask the person that they are trying to be. Also, that these individuals are more than one sign blending into their Sun sign.
Shaina's chart shows that she has an internal struggle between being the Capricorn and being the creative fun person that she wants to be seen as plus there is a disconnect between her emotions and anything she deems "feminine". Here we see that Shaina has some pretty significant things going on just from looking at the Big 3: Shaina's Ascendant is in Leo which means that she comes off as someone who is fun, vibrant and self confident. As we look as her sun sign we notice that she is in fact a Capricorn; one who is suppose to naturally shy away from the "fun" side of life due to her pragmatic view of the world that she received from her mother. Factor in her emotional outlook and we can see ideals, philosophy, perspectives are all going to crash upon one another. Due to Shaina's upbringing she is at odds with what her mother taught her as a child. Since she only knows what it is like to be seen and not heard she has no idea how to manage her emotions or to convey her feelings in a percise way. To Shaina, emotions are illrelevant and have no purpose in her life. Because of this thought process she has neglected her feminine side and we see from her Moon being in Libra that even her emotions are intellectualized and rationalized without being felt. This aspect is then reinforced by the Leo on the Ascendant by not being able to handle emotional outbursts even if they are coming from herself. What Shaina needs to learn is that it is okay to express your emotions in a clear and constructive manner. Emotions need to be let out because they show you that you are out of balance. They inform you that you have been wounded, hurt, happy, sad and all of the other emotions in between so that you know on a regular basis if you are alright.