Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ashlee's Profile of the Big 3 + Air Signs: Gemini

Ashlee Lindsay's Natal Chart
The Big 3 + Air Signs + Gemini
I do not normally show people my chart since the consultation is about you and not me but since you asked nicely here it is. I'm trying my best to not put the letter I in my assessment of myself since I'm being objective about this.
Gemini Ascendant + Sagittarius Descendant, Sun in Gemini, Moon in Taurus
The Ascendant indicates the things that we are trying to be; not the things that we are. This is where the individual creates her persona; a survival mechanism that allows us to put our best foot forward and be seen for what we want to be seen as. Depending on the environment the ascendant qualities and traits might have been more accepted than the person's sun and moon aspects were. When this happens the person learns to hide their "true self" and only bring out their "representative" i.e. the ascendant sign. What is challenging is that when we are young we are at odds with our selves- the person that we are trying to be (the Ascendant), the person that we are (the Sun) and how that person responds to life. (the Moon)

Gemini Ascendant

You approach life in the spirit of inquiry, like the eternal student. You love making connections between one thing or another, without necessarily having to feel any sense of where it is all heading or what it all means. You are also a keen maker of contacts, priding yourself on being acquainted with all types of individual and scene. Not surprisingly, you are equipped with quick wits and word power. Quite what this all amounts to, that is, who it is that is doing all this talking, thinking, enquiring, can be elusive. And so you attract an Other intent on teaching you to become some kind of comprehensive whole. Because of this, Other can organize you into and entity of more meaning and emotional integrity- if you let them. However, this can make you feel preached at, and you mat wiggle even more in order to remain the free agent you identify with being, even chopping and changing identities to facilitate this.
Your friendliness and conversational ease give lie to the fact that behind such affability there languishes a quite aloof and even supercilious being. It is as if there is a dimension to your personality that you feel is apart from the world, that no one can ever reach or understand. But because this is your Shadow and as such is denied, you wind up feeling there is a part of you that you must keep out of sight, and so you use your agile tongue and wits to throw Other off the scent. If you accepted your Shadow, you would find that is not so much superiority but more a sense of your higher self- looking out for you in spite of yourself.
You love a relationship that feels as if it is going somewhere. The trouble is, with your dilettante-like nature, you will interpret this quite literally as going on a trip or traveling abroad with someone. Really, this means that your relationship has to amount to something in a philosophical or even a religious sense, like a moral statement. It is as if the relationships a hair-clasp that holds together all the disparate strands of your Mercurial temperament. Without understanding or accepting this style, you had better resign yourself to a series of inconsequential affairs posing as a love life- the sum being less than the total of the parts.
When or if alone, you will, apart from anything else, have your alter ego for company. And this is the clue as to why you are alone: you are disinclined to allow an Other to see the side to your nature which is the 'dark twin', that is, the one you who you assume would not be accepted by Other. What characterizes this dark twin you may know in your heart, and it could be described somewhere in these pages under the influence of some planet. But whatever it is like. let it out so it might grow to be seen, known, loved, and transformed.
Mercury is the ruling planet which governs the link between your exterior being and your internal being. Your Other is Sagittarius and therefore the planet Jupiter governs your relationships.
The Sun
If the Ascendant tells us who we are trying to be then the Sun placement shows us what we are or who we are. This is our true self; we just hide it underneath the persona of the Ascendant. When we chase and pursue our persona we neglect the person that were are suppose to be.
Sun in Gemini
Your essential life purpose is to make contact with, and connections between, whatever or whoever you regard as important- which is more or less everything! This you do because at heart you find everything interesting in some way or another. You are very alive to the variety of animate and inanimate objects on this planet, and you want to get to know as many of them as possible. As a rule though, 'get to know' is all you want to do
As long as you have a 'taste' you are satisfied; getting deeply involved in not really to your taste, and you will flip like a coin from one interest or person to another as it suits you. There may be other parts of your personality/Birth chart that need or are attracted to more intimate situations, in which case a more profound sense of human interaction will be asked of you.
Like the many facets of life that you are acquainted with, you are able to turn your hand to many tasks and skills; indeed it is your hands, as well as your quick mind and wits, that are your most excellent tools. You are, or should be, the communicator. There is nothing like a Gemini for keeping itself, the world and society in touch with each other and with what is happening.
Sun in the 12th House
All of this is likely to center upon and be caused by experiences of the dim and distant past- of this life, womb-life, or even before that. Whether these experiences are felt like heavy shadows or like paradise lost, your will must bend itself to clearing out that closet of repressed longings, regrets and vague reservations. You are open to unseen forces- for good and ill- and this could also incline towards addictions or strange phobias and notions, but at the positive end you can be inspired artistically or as a channel for spiritual messages. The twelfth house can be the 'hell of the horoscope' or the 'heaven of the horoscope' - everything depends upon your essential integrity of being
Depending on your sun profile as a whole, managing all of this can be quite some task, and may restrict your life to a degree that is proportionate to how much that closet has not been cleared. In the process, or eventually, you can become a light in the darkness to others who are similarly confined by their fears and weaknesses. Inner peace for one and all is the only ultimate goal for you, so meditation, selfless service and psychological awareness (or sometimes practice) are your essential ways of living. Because of your basically reclusive nature, you prefer to work behind the scenes, go into retreat occasionally, and not be too much in the public eye (unless there are indicators in your chart that contradict this like strong Leo placements) Looked at it another way, your public persona may be very different to the real you.
The Moon
The Moon reflects the light the sun is giving off. it shows us how we respond to the others, the world and to ourselves when we are emotionally hurt. It indicates our security needs, the mother, and fear of the unknown.
Moon in Taurus
Your reigning need is to feel emotionally stable and mentally secure. The former is taken care of by the fact that you are reluctant to pursue any idea or activity that is going to rock the boat, coupled with the fact that you do have a fairly unflappable nature. Ironically, however, when a change is required you could be slow to act, or become bored, to the point of destabilizing your position.
Where material stability is concerned, you have a natural sense of the importance of property and income. From the word go, you used your developed market instincts and sense of value to satisfy this need. The danger here is that you can let material considerations blind you to your emotional and psychological requirements. In any event, though, you are unlikely to get caught without the material wherewithal and, providing there isn't a mean streak in your personality, you can be of great material support and assistance to others who are less financially together.
Moon in the 11th House
All the needs and feelings are most likely to be met through friends, clubs, social movements, or the nurturing of some ideal. All these matters will go through phases, causing your goals and allegiances to fluctuate. Overall, you manage to keep your emotional life very light and breezy.
You prefer not to get morbid and heavy in one-to-one relationships, and if things get that way, you will go out with friends, or to somewhere impersonal. This can be a good safety valve, but a bad habit if you make your friends or associations into an emotional crutch. It is wise to take a break from them every so often in order to re-establish your own identity, not to mention facing anymore intimate emotional commitments.
All the same, you are capable of appealing to the crowd on an emotional level, which means that you have a finger on the pulse of the public's attitude to political, sociological or cultural issues.
Since Gemini is considered to be a male sign and Taurus is characterized by being feminine she has a trinity with two masculine planets and one feminine one. What does this mean? That when she was born she was born going out of balance She can be animus controlled more easily; she can manifest her personality  in such a masculine way that she is not well received. She can seem too aggressive. She may not value her feminine self, and she may not truly value her biological role in which she was cast. She may be overly aggressive with men; she may value an intellectual companion more than an emotional one; she may value professional standing more than a personal relationship. This type of woman should not avoid developing her masculine traits (the intellect), but the feminine side of her personality should also be acknowledged and respected. As the masculine traits are developed and used in perspective, she can use the healthy energies and discard the less useful ones. However feelings are felt; not thought.   
Air signs and Gemini
People born with the sun in one of the air signs is a born communicator. The air signs symbolize the various kinds of communication that exist in our universe. These are the people interested in exploring the world of the mind. they live in their heads or minds, they are mental people, they react to life from a mental point. They enjoy exploring the world or words, education, the various levels of philosophy and spirituality or a combination of the above. These children usually wind up in families where no one communicates in a way that a child can understand; such circumstances can send the Air signs on a search for the meaning of words, the meaning of the mind and all the related fields of communication.
Gemini people are born into the most personal of the Air signs. They wonder where they fit in the scheme of things. They have lots of  'me' 'i' and 'my' in their consciousness, and their life experience requires the incorporation of self into a larger universe. Geminis are raised in a father-dominated atmosphere. Communication between the parents is difficult for these children to understand, because disagreements between the parents are solved with words and not deeds. Since young children do not understand what words mean, they are uncertain as to what all of the fuss is about. But, they do know something important is going on because the parents are upset by the strange words. Gemini children learn to use words well, for they are good imitators; but often they don't know what the words mean. Because Geminis find communication intriguing, they pursue either the world of conversation or the world of books. The media becomes important to them, and therefore they make great contributions in that area.
Geminis are explorers of the intellect and are naturally very curious people. Their curiosity is manifested in several ways, depending on the childhood environment. If little to no education is available, or if there are too many air signs in the chart, they want to talk; they learn by talking, they entertain by talking, and they live a lively and entertaining social life. Each person that they meet is a new source of information or entertainment. As they seek each new experience they forget the old sources. This can cause conflict in their love relationships because their partner will resent all the new people. if the background was more intellectual, or placed more stress on education, Geminis will explore the world of the intellect and pursue the study of language and/or education. In addition, they are enthusiastic about sharing information and social activities with all kinds of new and interesting people. However, the more educated Geminis have the same problem as those who aren't; they have trouble maintaining interest in an ongoing relationship.
The parents of Gemini children have some interesting reactions to each other in terms of body language. The impact of the words they react to fascinate Geminis, who feel left out. Geminis often try to recreate these situations in adult life and in their relationships. They need verbal interchanges with their mates. This interchange can start with harmless banter and works its way into bickering. If the mate of a Gemini doesn't understand the Geminis need to see a reaction (body language) to words, and if the mate doesn't respond appropriately to the situation, terrible verbal fights can ensue, leaving lots of hurt feelings and misunderstandings. After the fight, Gemini feels wonderful but the mate is ready to pack; and after a long series of these interchanges, the Gemini may find they've lost a partner
One of the relationship difficulties for Geminis stems from a fear or a disinterest in working through problems to some compatible compromise or solution. Since they are social at heart, it's easier for them to run off and explore the new and different rather than to work through a serious situation with an  'old' partner. This type of Gemini needs to learn to work through disagreements, without becoming resentful.
The Gemini female child admires her father, who is often a respectable professional. Or, if daddy is not a professional of some sort he usually is known for something that he accomplished that was special. She wants to be special like he is, but there is resentment directed toward him along with the admiration. At some time in her childhood when it was important that she have his attention, he ignored her. And so, she brings her resentment for her father into her adult life.
Because Gemini is a mental sign, it isn't always easy for the female to incorporate her emotional needs into her professional life. She sometimes looks at her body and physical needs as alien to her. She tends to select a mate based on his ability to mentally stimulate her, and she wants companionship with a partner almost as much as a Sagittarius female does. She loves the company of men because she feels she can share her ideas with them; being born in a masculinity polarity, she wants to feed her intellect. Because of this polarity, she may reject the feminine self. The less evolved Gemini type avoids the company of women because she basically doesn't respect the position of woman. As she becomes more conscious, she begins to cherish her relationships with women who are interested in mental development like she is. She may even find conversations with women more stimulating than the ones she has with men for there are no sexual overtones.
Putting it all Together:  
Normally I would synthesize what I have just given you information-wise but I think the above sums it up pretty nicely. But in the spirit of things I will go into my past:
Looking back I was rather a very shy child inside of the house but outside amongst friends I became alive. This is where I began to have the 'of two minds' mentality that a Gemini would be so famous for. This was a battle between the Ascendant and the Sun being in the 12th house; and each side fit a specific role within my life. At this point I hadn't developed emotions; I was all about the intellect- education was stressed at home and in school. I read a lot. School became my escape which is why attending classes is so natural to me. I like to learn. It was a safe place. I was allowed to grow and be creative and got recognized for my efforts and achievements; not criticized because I wasn't good enough. I came to understand this concept on a mental plane that I wasn't good enough but I was incapable of feeling those emotions. As a result,  I nurtured and developed my brain and not my heart and rejected any feminine qualities that I possessed convinced by my father that they were a 'weakness' on my part and needed to be eradicated.
You can see that I have come a long way in the progression that is myself just based off of the Big 3 placements.     

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