Ashlee's Neptune Profile
Neptune- Sensivitity and Spirituality
Neptune is the Spiritual, the mystical, and the ethereal. It is the sense that there is something 'in there' or 'out there' that has mysterious and subtle effect upon us all. It is the oceanic, undifferentiated realm where all is oneness- through which we find at-one-ment or redemption. As such it can be anything from enlightenment to delusion, devotion to addiction. One could view the saying, "we are all from a grander place" as a key to mankind's salvation or just as a pipe-dream. So wherever Neptune is in your chart you will find sensitivity, imagination, whether it is expressed or experienced as a blind spot or a vision; as romantic illusion or unconditional love as escape or relief; as suffering or compassion; as victim or self-sacrifice; as attunement or aversion; as madness or inspiration. Neptune is mostly patently experienced through music or meditation or selflessness.
Neptune is a slow moving planet that was not a part of the ancient horoscope. It was given rulership over the sign of Pisces and replaced the feminine side of Jupiter in the ancient wheel. Neptune, or Poseidon, is the God of the sea; and in myth as in psychology, Neptune the sea symbolizes a part of the unconsciousness. In astrology, Neptune represents spiritual or universal love; that love which includes compassion and understanding, that love which is more universal than personal, so it is often associated with spiritual love in the universal sense. Neptune represents dreams, the fantasies, the daydreams, the vagaries, the illusions, the inspirations, and the delusions in the personality. If a person is born without a strong Neptune aspects to the personal planets, the dreams of the generation he is born into will be a part of his reality but he won't be strongly involved in the energy of the planet. If his personal planets are involved in powerful aspects to Neptune, he will be a part of the creativity of the generation; he will need to explore his spiritual needs; he will be sorting out concepts of reality and fantasy.
In a personal case, close ties to Neptune indicate a natural bent towards the creative fantasy; the poetry and prose of creative endeavor lie close to the surface. Mostly a person with strong Neptune ties in the chart need help sorting out the differenced between illusion and fantasy, and those kinds of confusions are most often caused by the hard aspects. Neptune's aspects can tell where the one will most often be deluded, where one tends to see fantasy or illusion rather than insightful complements to intellectual concepts.
The placement of Neptune tells us how we can be deluded by self or others. The aspects to Neptune indicate the creative energy or the blind spots we develop based on early childhood environmental exposure. After considering the power parent- that is, the parent most influential in the development of our personal philosophy- look to Neptune to discern if this planet influences our concept of the parent. Neptune aspects involving planets symbolizing the mother or the father can give insight into the possibility of a distortion of that parents' role. Our distortions of reality, those distortions that encompass unreasonable fears or unreasonable concepts, will be indicated by Neptune aspects. Any Neptune aspect can be used creatively, for it symbolizes a creative source, a fountain of ideas within the personality. The hard aspects compel us to work for the bonus; the easy aspects bestow the natural talent, and because we don't work for it we sometimes don't appreciate or use it.
Neptune in Sagittarius
You belong to a Neptunian generation born between 1970 and the mid 1980's. As this generation came of age, there occurred a blurring of the line between right and wrong. The underlying reason for this was a want of distinction between the law of man and the law of God. Where there is seen the unbridled following of the get-rich-quick ethos, later will appear a deep frustration and meaninglessness, and collapse. At the other extreme, fundamentalist religion seeks to overthrow anything that does not agree with it. Between these two extremes a germ of exquisite truth may be found.
Neptune in the 7th House
You look for sensitivity and idealism in others- or one in particular. You project on to your partner all those things that you long for in a mate. This can only too easily give rise to your having great love affairs that are followed by equally great disappointments. Furthermore, your partner becomes like a drug to you, for you are addicted to them and suffer very painful withdrawal symptoms when your "supply" is threatened or terminated.
It is of vital importance that you find some kind of "cure"- otherwise you could be doomed to be a "social junkie" That cure is in your realization that your yourself are carrying around within your psyche that ideal human being. The people that you long for and are fatally attracted to seem to be supremely gifted and so you worship them, or they are in some way afflicted and seem to need your help. In either case, you can often wind up feeling the victim in the relationship. The more you find the artist, mystic, healer, musician, visionary, or transcendental in yourself, then the more you will be able to relate to your partner as an ordinary human being with ordinary talents and failings.
Retrograde Neptune: The Symbol, Personality, KArma, sign and house
Neptune's symbol is formed by the Crescent of Soul ascending from the Cross of Matter. The horizontal line of the Cross falls closer to the bottom of the figure, suggesting almost an inversion of the Cross symbol, as it seems to be falling away from the rising Crescent of Soul. Here, the formless lifts from the formed, as the Soul's sincere desire rises above the lesser importance of matter. Mush like spiritual waters above earth, the symbol represents the dissolving matter that no longer needs to be crystallized.
It is interesting to note the inverted Cross bespeaks of matter dropping away into lower worlds. This is in great measure descriptive of the mystical qualities of the planet. When Neptune is in retrograde, the Cross appears upright through the inverted symbol, and the individual is more aware of his Soul as the Crescent of Soul appears closer to the earthly plane. There develops a powerful inner need to approach all material things in the world in terms of their deepest significance to the Soul. In a sense then, the Retrograde Neptune may indeed give the individual the opportunity to express a very advanced stage of evolution, since it forces him to live in this world, but not be of it!
The personality of the individual with Retrograde Neptune is not easily understood by others. His motives do not process the common sense that one expects to be at the root of all motivation. Instead, he vibrates to a higher music, heard only to himself. His perceptions do not come from the material plane, but are a direct connection with his Soul. Thus, he can be highly spiritual but cares little for the formed side of orthodox religion. He can have a great love for music, but cannot ascribe to any definite man-made structure within it. He senses practically everything, but he relates his senses mush less to physical reality than his perception of a cosmic universe. He knows much more than he could ever put into words, for here again he realizes the limiting qualities of language as being but just another formed boundary which could encircle his infinite understanding. He is able to see the appearances and illusions that others live in, and therefore has to try to make the best bargain between not toppling their sand castles, while retaining all the inner truths he knows.
The individual with the Retrograde Neptune is living through the karma of learning how to sort out that which is real in terms of his ideals and that which gives the appearance of fulfilling his dreams. He knows what he needs but has difficulty finding it in the external world. Constantly living one dream after another, he often winds up running from imaginary shadows, while chasing unrealistic fantasies. Still, he must find his ideals in the world of "no form" which has such a strong hold on him. He sometimes makes the mistake of projecting past dreams into present situations. This does not allow him to see the reality of the present clearly. He is highly intuitive, and through the different retrograde phases he is often able to know the outcome of situations long before he gets into them. But until he learns how to cope with the subtle flow of the Neptunian energy that he feel within himself, he does not easily trust his intuition. These individuals must learn how to integrate their senses with the ideals and dreams that they bring into this life. instead of trying to distort perceptions in order to make the present fit the past, there must be an awareness of what parts of the present truly symbolize the parts of the past that are karmatically incomplete.
Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius
Here, the individual experiences a heightened consciousness of the world and his place in it. He learns to live without anchoring himself to roots. Instead he lives a more natural existence, flowing with the currents of his fortune. He is a free spirit with very few attachments that are meaningful to him on the physical plane. With almost a prophetic insight into the future, he can grasp the essence of things in a moment, but he has difficulty stabilizing himself in everyday practical matters. He will play a great role in delivering the spiritual message of the Aquarian Age. His life is built on the expansion of formless horizons he senses within himself. As the same time, he has an endless giver of information and knowledge to others. Through phase 1 of the retrograde process he can perceive distant possibilities as very real probabilities in the here and now. He is a dreamer of the first order. But his dreams are more of a vision for mankind rather than fulfillment of personal desires.
More than with other placements, this gives a powerful sense of the cosmic whole happening within oneself. Bursting with life, this person is a pure expression of the Soul finally set free.
Karmically, he is not to be bound by anything other than what he perceives as the deepest truths within himself. He will avoid mass movements, organizations, clubs, the institution of marriage and any other man-made structure which prevents him from experiencing all that he feels inside.
Retrograde Neptune in the 7th House
This placement forces the individual to become highly independent. The promised strength of others is denied, either through the escapism of a marriage partner or the unreality of other people in the individual's life. He learns how to trust and depend upon himself. The retrograde phase which is accentuated will naturally depend upon which sign is on the seventh house cusp, but it will also depend highly upon the individual's mate.
Usually, the individual reacts as a kind of secondary response to the way this planet is being used by those he loves. Through a tremendous sensitivity to other people's feelings, he grows more compassionate as the years pass. He learns to expect less from those who are less able to give. And, he learns how to build more within himself. He is living through a very spiritual karma of experiencing impersonal love in that one area of his life where he consciously expected personal love. While he will go through some disappointments in his intimate relationships, he is blessed with a tremendous opportunity for Soul growth through sincere sacrifice.
He will have to draw on much strength from within himself, because in this incarnation he will experience a good deal of loneliness. And much of the love he expects to receive from others will in actuality be the exact mirror of what he himself gives out. If married, he will pay a karmic debt to his partner through sacrificial love.
Aspects to Neptune
Neptune Square Mars
What is more, you feel that you must act upon these finer feelings and subtle yearnings. SO you can be impatient to reach some artificial high, make a sexual conquest, or save some siren-like figure or to be saved or conquered by some hero. Such sexual myth making is both enthralling and confusing, but at times can find you impotent or frigid, chaste or kinky. However, it is through these miasmas that you find your won fascinating blend of desire and imagination.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Neptune is a generational planet as is Pluto. Where there are aspects between these energies they are common to a great number of people within that generation. Pluto represents the mass unconscious, the unconscious motivation of a generation. Neptune symbolizes the universal dream. The merging of the energies symbolizes the possibility of integrating the mass unconscious and its creative dream.
In the Hindu creation myth the "god" (or creative essence) is immersed in a dream of a world. In this dream state nothing happens; ideas float around but nothing materializes, nothing is realized. In order to actualize consciousness, the "god" realizes that some manifestation must take place. So he splits himself up into millions of pieces and becomes the universe- the planets, the sky, the earth and its waters, the vegetation, the animals, the grass, the rock. The universe teeming with life, all struggling to survive, is the conscious realization of that dream.
When aspects take place between two representive forces, great changes take place in the world. When we are born with these aspects great changes take place within us. The dream becomes intermingled with the unconscious motivation; the dreams bring the contents of the collective unconscious into realization. Unless the aspect between these tow planets also ties into a personal planet, the effect will take place in our generation; when they are tied to the personal planets in our chart we have a chance for profound personal transformations.
You are helped in taking steps towards enlightenment by the fact that doing so has become more a generally accepted pursuit since the horrors of World War 2. However, you will need more that this point alone to set you off on this path.
Neptune Sextile Midhaven
Your sensitivity and imagination may be used positively to further your profession, or be an integral part of its nature. So your career should involve the arts, metaphysics, healing, or anything that enlighten, relieves or entertains.
Putting it all Together:
My Neptune aspects make me feel like I am living inside of the ocean and watching others from a safe distance. It also reminds me of the song STILL by Alanis Moresette from the Dogma soundtrack. I see everything that is happening and going on which makes for a more serious and lonely side of me. That is why I have found my perfect mate in Jeff- he allows me to have my freedom but I know that I am loved by him- that it is something that is real and true. This planet has given me my most wonderful memories and my most horrific ones but it made me a better person and I have grown tremendously as a result. This hard planet has opened me up to receiving my spiritual nature and my spiritual gifts and took patience with me as I tried to find my place in this world.
Neptune is the Spiritual, the mystical, and the ethereal. It is the sense that there is something 'in there' or 'out there' that has mysterious and subtle effect upon us all. It is the oceanic, undifferentiated realm where all is oneness- through which we find at-one-ment or redemption. As such it can be anything from enlightenment to delusion, devotion to addiction. One could view the saying, "we are all from a grander place" as a key to mankind's salvation or just as a pipe-dream. So wherever Neptune is in your chart you will find sensitivity, imagination, whether it is expressed or experienced as a blind spot or a vision; as romantic illusion or unconditional love as escape or relief; as suffering or compassion; as victim or self-sacrifice; as attunement or aversion; as madness or inspiration. Neptune is mostly patently experienced through music or meditation or selflessness.
Neptune is a slow moving planet that was not a part of the ancient horoscope. It was given rulership over the sign of Pisces and replaced the feminine side of Jupiter in the ancient wheel. Neptune, or Poseidon, is the God of the sea; and in myth as in psychology, Neptune the sea symbolizes a part of the unconsciousness. In astrology, Neptune represents spiritual or universal love; that love which includes compassion and understanding, that love which is more universal than personal, so it is often associated with spiritual love in the universal sense. Neptune represents dreams, the fantasies, the daydreams, the vagaries, the illusions, the inspirations, and the delusions in the personality. If a person is born without a strong Neptune aspects to the personal planets, the dreams of the generation he is born into will be a part of his reality but he won't be strongly involved in the energy of the planet. If his personal planets are involved in powerful aspects to Neptune, he will be a part of the creativity of the generation; he will need to explore his spiritual needs; he will be sorting out concepts of reality and fantasy.
In a personal case, close ties to Neptune indicate a natural bent towards the creative fantasy; the poetry and prose of creative endeavor lie close to the surface. Mostly a person with strong Neptune ties in the chart need help sorting out the differenced between illusion and fantasy, and those kinds of confusions are most often caused by the hard aspects. Neptune's aspects can tell where the one will most often be deluded, where one tends to see fantasy or illusion rather than insightful complements to intellectual concepts.
The placement of Neptune tells us how we can be deluded by self or others. The aspects to Neptune indicate the creative energy or the blind spots we develop based on early childhood environmental exposure. After considering the power parent- that is, the parent most influential in the development of our personal philosophy- look to Neptune to discern if this planet influences our concept of the parent. Neptune aspects involving planets symbolizing the mother or the father can give insight into the possibility of a distortion of that parents' role. Our distortions of reality, those distortions that encompass unreasonable fears or unreasonable concepts, will be indicated by Neptune aspects. Any Neptune aspect can be used creatively, for it symbolizes a creative source, a fountain of ideas within the personality. The hard aspects compel us to work for the bonus; the easy aspects bestow the natural talent, and because we don't work for it we sometimes don't appreciate or use it.
Neptune in Sagittarius
You belong to a Neptunian generation born between 1970 and the mid 1980's. As this generation came of age, there occurred a blurring of the line between right and wrong. The underlying reason for this was a want of distinction between the law of man and the law of God. Where there is seen the unbridled following of the get-rich-quick ethos, later will appear a deep frustration and meaninglessness, and collapse. At the other extreme, fundamentalist religion seeks to overthrow anything that does not agree with it. Between these two extremes a germ of exquisite truth may be found.
Neptune in the 7th House
You look for sensitivity and idealism in others- or one in particular. You project on to your partner all those things that you long for in a mate. This can only too easily give rise to your having great love affairs that are followed by equally great disappointments. Furthermore, your partner becomes like a drug to you, for you are addicted to them and suffer very painful withdrawal symptoms when your "supply" is threatened or terminated.
It is of vital importance that you find some kind of "cure"- otherwise you could be doomed to be a "social junkie" That cure is in your realization that your yourself are carrying around within your psyche that ideal human being. The people that you long for and are fatally attracted to seem to be supremely gifted and so you worship them, or they are in some way afflicted and seem to need your help. In either case, you can often wind up feeling the victim in the relationship. The more you find the artist, mystic, healer, musician, visionary, or transcendental in yourself, then the more you will be able to relate to your partner as an ordinary human being with ordinary talents and failings.
Retrograde Neptune: The Symbol, Personality, KArma, sign and house
Neptune's symbol is formed by the Crescent of Soul ascending from the Cross of Matter. The horizontal line of the Cross falls closer to the bottom of the figure, suggesting almost an inversion of the Cross symbol, as it seems to be falling away from the rising Crescent of Soul. Here, the formless lifts from the formed, as the Soul's sincere desire rises above the lesser importance of matter. Mush like spiritual waters above earth, the symbol represents the dissolving matter that no longer needs to be crystallized.
It is interesting to note the inverted Cross bespeaks of matter dropping away into lower worlds. This is in great measure descriptive of the mystical qualities of the planet. When Neptune is in retrograde, the Cross appears upright through the inverted symbol, and the individual is more aware of his Soul as the Crescent of Soul appears closer to the earthly plane. There develops a powerful inner need to approach all material things in the world in terms of their deepest significance to the Soul. In a sense then, the Retrograde Neptune may indeed give the individual the opportunity to express a very advanced stage of evolution, since it forces him to live in this world, but not be of it!
The personality of the individual with Retrograde Neptune is not easily understood by others. His motives do not process the common sense that one expects to be at the root of all motivation. Instead, he vibrates to a higher music, heard only to himself. His perceptions do not come from the material plane, but are a direct connection with his Soul. Thus, he can be highly spiritual but cares little for the formed side of orthodox religion. He can have a great love for music, but cannot ascribe to any definite man-made structure within it. He senses practically everything, but he relates his senses mush less to physical reality than his perception of a cosmic universe. He knows much more than he could ever put into words, for here again he realizes the limiting qualities of language as being but just another formed boundary which could encircle his infinite understanding. He is able to see the appearances and illusions that others live in, and therefore has to try to make the best bargain between not toppling their sand castles, while retaining all the inner truths he knows.
The individual with the Retrograde Neptune is living through the karma of learning how to sort out that which is real in terms of his ideals and that which gives the appearance of fulfilling his dreams. He knows what he needs but has difficulty finding it in the external world. Constantly living one dream after another, he often winds up running from imaginary shadows, while chasing unrealistic fantasies. Still, he must find his ideals in the world of "no form" which has such a strong hold on him. He sometimes makes the mistake of projecting past dreams into present situations. This does not allow him to see the reality of the present clearly. He is highly intuitive, and through the different retrograde phases he is often able to know the outcome of situations long before he gets into them. But until he learns how to cope with the subtle flow of the Neptunian energy that he feel within himself, he does not easily trust his intuition. These individuals must learn how to integrate their senses with the ideals and dreams that they bring into this life. instead of trying to distort perceptions in order to make the present fit the past, there must be an awareness of what parts of the present truly symbolize the parts of the past that are karmatically incomplete.
Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius
Here, the individual experiences a heightened consciousness of the world and his place in it. He learns to live without anchoring himself to roots. Instead he lives a more natural existence, flowing with the currents of his fortune. He is a free spirit with very few attachments that are meaningful to him on the physical plane. With almost a prophetic insight into the future, he can grasp the essence of things in a moment, but he has difficulty stabilizing himself in everyday practical matters. He will play a great role in delivering the spiritual message of the Aquarian Age. His life is built on the expansion of formless horizons he senses within himself. As the same time, he has an endless giver of information and knowledge to others. Through phase 1 of the retrograde process he can perceive distant possibilities as very real probabilities in the here and now. He is a dreamer of the first order. But his dreams are more of a vision for mankind rather than fulfillment of personal desires.
More than with other placements, this gives a powerful sense of the cosmic whole happening within oneself. Bursting with life, this person is a pure expression of the Soul finally set free.
Karmically, he is not to be bound by anything other than what he perceives as the deepest truths within himself. He will avoid mass movements, organizations, clubs, the institution of marriage and any other man-made structure which prevents him from experiencing all that he feels inside.
Retrograde Neptune in the 7th House
This placement forces the individual to become highly independent. The promised strength of others is denied, either through the escapism of a marriage partner or the unreality of other people in the individual's life. He learns how to trust and depend upon himself. The retrograde phase which is accentuated will naturally depend upon which sign is on the seventh house cusp, but it will also depend highly upon the individual's mate.
Usually, the individual reacts as a kind of secondary response to the way this planet is being used by those he loves. Through a tremendous sensitivity to other people's feelings, he grows more compassionate as the years pass. He learns to expect less from those who are less able to give. And, he learns how to build more within himself. He is living through a very spiritual karma of experiencing impersonal love in that one area of his life where he consciously expected personal love. While he will go through some disappointments in his intimate relationships, he is blessed with a tremendous opportunity for Soul growth through sincere sacrifice.
He will have to draw on much strength from within himself, because in this incarnation he will experience a good deal of loneliness. And much of the love he expects to receive from others will in actuality be the exact mirror of what he himself gives out. If married, he will pay a karmic debt to his partner through sacrificial love.
Aspects to Neptune
Neptune Square Mars
What is more, you feel that you must act upon these finer feelings and subtle yearnings. SO you can be impatient to reach some artificial high, make a sexual conquest, or save some siren-like figure or to be saved or conquered by some hero. Such sexual myth making is both enthralling and confusing, but at times can find you impotent or frigid, chaste or kinky. However, it is through these miasmas that you find your won fascinating blend of desire and imagination.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Neptune is a generational planet as is Pluto. Where there are aspects between these energies they are common to a great number of people within that generation. Pluto represents the mass unconscious, the unconscious motivation of a generation. Neptune symbolizes the universal dream. The merging of the energies symbolizes the possibility of integrating the mass unconscious and its creative dream.
In the Hindu creation myth the "god" (or creative essence) is immersed in a dream of a world. In this dream state nothing happens; ideas float around but nothing materializes, nothing is realized. In order to actualize consciousness, the "god" realizes that some manifestation must take place. So he splits himself up into millions of pieces and becomes the universe- the planets, the sky, the earth and its waters, the vegetation, the animals, the grass, the rock. The universe teeming with life, all struggling to survive, is the conscious realization of that dream.
When aspects take place between two representive forces, great changes take place in the world. When we are born with these aspects great changes take place within us. The dream becomes intermingled with the unconscious motivation; the dreams bring the contents of the collective unconscious into realization. Unless the aspect between these tow planets also ties into a personal planet, the effect will take place in our generation; when they are tied to the personal planets in our chart we have a chance for profound personal transformations.
You are helped in taking steps towards enlightenment by the fact that doing so has become more a generally accepted pursuit since the horrors of World War 2. However, you will need more that this point alone to set you off on this path.
Neptune Sextile Midhaven
Your sensitivity and imagination may be used positively to further your profession, or be an integral part of its nature. So your career should involve the arts, metaphysics, healing, or anything that enlighten, relieves or entertains.
Putting it all Together:
My Neptune aspects make me feel like I am living inside of the ocean and watching others from a safe distance. It also reminds me of the song STILL by Alanis Moresette from the Dogma soundtrack. I see everything that is happening and going on which makes for a more serious and lonely side of me. That is why I have found my perfect mate in Jeff- he allows me to have my freedom but I know that I am loved by him- that it is something that is real and true. This planet has given me my most wonderful memories and my most horrific ones but it made me a better person and I have grown tremendously as a result. This hard planet has opened me up to receiving my spiritual nature and my spiritual gifts and took patience with me as I tried to find my place in this world.
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