Ashlee's Venus Profile: The Sign, house, Aspects
In the previous blog I revealed the Mercury Retrograde aspect of my personality. It shows the way that I perceive the world around me and how my brain works. Now we are going to look at Venus; the planet that governs over my moon and my emotions.
Venus: Attraction and Harmony
Venus symbolizes attraction- what you need and can give by way of love and affection, beauty, and happiness. A positive Venus shows as the social graces and charm. Negatively it represents indulgence, superficiality , and wanton pleasure- seeking- all of which could imply simply being anti-social. Venus also represents your ability to relate, harmonize and to express yourself through art and a sense of aesthetics. Venus also has a great deal to do with female sexuality and sensuality generally. Venus symbolizes what you like.
It is a planet that is never too far away from the sun; therefore it can only amplify the sun's energy. Venus represent our ability to love; not sex love, but the art of loving in it intellectual sense . Venus symbolizes our ability to appreciate being loved and how we appreciate affection. The sign that indicates the kind of affection we will accept versus what the Sun sign is willing to give. The type of earthly beauty that we wish to be around, our taste in furniture and clothing, the things that we collect, our attitudes about loving, all come from Venus. It can represent the person we want to be and causes a dilemma when the Venus placement is different from that of the Sun.
Venus, on the other hand represents the impact that the mother has on the child's psyche and it is a more subtle thing. Each mother has her own attitudes regarding the concept of motherhood, the responsibilities of rearing children, and viewpoints regarding self-value. If a mother has poorly developed concepts of regarding the feminine principle if her self-esteem is low, if she thinks that women ( or the feminine) have little value, these concepts will be passed on to her child. Hard aspects to Venus can indicate if she affects her child adversely because of her state of mind at the time. Because a child is influenced during the first three years of its life, the effect on the subconscious may be difficult to self-diagnose. The mother may change, mature, become self- aware, develop self-esteem later and the individual wont remember the early pattern.
Venus operates differently in a man's chart than in a women's. When a women has hard aspects to Venus, she responds differently. She is receptive( during the formative years) to the attitudes projected by her mother; her response to the mother's influence is directed at herself. She may feel like a second class citizen, she may feel that women have no rights, and she may have little sense of self-esteem. She may be apprehensive regarding the role of the biological female; all phases of the reproductive and mothering process may be affected in some adverse manner, ranging from avoiding motherhood to overcompensating for her dislike or apprehension regarding the child-like process.
In contemporary society, she may be involved with women's liberation for all the wrong reasons. she may be defensive of herself and her rights, not seeing clearly that those ideas could be better established within. If she has no regard for her femininity, she may respond to love and affection with difficulty- it may not seem natural to her. She may reject men who are nice to her, for when a women regards herself as second rate she will suspicious of anyone who likes her. As she becomes conscious of the limitations of the hard aspects, she can cure them and thereby enter into more satisfying relationships.
The aspects to Venus tell whether or not we can easily handle emotional relationships, whether or not we really feel comfortable in an emotional situation or whether we have to work at being able to become receptive to the love vibration in the universe.
Venus in Aries
You love in a child-like way, regarding relationships as being natural and uncomplicated- at least initially. You are giving, guileless and forthright- and somewhat naively expect others to be so too. You are upset when you find that they are not, but noe usually heart-broken. You get back up as quickly as you fell in love in the first place. Your freshness and impulsiveness is spontaneously attractive to others, and more or less cuts through any caution that they might have.
It also makes you very impatient to give, gain or receive love. So much so that you are inclined to mistake infatuations or lust for love, and it takes a while before you are able to spot the difference. Then again, it could be sheer desperation on your part that sets you up with a poor match. There is something impish and naughty about you that can cause others to do childlike things they wouldn't do normally. This has its good and bad sides in that you are able to introduce a refreshingly primitive glee into your social or romantic sphere. But you can lead others on and then be gone.
Venus in the 11th house
You want to experience these senses and bring this style of loving in an open, friendly, possibly somewhat detached and idealistic sphere of social activity. Your Venus sign qualities may or may not lead themselves well to this. You very much want your partner to be on good terms with your friends and associates, and to share your social aspirations.
Conflicting aims or social values can spell disruption or death to a relationship. Knowing a lover initially as a friend is a strong prerequisite to having a harmonious relationship. And the actual meeting of your mate is more likely to occur at a club or some group gathering. Your social sense is quite evolved or future-oriented, but in this respect you are inclined to forget that one person's meat is another ones poison.
Venus in the Aspects
Venus opposing Saturn
When Venus and Saturn are in aspect, major phases of personality are forced to consciousness in order that we may mature. These contacts have not been easy ones in the people I've observed, for the energy tends to restrict the part of the self that reaches out for self satisfaction.
The Venus position indicates how our mother affects our psyche in regard to the feminine function; it indicates how she influences the development of a concept of womanhood, the concept of self gratification, and in a personal sense she influences our ability to love and appreciate being loved. Saturn represents our father's impact on our psyche during our early years. The Saturn placement is traditionally interpreted as a restriction; some astrologers explain it as "I lack" and it certainly represents an aspect of personality that is the least confident. The Saturn influence indicates the concept of self-worth and , as maturity occurs, self-confidence can develop in this area because Saturn becomes the strong point in the chart as the cycles of life progress.
The combination of these two facets of life indicate how we view our capacity for self-worth and how confidence affects between these planet sometimes cause an individual to pursue only career goals, for the emotional life my be repressed. In order to overcome Venus-Saturn aspects we have to reestablish personal values as adults. If we become victim of the aspect we often create the same relationship problems that our parents had; we project our parent's values into those people we love, and we may develop an extremely pessimistic attitude about loving. When pessimism is rampant, it usually indicates that all the energies are put into the accumulation of money, for money is a "trustable" commodity.
When people with hard Venus-Saturn aspects are successful in terms of career, it usually indicates that they have not been successful or fulfilled in the love department, for that part of themselves remains undeveloped. At some point in life it is important to experience love and affection; it's easier to reach a higher consciousness when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable in a feeling situation. If we cannot "put out" on a personal level, our philosophy of life is only a theory. A higher consciousness cannot be thought, it must be felt. When loving and appreciating being loved is restricted, the possibility of spiritual attainment remains only in an interesting concept.
Here the energy leaves you having an additional feeling of compromise or loss ( or both). Venus symbolizes the effect of the mother and Saturn represents the affect of the father on the individual, and the images are confused. One parent may leave when the person is a child; but even if the loss of a parent doesn't occur, the person feels like a victim between the two parents who are each throwing a different vibration into his developing psyche. What is a man? what is a woman? How does one treat men and women, how does one feel about oneself and one's relationships with members of the opposite sex?
This often represents an individual who has losses in love because the psyche is programmed to lose; this individual may fall in love with someone who is unavailable or with someone who dies or who makes him intensely miserable. The parents removed the objects that the person was attached to during his formative years. The "love object" may have been a favorite toy, or a security blanket, or the affection of one of both of the parents. One parent may have been harsh to the other; one parent may have suppressed the other; the child saw the parents disliking each other in some way. So the image in the psyche carries a message that men and women are against each other- each must make the other compromise in some way.
The ability to love is harshened, or lessened and frequently authority is resented. When Saturn oppresses Venus, the father is harsh with the mother because Saturn is a stronger planet than Venus. It makes the person suspicious of their own desires, unnecessarily hard on himself, willing to give up pleasure, and ready to turn from love.
The mother didn't value herself, and this person will absorb her feelings: women have little value, love can hurt or love can be a harsh experience. This individual grows up to be very cautious about developing relationships, and it is this feeling of caution that makes him look for the love insurance policies that are unattainable. This is the type of personality that doesn't give of itself or gives only of the material self, or one who unconsciously picks someone to love who is taken from him.
Venus opposing Pluto
Venus symbolizes the intellectual concept of love; the regard for the feminine or the feminine principle. The attitudes affecting a woman's self worth and her response to her biological role comes from this placement for it indicates the attitudes of the mother in regard to her own nature when the individuals psyche is able to absorb those feelings. Pluto can be identified as the unconscious motivation of a generation as well as symbolizing the portion of the collective unconscious that holds the mythic archetypal images of humanity. When this symbol is not understood consciously, it can reflect as aspect of personality that is less spectacular but more commonly recognized as forms of personal control and obsession. The hard aspects to Pluto will require that the individual move from obsessive responses to transformation and regeneration. The hard aspects may in fact cause more growth potential than the easy ones.
When Venus and Pluto come together it is obvious that the effect of the combines energies will influence the personal capacity for love. The range of feeling experience is phenomenal for one can easily cooperate with the mood of the generation, changing the patterns of social custom in a manner complementary to previous traditions, or one can function in a highly controlled manner.
In the personal sense the combination reflects the possibility of including manipulation in the life experience. Because Venues is involved, the manipulation or obsession or control/power games comes from the mother influence. A person who is exposed to power games in childhood will develop into an adult who thinks that he must control everyone as well- because a child can only imitate what he sees his parents doing. The facet of life that has to do with love and affection will be the areas of heaviest manipulation.
In order to use the tie to the collective unconscious (symbolized by Pluto) the more obvious misuses of the energy will have to be rechanneled. When an individual takes responsibility for his actions, when he can recognize the control games that he plays, he can let them go. When this occurs, the energy becomes creative and exciting. The ideas are new, the fountain from the collective unconscious never runs dry. The struggle is worth it.
The psychological effect of the mother on this individual's developing psyche was a profound one. This person feels the need to compromise as well as control. The other managed the native's development. she may have decided what was good for this person, enforcing her decisions by not allowing him to make any decisions for himself. Because she may have had such an overwhelming personality, the individual develops a resentment toward her and other women over the ensuing years.
The concept of love included management, and this individual may attempt to develop love situations with partners who are easily managed. The female may fear her own femininity and may feel that in order to keep a man around, he must be manipulated. Both sexes will more than often get into role-playing marriages than good relationships, for they won't allow themselves to be spontaneous in love situations.
Pluto aspects inhibit the capacity for letting go of urges to control. The person has known no other way to approach life. Because Pluto symbolizes the collective unconsciousness and the mythic archetypes of human expression, the mother image can become distorted and confused. The personal mother may become confused with the myth is mother image, giving the personal mother a power that she doesn't recognize she has over the child. The resentments caused by this confusion may be difficult to let go until the confusion is consciously recognized.
In order to free the energy so that it can be used creatively, control games must be analyzed. Personal responsibility, morality, and ethics regarding those we love must be established on the conscious plane. We cannot make anyone love us, we cannot make the future of those we love; no one is dependent on us for survival. We cannot be responsible for anyone else.
Venus sextile the Ascendant
(Already covered in the big 3 Aspected)
Putting it All Together:
I naturally love people openly, honestly and unconditionally; generally accepting people as they are. I thrive when the people I surround myself are happy as well. I grew up in an unloving childhood environment and it was made known that my father was opposed to me coming into this world- if it meant my death or my mothers he chose for me to be aborted rather than loosing her. So when she chose to keep me and bring me into this world it changed my father. He become extremely harsh towards me and refused to show me love; only that I was his burden that he wanted to "wash his hands of." He controlled the household; his rules or the highway. He treated my mother as if he didn't like her and said the reason had to do with me. He taught me to rule with an iron fist; that I was to rule with fear and oppression because it was better than to be loved by all. My mother took her frustrations out on me making me feel like a was a second class citizen. I never saw them happy together or even laugh in the same room... I learned how to negatively survive this world and as a result I became a very cruel person. It wasn't till I understood that I shouldn't take any of my cues from my parents that I could see their behavior for what it was- horrible and not something that I wanted to pass down to my children. I had to learn which traits to pick and choose from in order for myself to grow. Next I looked to Mother nature and father time to be my surrogate parents so that I could learn positive attributes and instill them deep within me so I could become the person that I am today.
Venus: Attraction and Harmony
Venus symbolizes attraction- what you need and can give by way of love and affection, beauty, and happiness. A positive Venus shows as the social graces and charm. Negatively it represents indulgence, superficiality , and wanton pleasure- seeking- all of which could imply simply being anti-social. Venus also represents your ability to relate, harmonize and to express yourself through art and a sense of aesthetics. Venus also has a great deal to do with female sexuality and sensuality generally. Venus symbolizes what you like.
It is a planet that is never too far away from the sun; therefore it can only amplify the sun's energy. Venus represent our ability to love; not sex love, but the art of loving in it intellectual sense . Venus symbolizes our ability to appreciate being loved and how we appreciate affection. The sign that indicates the kind of affection we will accept versus what the Sun sign is willing to give. The type of earthly beauty that we wish to be around, our taste in furniture and clothing, the things that we collect, our attitudes about loving, all come from Venus. It can represent the person we want to be and causes a dilemma when the Venus placement is different from that of the Sun.
Venus, on the other hand represents the impact that the mother has on the child's psyche and it is a more subtle thing. Each mother has her own attitudes regarding the concept of motherhood, the responsibilities of rearing children, and viewpoints regarding self-value. If a mother has poorly developed concepts of regarding the feminine principle if her self-esteem is low, if she thinks that women ( or the feminine) have little value, these concepts will be passed on to her child. Hard aspects to Venus can indicate if she affects her child adversely because of her state of mind at the time. Because a child is influenced during the first three years of its life, the effect on the subconscious may be difficult to self-diagnose. The mother may change, mature, become self- aware, develop self-esteem later and the individual wont remember the early pattern.
Venus operates differently in a man's chart than in a women's. When a women has hard aspects to Venus, she responds differently. She is receptive( during the formative years) to the attitudes projected by her mother; her response to the mother's influence is directed at herself. She may feel like a second class citizen, she may feel that women have no rights, and she may have little sense of self-esteem. She may be apprehensive regarding the role of the biological female; all phases of the reproductive and mothering process may be affected in some adverse manner, ranging from avoiding motherhood to overcompensating for her dislike or apprehension regarding the child-like process.
In contemporary society, she may be involved with women's liberation for all the wrong reasons. she may be defensive of herself and her rights, not seeing clearly that those ideas could be better established within. If she has no regard for her femininity, she may respond to love and affection with difficulty- it may not seem natural to her. She may reject men who are nice to her, for when a women regards herself as second rate she will suspicious of anyone who likes her. As she becomes conscious of the limitations of the hard aspects, she can cure them and thereby enter into more satisfying relationships.
The aspects to Venus tell whether or not we can easily handle emotional relationships, whether or not we really feel comfortable in an emotional situation or whether we have to work at being able to become receptive to the love vibration in the universe.
Venus in Aries
You love in a child-like way, regarding relationships as being natural and uncomplicated- at least initially. You are giving, guileless and forthright- and somewhat naively expect others to be so too. You are upset when you find that they are not, but noe usually heart-broken. You get back up as quickly as you fell in love in the first place. Your freshness and impulsiveness is spontaneously attractive to others, and more or less cuts through any caution that they might have.
It also makes you very impatient to give, gain or receive love. So much so that you are inclined to mistake infatuations or lust for love, and it takes a while before you are able to spot the difference. Then again, it could be sheer desperation on your part that sets you up with a poor match. There is something impish and naughty about you that can cause others to do childlike things they wouldn't do normally. This has its good and bad sides in that you are able to introduce a refreshingly primitive glee into your social or romantic sphere. But you can lead others on and then be gone.
Venus in the 11th house
You want to experience these senses and bring this style of loving in an open, friendly, possibly somewhat detached and idealistic sphere of social activity. Your Venus sign qualities may or may not lead themselves well to this. You very much want your partner to be on good terms with your friends and associates, and to share your social aspirations.
Conflicting aims or social values can spell disruption or death to a relationship. Knowing a lover initially as a friend is a strong prerequisite to having a harmonious relationship. And the actual meeting of your mate is more likely to occur at a club or some group gathering. Your social sense is quite evolved or future-oriented, but in this respect you are inclined to forget that one person's meat is another ones poison.
Venus in the Aspects
Venus opposing Saturn
When Venus and Saturn are in aspect, major phases of personality are forced to consciousness in order that we may mature. These contacts have not been easy ones in the people I've observed, for the energy tends to restrict the part of the self that reaches out for self satisfaction.
The Venus position indicates how our mother affects our psyche in regard to the feminine function; it indicates how she influences the development of a concept of womanhood, the concept of self gratification, and in a personal sense she influences our ability to love and appreciate being loved. Saturn represents our father's impact on our psyche during our early years. The Saturn placement is traditionally interpreted as a restriction; some astrologers explain it as "I lack" and it certainly represents an aspect of personality that is the least confident. The Saturn influence indicates the concept of self-worth and , as maturity occurs, self-confidence can develop in this area because Saturn becomes the strong point in the chart as the cycles of life progress.
The combination of these two facets of life indicate how we view our capacity for self-worth and how confidence affects between these planet sometimes cause an individual to pursue only career goals, for the emotional life my be repressed. In order to overcome Venus-Saturn aspects we have to reestablish personal values as adults. If we become victim of the aspect we often create the same relationship problems that our parents had; we project our parent's values into those people we love, and we may develop an extremely pessimistic attitude about loving. When pessimism is rampant, it usually indicates that all the energies are put into the accumulation of money, for money is a "trustable" commodity.
When people with hard Venus-Saturn aspects are successful in terms of career, it usually indicates that they have not been successful or fulfilled in the love department, for that part of themselves remains undeveloped. At some point in life it is important to experience love and affection; it's easier to reach a higher consciousness when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable in a feeling situation. If we cannot "put out" on a personal level, our philosophy of life is only a theory. A higher consciousness cannot be thought, it must be felt. When loving and appreciating being loved is restricted, the possibility of spiritual attainment remains only in an interesting concept.
Here the energy leaves you having an additional feeling of compromise or loss ( or both). Venus symbolizes the effect of the mother and Saturn represents the affect of the father on the individual, and the images are confused. One parent may leave when the person is a child; but even if the loss of a parent doesn't occur, the person feels like a victim between the two parents who are each throwing a different vibration into his developing psyche. What is a man? what is a woman? How does one treat men and women, how does one feel about oneself and one's relationships with members of the opposite sex?
This often represents an individual who has losses in love because the psyche is programmed to lose; this individual may fall in love with someone who is unavailable or with someone who dies or who makes him intensely miserable. The parents removed the objects that the person was attached to during his formative years. The "love object" may have been a favorite toy, or a security blanket, or the affection of one of both of the parents. One parent may have been harsh to the other; one parent may have suppressed the other; the child saw the parents disliking each other in some way. So the image in the psyche carries a message that men and women are against each other- each must make the other compromise in some way.
The ability to love is harshened, or lessened and frequently authority is resented. When Saturn oppresses Venus, the father is harsh with the mother because Saturn is a stronger planet than Venus. It makes the person suspicious of their own desires, unnecessarily hard on himself, willing to give up pleasure, and ready to turn from love.
The mother didn't value herself, and this person will absorb her feelings: women have little value, love can hurt or love can be a harsh experience. This individual grows up to be very cautious about developing relationships, and it is this feeling of caution that makes him look for the love insurance policies that are unattainable. This is the type of personality that doesn't give of itself or gives only of the material self, or one who unconsciously picks someone to love who is taken from him.
Venus opposing Pluto
Venus symbolizes the intellectual concept of love; the regard for the feminine or the feminine principle. The attitudes affecting a woman's self worth and her response to her biological role comes from this placement for it indicates the attitudes of the mother in regard to her own nature when the individuals psyche is able to absorb those feelings. Pluto can be identified as the unconscious motivation of a generation as well as symbolizing the portion of the collective unconscious that holds the mythic archetypal images of humanity. When this symbol is not understood consciously, it can reflect as aspect of personality that is less spectacular but more commonly recognized as forms of personal control and obsession. The hard aspects to Pluto will require that the individual move from obsessive responses to transformation and regeneration. The hard aspects may in fact cause more growth potential than the easy ones.
When Venus and Pluto come together it is obvious that the effect of the combines energies will influence the personal capacity for love. The range of feeling experience is phenomenal for one can easily cooperate with the mood of the generation, changing the patterns of social custom in a manner complementary to previous traditions, or one can function in a highly controlled manner.
In the personal sense the combination reflects the possibility of including manipulation in the life experience. Because Venues is involved, the manipulation or obsession or control/power games comes from the mother influence. A person who is exposed to power games in childhood will develop into an adult who thinks that he must control everyone as well- because a child can only imitate what he sees his parents doing. The facet of life that has to do with love and affection will be the areas of heaviest manipulation.
In order to use the tie to the collective unconscious (symbolized by Pluto) the more obvious misuses of the energy will have to be rechanneled. When an individual takes responsibility for his actions, when he can recognize the control games that he plays, he can let them go. When this occurs, the energy becomes creative and exciting. The ideas are new, the fountain from the collective unconscious never runs dry. The struggle is worth it.
The psychological effect of the mother on this individual's developing psyche was a profound one. This person feels the need to compromise as well as control. The other managed the native's development. she may have decided what was good for this person, enforcing her decisions by not allowing him to make any decisions for himself. Because she may have had such an overwhelming personality, the individual develops a resentment toward her and other women over the ensuing years.
The concept of love included management, and this individual may attempt to develop love situations with partners who are easily managed. The female may fear her own femininity and may feel that in order to keep a man around, he must be manipulated. Both sexes will more than often get into role-playing marriages than good relationships, for they won't allow themselves to be spontaneous in love situations.
Pluto aspects inhibit the capacity for letting go of urges to control. The person has known no other way to approach life. Because Pluto symbolizes the collective unconsciousness and the mythic archetypes of human expression, the mother image can become distorted and confused. The personal mother may become confused with the myth is mother image, giving the personal mother a power that she doesn't recognize she has over the child. The resentments caused by this confusion may be difficult to let go until the confusion is consciously recognized.
In order to free the energy so that it can be used creatively, control games must be analyzed. Personal responsibility, morality, and ethics regarding those we love must be established on the conscious plane. We cannot make anyone love us, we cannot make the future of those we love; no one is dependent on us for survival. We cannot be responsible for anyone else.
Venus sextile the Ascendant
(Already covered in the big 3 Aspected)
Putting it All Together:
I naturally love people openly, honestly and unconditionally; generally accepting people as they are. I thrive when the people I surround myself are happy as well. I grew up in an unloving childhood environment and it was made known that my father was opposed to me coming into this world- if it meant my death or my mothers he chose for me to be aborted rather than loosing her. So when she chose to keep me and bring me into this world it changed my father. He become extremely harsh towards me and refused to show me love; only that I was his burden that he wanted to "wash his hands of." He controlled the household; his rules or the highway. He treated my mother as if he didn't like her and said the reason had to do with me. He taught me to rule with an iron fist; that I was to rule with fear and oppression because it was better than to be loved by all. My mother took her frustrations out on me making me feel like a was a second class citizen. I never saw them happy together or even laugh in the same room... I learned how to negatively survive this world and as a result I became a very cruel person. It wasn't till I understood that I shouldn't take any of my cues from my parents that I could see their behavior for what it was- horrible and not something that I wanted to pass down to my children. I had to learn which traits to pick and choose from in order for myself to grow. Next I looked to Mother nature and father time to be my surrogate parents so that I could learn positive attributes and instill them deep within me so I could become the person that I am today.
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