Paris' Venus Profile
The planetary influence of Venus shows us our attractions and our harmony. It can show you what you need and can give by way of love and affection, beauty and happiness. Positively it shows as social graces and charm. negatively represents indulgence, superficiality and wanton pleasure seeking which can be interpreted as anti-social. It also represent the ability to relate, harmonize, and to express ones self through art and a sense of aesthetics. it has a great deal to do with female sexuality and sensuality and symbolizes what you like.
Venus is never far from the Sun but here it is. Venus is usually one sign ahead or behind the sun just as Mercury is. Here Venus is 2 signs behind the sun which is very unique. It represents the impact of the mother has on the child's psyche on a subconscious level. Every mother has her own attitudes regarding the concept of motherhood, the responsibilities of rearing children and viewpoints regarding self- value. If her mother had poorly developed concepts of regarding the feminine principle, if her self-esteem is low if she thinks that woman (or the feminine) have little value, these concepts will be passed into the child. Hard aspects indicate that Paris' mother affected her child adversely because of her state of mind at the time. Because this influence happens within the first 3 years of Paris' life the effect on the subconscious is hard to diagnose. The mother may change, mature, become self aware, develop self esteem later, and Paris won't remember the early pattern. Shaina is receptive in the formative years to the attitudes projected by her mother; but her response to the mother's influence is directed at herself. Paris may feel like she is a second class citizen, she may feel that women have no rights, and she may have little sense of self-esteem. She may be apprehensive regarding the role of the biological female; all phrases of the reproductive and mothering process may be affected in some adverse way, ranging from avoiding motherhood to overcompensating for her dislike or apprehension regarding the child rearing process. Paris may be defensive of herself and her rights not seeing clearly that those ideas could be better established within. If Paris has no need of her femininity, she may respond to love and affection with difficulty- it not seem natural to her. She may reject men who are nice to her, for when a woman regards herself as second rate she will be suspicious of anyone who likes her. As Paris becomes conscious of the limitations of her hard aspects she can cure them and thereby enter into more satisfying relationships.
Venus in Gemini
Paris likes to keep love at an adolescent level of expression. She likes the flirting, chasing and the love games, and do not like it when things get too heavy or committed. For her, love is in bud rather than in full bloom, so if you want something to last, you have to give it a chance to develop, be more steadfast, and not abandon it to the winds of fate. For her love and beauty are things of the mind, and so you may well have some literary ability. In real life, though, your predilection for keeping things light and airy can be a serious hazard to maintaining a mature relationship. And her natural flightiness would be better or well employed in some art form like dance or song. In essence, you are having a relationship with yourself. As long as this does not become too materialistic or narcissistic and wrap you up in yourself, you do keep the love stacks fresh and interesting.
Venus in the 11th house
Paris wants to experience these senses and bring this style of loving into an open friendly possibly somewhat detached and idealistic sphere of social activity. Her Venus sign qualities may not lend themselves well to this. She very much wants a partner to be on good terms with her friends and associates and to share her social aspirations. Conflicting aims or social values can spell disruption or death to a relationship. Knowing her lover initially as a friend is a strong prerequisite to having a harmonious relationship. And the actual meeting of your mate is more likely to occur at a club or some group gathering. Her social sense is quite evolved or future-oriented, but in this respect she is inclined to forget that one person's meat is another one's poison.
Aspects to Venus
Venus sextile Jupiter
The sextile indicates a person whose psyche is constructively affect by her mother for she shows her that relationships can take place, that one can reach out and be favorably received. Metaphysically speaking, we all get what we expect. Some people are able to reach out naturally- to respond to others to ask for what is needed because the early childhood environment was encouraging. This individual will have an inner sense of security that will enable her to have the confidence she needs to pursue her goals. This aspect indicates a predilection for comfortable emotional relationships, and she will pass her responsiveness on to her children.
Venus opposing Uranus
Venus symbolizes our intellectual concept of love how we appreciate beauty, how we receive love how we approach our wants in life. it tells us something about the concept of femininity that we absorb from our mother during our formative years. Uranus is more of a generational symbol that has to do with our behavioral urges our eccentricities our more willful behavior as well as an attitude toward consciousness. When these two facets of personality combine the concept of love becomes more farsighted, perhaps more unusual or unorthodox. Here the talent in the aspect has to be worked for because the individual arrives in a difficult family atmosphere and absorbs some unproductive behavior patterns from the mother. Venus indicates that the affect of the mother on the child's psyche. Her influence will affect the formation of Paris' concept of what a woman is as well as the concept of affection, love and the ability to receive it. Uranus indicates the behavior pattern of the generation the individual is born into and the sign and house placement will show areas of willfulness and erratic or eccentric behavior. When the opposition takes place it indicates that the person is subject to some kind of loos in childhood; the aspect may or may not be as severe as Saturn afflictions to Venus. The rest of the chart will tell whether or not the mother was cruel- looking at the aspects of the moon, sun, ascendant, and determine the effects of the fourth house in order to further understand the affect of the mother. She may or may not have been cruel to the person she may have just not been involved or not cared. The aspect shapes an adult who jumps in and out of love affairs and doesn't know what she wants, for Venus represents the "I want" nature and Uranus makes that erratic. Paris' may jump from one relationship to the next, or one job to the next, or even jump in and out of career training programs for she changes her mind a lot. She doesn't know what to expect from her own emotional nature or how to receive the love given to her. She may be warm and affectionate one minute and gone the next. The fear of relationships may have something to do with the fact that her mother had an erratic personality; she may have been unpredictable when she was a child. No matter how stable she is later in life, Paris still fears a trusting relationship. The female has more difficulty with this aspect for it alters the concept of the biological female role and she may not feel comfortable coping with children (When childhood is extremely unpleasant the adult may subconsciously avoid creating and similar circumstance. This can put a damper on a relationships.) If I had to guess I would say that Paris may have been physically or mentally abused in some way when she was a child. In order to break the power of this aspect, unhealthy or erratic behavior patterns must become conscious. The abrupt handling of emotional relationships can be altered by analyzing past relationships especially in a therapeutic setting.
Venus semisquare Pluto
Venus symbolizes the intellectual concept of love; the regard for the feminine or the feminine principle. the attitude affecting a women's self worth and her response to her biological role comes from this placement for it indicates the attitudes of the mother in regard to her own nature when the individuals' psyche is able to absorb those feelings. Pluto can be identified as the unconscious motivation of a generation as well as symbolizing the portion of the collective unconscious that holds the mythic archetypal images of humanity. When this symbol is not understood consciously, it can reflect as aspect of personality that is less spectacular but more commonly recognized as forms of personal control and obsession. The hard aspects to Pluto will require that the individual move from obsessive responses to transformation and regeneration. The hard aspects may in fact cause more growth potential than the easy ones. When Venus and Pluto come together it is obvious that the effort of the combined energies will influence the personal capacity for love. The range of feeling experience is a phenomenal for one can easily cooperate with the mood of the generation changing the patterns of social custom in a manner complementary to previous traditions , or one can function in a highly controlled manner. In the personal sense the combination reflects the possibility of including manipulation in the life experience. Because Venus is involved, the manipulation or obsession or control/power game comes from the mother influence. A person who is exposed to power games in childhood will develop into an adult who thinks she must control everyone as well- because a child can only imitate what she sees her parents doing. The facet of life that has to do with love and affection will be the area of heaviest manipulation. In order to use the tie to the collective unconscious (symbolized by Pluto) the more obvious misuses of the energy will have to be rechanneled. When an individual takes responsibility for her actions, when she can recognize the control games that she plays, she can let them go. When this occurs, the energy becomes creative and exciting. The ideas are new, the fountain from the collective unconscious never runs dry. The struggle is worth it. Here the mother provided an unhealthy atmosphere for the native when she was forming her reactions to the "female" part of the world., when her psyche was developing an ability to love and to appreciate being loved, the mother was responding to her life in a plutonic manner. For some reason the mother of this individual felt that it was important to control all of the people she loved and she may have drained her family. This created a feeling in the individual that all women drain one, that all females are out to manipulate. If the Pluto influence was a physical one it will be more comprehensible in later years; but if the mother used the manipulative power of "smother love" this person may be forced to confront her at some point and this guilt over having to do so may inhibit her capacity for solving the aspect. This aspect tends to unconsciously attempt to control others. One way for the individual to become aware of how he does this is by observing others' reactions to her manipulative games. Strongly self contained people will avoid her for she tries to manipulate them, and manipulation is usually an indirect action. Some people resent controls being placed on them by the person with the Venus-Pluto semisquare, for her energy makes her feel cornered unfree unable to breathe around the Plutonic personality. The person with the aspect is often totally unaware of what she is doing, for her know no other to be. The female with this aspect feels she must hold on to her position for all it's worth or she wont have one. When Pluto aspects are strong in the natal chart it indicates a powerful personality with lots of potential for growth, but the energy must be used consciously or the individual tends to be used by it; the individual may be a victim of her own energy. When the individual can trust the natural power within, the inner self can guide her and she begins to allow things to happen. We cannot make anyone love us; we can "make" them act politely towards us, love is always a voluntary experience. When giving up controls we have to confront the fact the love cannot be forced, not made to happen. We can control with power, prestige, money or our manipulative abilities but we can never have inner feelings of security if we are living that way. When the inner confidence comes, so does the creativity.
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