Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ashlee's Pluto Profile...

Ashlee's Pluto Profile...
Pluto- Power and Transformation
Pluto is the seed of power within, like the acorn is to the oak tree. This can amount to a sense of destiny or just an obsession. Either way, Pluto is a force to be reckoned with as it, the lord of the Underworld, urges your to get in touch with deep and profound levels of consciousness. It is the power of death and transformation and of sexuality and the secrets of birth and all other things. Pluto governs the hidden (occult) and the darker side of life. So Pluto either regenerates or destroys- nothing in between. It has the power to harm or heal as no other planetary force, and it shows your depths (which you might have to sink to) and insight ( that you gained thereby)
Pluto replaced the feminine side of Mars in its rulership of Scorpio. On one level, Pluto has been called the key to mass unconscious of any given generation. It stays in one sign for about 20 years so it influences a large group of people in each sign. It gives a symbolic message about the strivings and struggles of a generation; it can be used to indicate how a particular group of people will be motivated, how they will pursue consciousness. Everyone will feel the effect of Pluto foe everyone is a pert of a generation. It seems that wherever Pluto changes sign a new group of people makes attempt to free themselves from bondage, to shed the protective or restrictive bonds of strong governmental policies, to become a self-responsible and citizen directed group. This planets motion can be observed as a history being made and we can watch it indicate the struggle for power, transformation, for freedom on our own planet.
Pluto becomes personal when it attaches itself to one of our personal planets by aspect. This means that the values of our generation or the consciousness of our era are important t us in a very personal way. WE become more involved in our generations struggle for consciousness, although each of us will use the energy differently. In the family experience, the aspects between Pluto and the personal planets indicate that we are raised in a family the uses the energies of Pluto as a part of the family experience. If the aspects are easy, we are taught cooperation in the home. The easy aspects also can indicate a person who may be the victim of the goals of the generation (following blindly along with the generation of the moment) or one can offer his energies to the furthering of the needs of the masses because he is trained to do so.
The hard aspects to Pluto usually indicate that rather than cooperation, the energy of coercion is used in childhood. Which parent is involved in manipulating the family energy can be seen by observing the aspects: do they come from the father, the mother, or both? When Pluto aspects a planet symbolizing the father (Sun or Saturn) the pursuit of consciousness is important, for one's very existence and the quality of one's existence will be well established. The energy manifests on either a low or high level and the choices range from being obsessive and controlling to being at the height of conscious development- the choice is ours. The decisions to use this energy will involve becoming aware of the power in the universe, how to use and understand universal law, and how that understanding can further consciousness.
When Pluto aspects planets that symbolize a coercive mother image (Moon or Venus) one needs to free oneself from the confusion caused by a controlling mother and her effect on the image of the feminine in one's psyche. Until the confusion is understood, it may be difficult to develop the feeling side of the self. Several astrologers feel that Pluto is the great mother, the chaotic mother, that mother figure who is devouring. Pluto, as the ruler of Scorpio, does have a tie to motherhood. The feminine side of mars ( the ancient ruler of Scorpio) has to do with reproduction and sex for reproductive purposes. Sex in this sense is not the romantic kind that we think about when we fall in love, but rather the kind used in the mating process, the type which draws any species to mate because of the instinctive  and biological urges.
In the Hindu symbolism the figure Maya/ Kali has been used to symbolize Mother Nature, the constant teeming of life that devours itself on an unconscious level. The figure is both a beautiful woman (Maya) who symbolizes illusion and what we hanker after unconsciously, and Kali, the devouring mother who gives birth at one end and eats her children at the other. She is often pictured wearing a belt of shrunken heads; she is awesome and horrible, but she is real. Mother Nature is involved in a round of death and rebirth, and the sign Scorpio symbolizes that for us.
Shiva is another symbol of life and death in Hindu symbolism. He is an androgynous figure, both male and female; he has many arms and is called the lord of death and destruction- and regeneration. Most westerners forget the regeneration part and see Shiva as only a terrifying figure. But, he dances the dance of life and death. When we know Pluto well, we know about the round of life and death, we understand the teeming life force present in our environment, and what remains is to free consciousness from its familiar surroundings and allow it to expand to include the whole.
The hardest image to free ourselves from is that of the Mother. The Mother figure represents so much to the psyche, it becomes so complicated that unless the image is pursued on a conscious basis, most of the time it will lie in some confused state within us. When Pluto ties with the moon we must break ties with the mother; we must understand who our individual and physical Mother is and free her from the image we have of universal mother in the psyche.
People who are locked into a Plutonian vibration attempt to control love, to control children, to control the environment, to control the rain, and some of them even try to control their transits. The battle is a long and arduous one, and no matter how hard they try to fight they never seem to win. There is another side to the Plutonic energy, however it bestows fantastic creative energy and insight on those who are brave enough to use it. In order to use this energy one must let go of the power and control trip; for the urge to power, the urge to control, is always blinding to the owner.
Pluto in Libra
You are a member of the Plutonian generation (1971-1984) born during a period when marriage and social values underwent a profound change. A typical example of this would be growing up in a single parent family. Fashion took on a darker, more obsessive aspect with styles such as punk and heroine chic, devolving into fixations regarding physical looks, excessive cosmetic surgery, and anorexia and bulimia. So this was, and gave rise to, a time of great uncertainty concerning social justice, and the social norm. As a generation you are rewriting the social rulebook, but initially this means having almost no rulebook at all. And because profound Pluto  functions poorly in relatively superficial Libra, this will all take quite some time.
Pluto in 5th house
Power and transformation enter your life via your creative means of expression or romantic involvements. With the former, artwork, hobbies or drama can be quite heavy death-defying or macabre. You wouldn't just paint pretty pictures for instance; you'd really be working out some deep psychological matters in your art. The same cloak of intensity affects your affairs of the heart.
Obsessiveness and a strong accent upon sex bear witness to the fact that although you may have been in it for fun at the start, as it wears on, you realize that it is souls and not just bodies that are getting close, with all the highs, lows, and deep changes which this entails. And the physical result of sex, children, have an even more than usually profound effect on you.
As an alternative to this, you consciously or unconsciously sense what deep and turbulent waters love or art will get into- and so you back-peddle. But, as Dante said, " take away my demons and you take away my angels" in other words, your choice is between agony coupled with ecstasy, or safety coupled with frustration.
Retrograde Pluto: Symbol, personality, karma, sign, house
In the symbol of Pluto we find the Circle of Spirit soaring free above the connection between the Crescent of Soul and the Cross of Matter. This is so indicative of the unknown areas man has to pass through before finally reaching an understanding of himself at the very deepest of levels.
When the soul and the matter part of existence are not in contact with the essential Spirit of Light, the individual experiences the baser Plutonian energies. But, when he begins to transcend the unknown qualities within himself, he is able to bridge the gap between his lower life and finally link up with the Spirit of purified Golden light that God had intended him to know. When man is able to achieve this, he comes into contact with that part of himself that is so essentially good that he is sure that no one he knows would actually believe it. This is his real identity.
The great difficulties involved in reaching such Plutonian energies, is that like the seagull who flies the highest on his own wings, each individual must transcend himself on his own. The ending qualified by Pluto are the symbol is dropping off of phase no longer necessary for the individuals growth.
Since Pluto is retrograde nearly half of the time, then a very high percentage of the world's population has this configuration appearing in the natal charts. These individuals will ultimately become more concerned with transformations within themselves that with less fruitful attempt at trying to reform the outer world. By inverting the symbol, all else rises from the manifestation of the Divine Spirit expressing itself here on Earth.
This individual with Retrograde Pluto feels the ills of the society as a personal reason to transform himself. He knows that he cannot change the world. Still, he would like to if it were practical or possible. But, he can change the world within himself by ending his ties with all that bind him to less that his purified being. This is a process that takes many years, and sometimes many lifetimes to achieve. In it highest manifestation it represents the true Christ Consciousness of bringing the purest form of love here on earth.
In lesser measure and more common, he is continually elimination from his life all those factors which impede the progress of his Soul and the expression of his Spirit. The individual with Retrograde Pluto experiences the struggle of mankind as a very personal struggle within himself. He personally feels the need to overcome in himself all that has been lowering the consciousness of the society he lives in. Thus, he reacts strongly to other people's dishonesty to themselves, taking it as a personal affront to his own progress, which he feels he must make for the ultimate good of the civilization of which he is an important part. He must learn to detach a little more from the habit patterns and behavior characteristics of others whose lives really have so little to do with his own true inner reality.
The individual with retrograde Pluto is living through a Karma of experiencing mass consciousness within himself. He feels the impact of the world thought, and is conscious of how it relates to would thought throughout the ages. Not always expressing outwardly what he knows, he tends to see other individuals as part of a larger and more inclusive whole rather than on a constant one-to -one basis.
In his personal life, it is far less important what he does that what he thinks about what he does. Much of the time he lives within his conscious, sifting through the great multitude of feelings he experiences within himself.
The spiritual growth possible with retrograde Pluto is limited only by the individual's conscious mind. He can literally rise above much of the Karma of his entire race if he chooses. Interestingly enough, if he tries to avoid elevating his karma, he will feel the lower Karmas of others around him anyway. Thus, if he chooses to elevate himself, he truly can begin to live Jesus' parable of  "being in this world and not of it" In order to eventually achieve this he goes through temporary withdrawals during the first half of life, until he learns how to be impersonal with the intensity of the world he senses outside himself, so that he ultimately reaches the point at which he no longer feels it acting within himself.
Retrograde Pluto in Libra
Individuals with this placement have a rather unique experience in consciousness. They are observers in the evolution and transformation of the world, but do not really experience the desire to be an intrinsic part of it. On one hand, they personally experience the consciousness of everyone around them. This makes them a curious blend of all they have seen or touched. On the other hand they don't relate to themselves personally. Thus, they do not stand for that which they appear to stand for. The result is that this placement acts as a window through which the race's consciousness passes.
A strong sense of responsibility for others gives many with this configuration a silent martyr complex. They feel that their ability to balance those around them reflects in their personal accounting of their God. This is one of the most difficult positions for the retrograde Pluto as the force of change disrupts Libra's state of gentle inertia. There is a drive towards accomplishment coupled to a desire not to participate. When Pluto entered Libra, many great guru movements gained in popularity. even the strong advent of transcendental mediation is a peculiar application of this placement. To transcend is the force of Pluto; to do this through meditation represents the quiet non-activity of Libra.
On an individual basis, the retrograde action of the planet gives a person the ability to internalize human consciousness, so that he can become blended into the whole of all he perceives. This makes him go through phase 3 of the retrograde process much of the time.
Karmically, those born with this placement have an internally quiet and impersonal desire to transform the age in which they live. Their goal is a more peaceful and harmonious state of consciousness. 
Retrograde Pluto in the 5th house
Here  the individual spends much time in phase 1 of the retrograde process. He tries to express himself outwardly in order to prove to himself that the world will one day accept him. He can be forceful and dynamic. He has a powerful sexual nature. His genial outlook on life, along with his drive can be overbearing. Being too subjective in his general outlook on life he must learn to be more conscious of other people's feelings. Until he can do this, he can distort his perceptions since the world is really more impersonal that ne would like to believe.
With this placement there is sometimes one child that is either difficult to raise or hard to reach in terms of the child's own personal sense of individuality. Usually that child refuses to be molded easily. In some cases, the child tries to be the parent's teacher.
The love mature of the 5th house retrograde Pluto creates much inner turmoil as the individual is constantly questioning the different roles in which he sees himself. He may resent himself on very deep levels and is truly trying to find reasons for accepting himself and society he lives in. This often take the form of actively crusading for some form of personal expression that society in general does not readily approve of. In this manner he fells he is able to prove himself worthy of his own personal existence. He will reach happiness when he stops trying to topple the world and accepts himself as just one part in it.
Nearly always there is karma relating to past-life misuse of the creative process. Often this has occurred in sexually-rooted thought projections. Now the individual must learn how to give free psychic space to those around him . As he learns to do this he will find himself with an abundance of new energy to be directed into new areas of creation and accomplishment.
Aspects to Pluto
Pluto opposing Venus
These pressures to transform and reach a deeper sense of self involvement with life are hampered by your possibly unconscious desire to keep the peace and have a pleasant lifestyle. Ironically, though, it is just these predilections that draw you to someone who changes your life for you. The issue is really one of you being challenged to use your grace and charm to facilitate that transformation. There is something darkly but beautifully compelling about you or anything that you have created. So rather than being afraid of what you might loose, concentrate on what you have to give.
Pluto Conjunct Jupiter
A religious or self-righteous streak runs through these deeper feelings and compulsions. On the one hand this can make you a bit of a "hell-fire and damnation" type of moralizer. On the other hand, you make sure that your deepest desires are guided and tempered by ethical principles, which are equally deeply held.
Pluto sextile Neptune
You know that we are all in the same boat, and that it is a case of sinking or swimming so you look around, smile at your fellow human beings and pull together.
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Your path of self-healing and initiation involves a riddle or a sense of paradox. Issues of personal power seem incompatible or unconnected with your journey of awakening and healing, so that you find it difficult to confront your deepest feelings about intimacy, loss and attachments. This dynamic can impede your ability to actualize your healing. You may have an attraction/avoidance pattern with your �shadow� side, thereby rendering yourself powerless to consciously direct or control your need to act out your psychological wound. You will likely make many efforts to bridge the gap between these aspects of yourself, usually with less than satisfactory results, but the effort can produce much personal growth and awareness within you.
Pluto trine Midhaven
Your power potential may be used positively to further your profession, or be an integral part of its nature. So your career could well involve psychology, metaphysics, healing or wielding some form of power.
Putting it all Together:
This is where I get my strong sense of self-righteousness and my divine power from. I have been to my personal hells and back each time becoming stronger and more spiritually divine. This is also where I get my feelings when I know that something is wrong. This journey has been the hardest for me since I had to become a person of "substance" Geminis naturally hoover above the earth and do not like to touch it much less be buried or sunk in feelings. So this is a huge life step for me to be acquainting myself with my Plutonian energy and continue my spiritual pursuits.

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