Ashlee's Saturn Profile
Saturn- Lessons and Responsibilities
Saturn is all about order. About being in the right place at the right time. Above all, Saturn is the necessity and force of circumstances and the lessons they impose, along with the sense of discipline and responsibility that is behind the learning of them. Saturn is about testing and pressure, and so it can be limiting and depressing as it delays and denies. Saturn is also order as it is currently understood, that is, concrete reality, the status quo, or any form of authority such as parents, elders, teachers, and officialdom. So Saturn can be a sense of inadequately or inhibition for the simple reason that before we have learnt what we have to learn that is how we are most likely to feel. But Saturn is a sense of Achievement and status when we have learned those lessons well.
Saturn represents the part of us that needs to mature. The ancients considered Saturn as father time, for after 3 rounds of a Saturn lifetime was usually ended. Saturn has been called the Grim Reaper, the energy that cuts us down. It can be, but primarily Saturn is a tester, the teacher who tests our maturity in the school of life. If we grow, mature, pass the tests of various life cycles, if we understand universal law, we find Saturn a friend. If we wish to cling to our childhood ideas and illusions, if we wish to remain ignorant of natural law, if we think the universe owes us a living, Saturn seems to generate fear and apprehension. The fear is not caused by Saturn but by our own inner apprehensions, for Saturn seems to relate to each individuals conscience. Somewhere within we inherently know when we have not cooperated with cosmic law.
Early in life, Saturn indicates the individual's weak point, the point of insecurity that can manifest on a physical level (including frail health) or on an intellectual level (indicating an apprehension regarding intellectual ability) or it can influence one's feeling of self worth. Children who don't feel worthy feel guilty about taking up space in the universe, for they are seldom recognized by anyone they consider to be an important authority figure early in the life.
According to the symbols of the unconscious, the first authority figure we meet is that of our father. If Saturn is poorly Aspected, it usually indicates that the father has an unhealthy or unconstructive impact on the developing child's psyche. The aspects Saturn makes to the personal planets in the horoscope begin to tell what effect the father has on which facet of the child's personality. That affect influences children's attitudes when they begin to pursue adult responsibilities; the influence can touch any part of the personality ranging from expressing sexuality, to career aspirations. Often the more psychologically based Saturn afflictions are best worked out in analysis for they may be time- consuming to uncover.
Saturn represents the mundane area in life that we regard with caution or what we approach with fear. The sign and house placement of Saturn is important. When Saturn is in the 5th house the apprehension does not involve new beginnings but rather, those matters indicated by the fifth house: there may be apprehension regarding taking risks, a fear of gambling, a fear of a love relationships, apprehension about entertaining, about having babies, about the children one has given birth to. Since the 5th house represents the children of our minds as well as those of our bodies, the Saturn caution may also include apprehension about the creative ability. we spend much time being cautious about Saturn, about our fears, that eventually they become our strong points and the Saturn location becomes an area of strength and maturity. AS we learn to face our fears and apprehensions, Saturn turns into a friend.
WE can often sure our fears when we observe how our father reacted in similar situations. Considering Saturn from a spiritual level, it has been mentioned that Jupiter and Saturn were the cross-over planets according to the ancients. IF we understand the concepts symbolized by these planets we can lift the consciousness to more evolved levels. Saturn, as tester, symbolizes that energy must be expressed in a responsible way; we cannot merely satisfy our personal drives in a willful fashion. They must be channeled to meet universal needs. In the natural zodiac, The Moon rules the fourth house and the sun the 5th, symbolizing that we are a combination of our environment (fourth) and our creative endeavor (fifth). In the ancient wheel Saturn opposes both the Sun and the Moon for it rules the sings of Capricorn and Aquarius. The universal forces do not inhibit self-expression, but they do not indulge selfish expression either. As we learn to express the self maturely, the energy becomes productive rather than restrictive.
Saturn aspects to the personal planets indicate the part of the personality that must mature in this life. Some people have consciously make an effort to express or develop facets of the personality; the difficulties will ne shown by the Saturn ties. These ties don't keep us from being, but emphasize the importance of that area of life. The more Saturn aspects people have, the more intense the need to break the ties with inherited experience and become self-responsible. When people break from the past, when they can free themselves to explore all the mystic images describing the process of maturity, the soul can assimilate the responsibility of a higher consciousness.
Saturn in Libra
You are learning the art of grace and harmony, to develop principles concerning relating and justice. Initially, the need to learn such lessons may manifest as a fear of being answerable to something or someone, or of having to subscribe to society's rules. Along the way, by way of compensation, you are therefore drawn to committing yourself up to the eyebrows, either financially, emotionally or both, or to trying to be all things to all people, or to being caught in the valley of decision.
So as time goes by, you should gradually and eventually acquire a sense of how to compromise without sacrificing your own or someone else's principles, how to be lighthearted yet at the same time sincere, and to make considered decisions. This could enable you to become an authority in what were are first possibly areas of weakness: fair play and keeping the peace without merely glossing over issues.
Saturn in the 5th house
These lessons and limitations bear most of all upon your individual means of self-expression. This includes anything that is a creative product of some outlet of yours, such as artwork, hobbies, children, games, romance, etc. SO delays, difficulties, duty, denial or heavy responsibilities are all possible in one or more of these areas. You are learning to go about such matters in a disciplined way, as if you have something to prove.
Until you do, little or nothing will be forthcoming. When you do, however- which would be through a gradual process- you can become quite an authority in that field. Overall, you tend to feel that your creative efforts, are being watched and judged. They are!- by yourself. As you are your own overseer, why not be a positive and generous one?
Saturn Retrogrades: The symbol, Personality, karma, sign and house
The Saturn symbol is composed of the Cross and the Crescent. Here matter and the form side of life must be united with the souls sincere desire to express itself. Thus, all that the individual does he crystalizes into what he is adding to his Soul nature. The value of things is seen by the Soul itself which must discriminate between what it wants to partake of and what it wants to avoid. As the individual looks at his life through his Saturn he may appear somber and serious but what he is doing is considering the relationships between idea and form. He concerns himself with his ability to see how mush of his soul he can actually manifest with matter. Thus, it becomes important for him to view his deeds as a reflections of his true inner being.
The retrograde nature of this planet causes him to experience much of this reflection as an inner struggle between the consciousness of his ideals, their practicality, and his ability to live up to them. Thus, for many, the retrograde Saturn becomes their conscious and their guide, blending as a mediator between the perfected higher being and how much it must still learn in order to live here on Earth.
This individual with Retrograde Saturn is intensely serious about completing whatever he has left undone in his past. He tends to want to go backwards in order to fill any gaps in what he had hastily considered finished before. As such, he tends to be thoughtful and steady. At times he may seem overly cautious of too frugal, but any reserve on his part is based entirely on his need to conserve substance for purposeful use. He does not believe in waste or extravagance for he has experienced that in other lives. Now he is deeply appreciative of everything he learns or receives. Often he feels an inner debt to GOD which manifest itself as a powerful sense of gratitude for all he sees around him.
He tries to teach others, who are less knowledgeable or experienced than himself. Yet, he is unsuccessful if they have not gone through his past life " fall from heaven" and his great struggle which has now earned him his way back. AS a result of this, there is built in maturity in the Retrograde Saturn that one could not have achieved without great personal struggle and sacrifice.
Retrograde Saturn always indicates a continuing Karma from past incarnations. Whatever the lesson, the individual is unusually slow in bringing it to completion. Thus, in this life he needs to carry the extra weight in his Soul of a former life so that when the two ultimately combine there will be enough evidence for him to fully understand his true mission. Much of what he does in this life is a repeat of his Saturn already stands for. But now he faces circumstances and situations that are slightly different. The retrograde action of the planet can make him feel its restrictive force, particularly if he tries to escape the weight of its lesson. But, if he flows with it, understanding that through the patient guidance he is receiving, he is slowly being led to identification with something higher than he may have imagined, he can truly appreciate the workings of Gods beautiful universe through this planet.
Saturn is one's teacher and when it appears Retrograde, the individual has experienced similar teachings before this life. As the years unfold there is an enormous amount of wisdom that steadily ours from the Retrograde Saturn.
Of all the planets, it is the most natural and comfortable in its Retrograde position, for it affords the individual a kind of second chance to improve on the relationship formed between his Soul, the circumstances he was faced with in a past incarnation, and how these were understood. Now under the gentle guidance of Saturn, he is able to out into form all that he has learned in the past.
Retrograde Saturn in Libra
In this placement Retrograde Saturn adds inner maturity to the otherwise indecisive qualities of Libra. The individual feels a strong responsibility to others. Often he experiences their Karma more than they do themselves. Naturally this can throw him off balance. In the long run his judgment is quite sound and he is able to steady himself.
A born peacemaker, he is often thrown into the middle of opposing people ore ideas. From this position he tries to bring harmony by establishing a balanced third point which expresses the positive aspect of both sides.
He has the ability to actually change and alter the Karmic directions of these people he comes in contact with. As a result of meeting him they begin to re-evaluate and weigh proportionately their own past beliefs and the direction they had been moving in, Thus, for many, this placement gives an opportunity to take an objective look at their purpose in life so that their validity may be re-assessed. For the individual with Retrograde Saturn in Libra life is a series of turns and twists until he understands that his Karmic mission in this incarnation is not for himself, but rather to help direct others to a more balanced purpose. This is done by setting an example of balance through harmonizing the apparent opposites of thought. He brings this about by finding the essential unity of human ideals.
His adaptability allows him to change from one Retrograde Phase to another depending completely upon the need of the moment. Thus, he is truly one of God's most versatile and valuable helpers.
Retrograde Saturn in the 5th House
With this placement the individual feels a strong need to overcome obstacles that he perceives in his creative process. He keeps feeling that he should be doing more in life than he actually is, but he tends to delay much of his productive output until later in life. He feels a need to create something of lasting value in order to feel a sense of purpose. In some cases, he will have to bear a heavy burden in terms of paying a karmic debt to a child. still, if he can do this, it will help him to established the sense of purpose he is seeking.
He tends to stymie himself, actually slowing down any real progress in life, because he has inner fears of commitments. Still, no matter how much he would rather be an observer of life, he keeps falling into one situation after another where the full weight of responsibility is put on him. The more he seeks pleasure, the more responsibility he finds himself carrying. In great measure, this is to teach him what life is really about.
Love matters prosper slowly for there is a great deal of maturing to take place before an intimate relationship can flow smoothly. The individual has many self-doubts when it comes to expressing his creative abilities. He doesn't really think he can measure up to other's standards. Thus, he forbids himself much that he really needs. He can turn probabilities that he could attain into such obstacles that they become too remote from his life for him actually to reach them.
He worries too much over childhood inadequacy fears which are still operating in his unconscious. Karmically, he must learn how to stop perpetuating fears which block his creative flow. AS soon as he can do this, he will not only overcome many of his obstacles, but he can also make an important contribution to mankind.
Aspects to Saturn
Saturn Sesquisquare The Sun
(Already covered in the Big 3 Aspected)
Saturn Trine Mercury
(Already covered in Mercury Profile)
Saturn Opposing Venus
(Already covered in the Venus profile)
Saturn Squaring North Node and South Node
Limitation, Discipline and Organization Distract You from the Pursuit of Your Destiny, Talents and Resources
Saturn square the Moon’s Nodes suggests that you have difficulty pursuing your life's destiny lesson and/or properly utilizing your karmically derived talents and resources while at the same time developing/employing self-discipline and/or a sense of limits and organization. Paradoxically, it is just these Saturnian skills that are likely to assist you in fulfilling the destiny symbolized by the Nodes. You tend to concentrate either on your past/destiny or on learning the lessons symbolized by Saturn's placement. Both are manifestations of karmic imperatives, and therefore this configuration suggests that you bear conflicting karmas in this life. Your strongest tendency is likely for you to become absorbed in the Saturnian sphere—issues that revolve around self-discipline, structure and organization, overcoming insecurity and dealing with life's karmic lessons. In becoming so self-absorbed in this area of life, however, you are in danger of losing your opportunity to pursue a unique destiny or to make full use of your talents and resources. You may not pursue these opportunities due to over caution or lack of spontaneity. If, on the other hand, you force yourself to focus on matters of destiny or developing your talents, you may find yourself hampered by insufficient discipline and organization, or by your need to overcome severe obstacles. You can realize the transcendent potential of Saturn square the Moon’s Nodes when, through struggling with the challenge presented by this configuration, you perceive the karmic (and practical) links between the development of the Saturnian function, your destiny and your wise use of natural talents and resources. You recognize that, at a level of increased awareness, you must attend to the Nodal imperatives within a structured and super-ego contained environment. Therefore, you must develop strength, order and self-discipline. You also perceive that in developing your Saturnian qualities, you are making necessary progress toward the goals of achieving your life destiny and employing your karmic resources properly. Yet, you are aware of the distinctions among these three functions and you provide a space for each in your life and psyche. As you diligently focus on integrating these tasks, the balancing that you must achieve among them becomes easier. Without a strong will or sense of yourself beyond your ego-persona, you will likely become compulsively absorbed in your Saturn function. Thus, Saturnian qualities are likely to be pronounced in your personality, especially the more negative characteristics such as rigidity, rule-bound conformity, and authoritarianism. Another reaction you may have is to sink into your insecurity. In this state, you may cast the blame on others for your failure to achieve your destiny or to exercise your talents. You may have a highly critical nature. Your criticism may become more aggressive due to your innate sense of your own weakness, which sets you up into a defensive mode.
Saturn Trine the Ascendant
(already covered in the Big 3 Aspected)
Putting it all Together:
It is Actually this planet that has taught me so much about myself, my karma and my life purpose. My life has not by any means been an easy one; there was a lot of sacrifices, obstacles, and hindrances that have plagued me since I was born into this world. Since then I have made a constant effort to right myself in all that I was lacking- If only to shut my father up about how much of a weakling that I was. I tried to escape my destiny; scoffed and laughed at my fate and said screwed universal laws. Turns out I was punished for having those horrible thoughts and actions. I pay extremely close attention to everything now as a result of this humungous Karma slap. It was always my fault- even from my past incarnations, but I blamed it on others and I heavily suffered for it. I started out as not being wanted. Continuously misunderstood by the people in my life but I persafuckingvered and become the Goddess that you now see before you. I worked on myself; on the lessons that I skipped and had to learn later. I had to unlearn all of my father's negative tendencies that he was forcing me to learn. I had to stand up for myself and fight back against all of the tyranny that my father ruled me with and I began to accept that I wasn't perfect. That I wasn't going to be put down and beaten into submission because my view differed than his. I took all of his punishments, the beatings, the verbal abuse and I turned it into my strengths. I was forged out of the fires of Hell and came through on the other side. Went through the light to acknowledge that I am a good person; that my soul does matter and it does have a purpose- to show others that they are stronger than they think that they are. That by me setting a positive example of living my truths I have begun to heal my Karma and hopefully this will be my last Incarnation.
It was only recently that I accepted my higher self and stopped running away from my Destiny. I see now that I just had to accept the fact that I am here to do something that only I can do... and that is to help people objectively find their life missions.
Putting it all Together:
It is Actually this planet that has taught me so much about myself, my karma and my life purpose. My life has not by any means been an easy one; there was a lot of sacrifices, obstacles, and hindrances that have plagued me since I was born into this world. Since then I have made a constant effort to right myself in all that I was lacking- If only to shut my father up about how much of a weakling that I was. I tried to escape my destiny; scoffed and laughed at my fate and said screwed universal laws. Turns out I was punished for having those horrible thoughts and actions. I pay extremely close attention to everything now as a result of this humungous Karma slap. It was always my fault- even from my past incarnations, but I blamed it on others and I heavily suffered for it. I started out as not being wanted. Continuously misunderstood by the people in my life but I persafuckingvered and become the Goddess that you now see before you. I worked on myself; on the lessons that I skipped and had to learn later. I had to unlearn all of my father's negative tendencies that he was forcing me to learn. I had to stand up for myself and fight back against all of the tyranny that my father ruled me with and I began to accept that I wasn't perfect. That I wasn't going to be put down and beaten into submission because my view differed than his. I took all of his punishments, the beatings, the verbal abuse and I turned it into my strengths. I was forged out of the fires of Hell and came through on the other side. Went through the light to acknowledge that I am a good person; that my soul does matter and it does have a purpose- to show others that they are stronger than they think that they are. That by me setting a positive example of living my truths I have begun to heal my Karma and hopefully this will be my last Incarnation.
It was only recently that I accepted my higher self and stopped running away from my Destiny. I see now that I just had to accept the fact that I am here to do something that only I can do... and that is to help people objectively find their life missions.
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