Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ashlee's Pluto Profile...

Ashlee's Pluto Profile...
Pluto- Power and Transformation
Pluto is the seed of power within, like the acorn is to the oak tree. This can amount to a sense of destiny or just an obsession. Either way, Pluto is a force to be reckoned with as it, the lord of the Underworld, urges your to get in touch with deep and profound levels of consciousness. It is the power of death and transformation and of sexuality and the secrets of birth and all other things. Pluto governs the hidden (occult) and the darker side of life. So Pluto either regenerates or destroys- nothing in between. It has the power to harm or heal as no other planetary force, and it shows your depths (which you might have to sink to) and insight ( that you gained thereby)
Pluto replaced the feminine side of Mars in its rulership of Scorpio. On one level, Pluto has been called the key to mass unconscious of any given generation. It stays in one sign for about 20 years so it influences a large group of people in each sign. It gives a symbolic message about the strivings and struggles of a generation; it can be used to indicate how a particular group of people will be motivated, how they will pursue consciousness. Everyone will feel the effect of Pluto foe everyone is a pert of a generation. It seems that wherever Pluto changes sign a new group of people makes attempt to free themselves from bondage, to shed the protective or restrictive bonds of strong governmental policies, to become a self-responsible and citizen directed group. This planets motion can be observed as a history being made and we can watch it indicate the struggle for power, transformation, for freedom on our own planet.
Pluto becomes personal when it attaches itself to one of our personal planets by aspect. This means that the values of our generation or the consciousness of our era are important t us in a very personal way. WE become more involved in our generations struggle for consciousness, although each of us will use the energy differently. In the family experience, the aspects between Pluto and the personal planets indicate that we are raised in a family the uses the energies of Pluto as a part of the family experience. If the aspects are easy, we are taught cooperation in the home. The easy aspects also can indicate a person who may be the victim of the goals of the generation (following blindly along with the generation of the moment) or one can offer his energies to the furthering of the needs of the masses because he is trained to do so.
The hard aspects to Pluto usually indicate that rather than cooperation, the energy of coercion is used in childhood. Which parent is involved in manipulating the family energy can be seen by observing the aspects: do they come from the father, the mother, or both? When Pluto aspects a planet symbolizing the father (Sun or Saturn) the pursuit of consciousness is important, for one's very existence and the quality of one's existence will be well established. The energy manifests on either a low or high level and the choices range from being obsessive and controlling to being at the height of conscious development- the choice is ours. The decisions to use this energy will involve becoming aware of the power in the universe, how to use and understand universal law, and how that understanding can further consciousness.
When Pluto aspects planets that symbolize a coercive mother image (Moon or Venus) one needs to free oneself from the confusion caused by a controlling mother and her effect on the image of the feminine in one's psyche. Until the confusion is understood, it may be difficult to develop the feeling side of the self. Several astrologers feel that Pluto is the great mother, the chaotic mother, that mother figure who is devouring. Pluto, as the ruler of Scorpio, does have a tie to motherhood. The feminine side of mars ( the ancient ruler of Scorpio) has to do with reproduction and sex for reproductive purposes. Sex in this sense is not the romantic kind that we think about when we fall in love, but rather the kind used in the mating process, the type which draws any species to mate because of the instinctive  and biological urges.
In the Hindu symbolism the figure Maya/ Kali has been used to symbolize Mother Nature, the constant teeming of life that devours itself on an unconscious level. The figure is both a beautiful woman (Maya) who symbolizes illusion and what we hanker after unconsciously, and Kali, the devouring mother who gives birth at one end and eats her children at the other. She is often pictured wearing a belt of shrunken heads; she is awesome and horrible, but she is real. Mother Nature is involved in a round of death and rebirth, and the sign Scorpio symbolizes that for us.
Shiva is another symbol of life and death in Hindu symbolism. He is an androgynous figure, both male and female; he has many arms and is called the lord of death and destruction- and regeneration. Most westerners forget the regeneration part and see Shiva as only a terrifying figure. But, he dances the dance of life and death. When we know Pluto well, we know about the round of life and death, we understand the teeming life force present in our environment, and what remains is to free consciousness from its familiar surroundings and allow it to expand to include the whole.
The hardest image to free ourselves from is that of the Mother. The Mother figure represents so much to the psyche, it becomes so complicated that unless the image is pursued on a conscious basis, most of the time it will lie in some confused state within us. When Pluto ties with the moon we must break ties with the mother; we must understand who our individual and physical Mother is and free her from the image we have of universal mother in the psyche.
People who are locked into a Plutonian vibration attempt to control love, to control children, to control the environment, to control the rain, and some of them even try to control their transits. The battle is a long and arduous one, and no matter how hard they try to fight they never seem to win. There is another side to the Plutonic energy, however it bestows fantastic creative energy and insight on those who are brave enough to use it. In order to use this energy one must let go of the power and control trip; for the urge to power, the urge to control, is always blinding to the owner.
Pluto in Libra
You are a member of the Plutonian generation (1971-1984) born during a period when marriage and social values underwent a profound change. A typical example of this would be growing up in a single parent family. Fashion took on a darker, more obsessive aspect with styles such as punk and heroine chic, devolving into fixations regarding physical looks, excessive cosmetic surgery, and anorexia and bulimia. So this was, and gave rise to, a time of great uncertainty concerning social justice, and the social norm. As a generation you are rewriting the social rulebook, but initially this means having almost no rulebook at all. And because profound Pluto  functions poorly in relatively superficial Libra, this will all take quite some time.
Pluto in 5th house
Power and transformation enter your life via your creative means of expression or romantic involvements. With the former, artwork, hobbies or drama can be quite heavy death-defying or macabre. You wouldn't just paint pretty pictures for instance; you'd really be working out some deep psychological matters in your art. The same cloak of intensity affects your affairs of the heart.
Obsessiveness and a strong accent upon sex bear witness to the fact that although you may have been in it for fun at the start, as it wears on, you realize that it is souls and not just bodies that are getting close, with all the highs, lows, and deep changes which this entails. And the physical result of sex, children, have an even more than usually profound effect on you.
As an alternative to this, you consciously or unconsciously sense what deep and turbulent waters love or art will get into- and so you back-peddle. But, as Dante said, " take away my demons and you take away my angels" in other words, your choice is between agony coupled with ecstasy, or safety coupled with frustration.
Retrograde Pluto: Symbol, personality, karma, sign, house
In the symbol of Pluto we find the Circle of Spirit soaring free above the connection between the Crescent of Soul and the Cross of Matter. This is so indicative of the unknown areas man has to pass through before finally reaching an understanding of himself at the very deepest of levels.
When the soul and the matter part of existence are not in contact with the essential Spirit of Light, the individual experiences the baser Plutonian energies. But, when he begins to transcend the unknown qualities within himself, he is able to bridge the gap between his lower life and finally link up with the Spirit of purified Golden light that God had intended him to know. When man is able to achieve this, he comes into contact with that part of himself that is so essentially good that he is sure that no one he knows would actually believe it. This is his real identity.
The great difficulties involved in reaching such Plutonian energies, is that like the seagull who flies the highest on his own wings, each individual must transcend himself on his own. The ending qualified by Pluto are the symbol is dropping off of phase no longer necessary for the individuals growth.
Since Pluto is retrograde nearly half of the time, then a very high percentage of the world's population has this configuration appearing in the natal charts. These individuals will ultimately become more concerned with transformations within themselves that with less fruitful attempt at trying to reform the outer world. By inverting the symbol, all else rises from the manifestation of the Divine Spirit expressing itself here on Earth.
This individual with Retrograde Pluto feels the ills of the society as a personal reason to transform himself. He knows that he cannot change the world. Still, he would like to if it were practical or possible. But, he can change the world within himself by ending his ties with all that bind him to less that his purified being. This is a process that takes many years, and sometimes many lifetimes to achieve. In it highest manifestation it represents the true Christ Consciousness of bringing the purest form of love here on earth.
In lesser measure and more common, he is continually elimination from his life all those factors which impede the progress of his Soul and the expression of his Spirit. The individual with Retrograde Pluto experiences the struggle of mankind as a very personal struggle within himself. He personally feels the need to overcome in himself all that has been lowering the consciousness of the society he lives in. Thus, he reacts strongly to other people's dishonesty to themselves, taking it as a personal affront to his own progress, which he feels he must make for the ultimate good of the civilization of which he is an important part. He must learn to detach a little more from the habit patterns and behavior characteristics of others whose lives really have so little to do with his own true inner reality.
The individual with retrograde Pluto is living through a Karma of experiencing mass consciousness within himself. He feels the impact of the world thought, and is conscious of how it relates to would thought throughout the ages. Not always expressing outwardly what he knows, he tends to see other individuals as part of a larger and more inclusive whole rather than on a constant one-to -one basis.
In his personal life, it is far less important what he does that what he thinks about what he does. Much of the time he lives within his conscious, sifting through the great multitude of feelings he experiences within himself.
The spiritual growth possible with retrograde Pluto is limited only by the individual's conscious mind. He can literally rise above much of the Karma of his entire race if he chooses. Interestingly enough, if he tries to avoid elevating his karma, he will feel the lower Karmas of others around him anyway. Thus, if he chooses to elevate himself, he truly can begin to live Jesus' parable of  "being in this world and not of it" In order to eventually achieve this he goes through temporary withdrawals during the first half of life, until he learns how to be impersonal with the intensity of the world he senses outside himself, so that he ultimately reaches the point at which he no longer feels it acting within himself.
Retrograde Pluto in Libra
Individuals with this placement have a rather unique experience in consciousness. They are observers in the evolution and transformation of the world, but do not really experience the desire to be an intrinsic part of it. On one hand, they personally experience the consciousness of everyone around them. This makes them a curious blend of all they have seen or touched. On the other hand they don't relate to themselves personally. Thus, they do not stand for that which they appear to stand for. The result is that this placement acts as a window through which the race's consciousness passes.
A strong sense of responsibility for others gives many with this configuration a silent martyr complex. They feel that their ability to balance those around them reflects in their personal accounting of their God. This is one of the most difficult positions for the retrograde Pluto as the force of change disrupts Libra's state of gentle inertia. There is a drive towards accomplishment coupled to a desire not to participate. When Pluto entered Libra, many great guru movements gained in popularity. even the strong advent of transcendental mediation is a peculiar application of this placement. To transcend is the force of Pluto; to do this through meditation represents the quiet non-activity of Libra.
On an individual basis, the retrograde action of the planet gives a person the ability to internalize human consciousness, so that he can become blended into the whole of all he perceives. This makes him go through phase 3 of the retrograde process much of the time.
Karmically, those born with this placement have an internally quiet and impersonal desire to transform the age in which they live. Their goal is a more peaceful and harmonious state of consciousness. 
Retrograde Pluto in the 5th house
Here  the individual spends much time in phase 1 of the retrograde process. He tries to express himself outwardly in order to prove to himself that the world will one day accept him. He can be forceful and dynamic. He has a powerful sexual nature. His genial outlook on life, along with his drive can be overbearing. Being too subjective in his general outlook on life he must learn to be more conscious of other people's feelings. Until he can do this, he can distort his perceptions since the world is really more impersonal that ne would like to believe.
With this placement there is sometimes one child that is either difficult to raise or hard to reach in terms of the child's own personal sense of individuality. Usually that child refuses to be molded easily. In some cases, the child tries to be the parent's teacher.
The love mature of the 5th house retrograde Pluto creates much inner turmoil as the individual is constantly questioning the different roles in which he sees himself. He may resent himself on very deep levels and is truly trying to find reasons for accepting himself and society he lives in. This often take the form of actively crusading for some form of personal expression that society in general does not readily approve of. In this manner he fells he is able to prove himself worthy of his own personal existence. He will reach happiness when he stops trying to topple the world and accepts himself as just one part in it.
Nearly always there is karma relating to past-life misuse of the creative process. Often this has occurred in sexually-rooted thought projections. Now the individual must learn how to give free psychic space to those around him . As he learns to do this he will find himself with an abundance of new energy to be directed into new areas of creation and accomplishment.
Aspects to Pluto
Pluto opposing Venus
These pressures to transform and reach a deeper sense of self involvement with life are hampered by your possibly unconscious desire to keep the peace and have a pleasant lifestyle. Ironically, though, it is just these predilections that draw you to someone who changes your life for you. The issue is really one of you being challenged to use your grace and charm to facilitate that transformation. There is something darkly but beautifully compelling about you or anything that you have created. So rather than being afraid of what you might loose, concentrate on what you have to give.
Pluto Conjunct Jupiter
A religious or self-righteous streak runs through these deeper feelings and compulsions. On the one hand this can make you a bit of a "hell-fire and damnation" type of moralizer. On the other hand, you make sure that your deepest desires are guided and tempered by ethical principles, which are equally deeply held.
Pluto sextile Neptune
You know that we are all in the same boat, and that it is a case of sinking or swimming so you look around, smile at your fellow human beings and pull together.
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Your path of self-healing and initiation involves a riddle or a sense of paradox. Issues of personal power seem incompatible or unconnected with your journey of awakening and healing, so that you find it difficult to confront your deepest feelings about intimacy, loss and attachments. This dynamic can impede your ability to actualize your healing. You may have an attraction/avoidance pattern with your �shadow� side, thereby rendering yourself powerless to consciously direct or control your need to act out your psychological wound. You will likely make many efforts to bridge the gap between these aspects of yourself, usually with less than satisfactory results, but the effort can produce much personal growth and awareness within you.
Pluto trine Midhaven
Your power potential may be used positively to further your profession, or be an integral part of its nature. So your career could well involve psychology, metaphysics, healing or wielding some form of power.
Putting it all Together:
This is where I get my strong sense of self-righteousness and my divine power from. I have been to my personal hells and back each time becoming stronger and more spiritually divine. This is also where I get my feelings when I know that something is wrong. This journey has been the hardest for me since I had to become a person of "substance" Geminis naturally hoover above the earth and do not like to touch it much less be buried or sunk in feelings. So this is a huge life step for me to be acquainting myself with my Plutonian energy and continue my spiritual pursuits.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ashlee's Neptune Profile...

Ashlee's Neptune Profile
Neptune- Sensivitity and  Spirituality

Neptune is the Spiritual, the mystical, and the ethereal. It is the sense that there is something 'in there' or 'out there' that has mysterious and subtle effect upon us all. It is the oceanic, undifferentiated realm where all is oneness- through which we find at-one-ment or redemption. As such it can be anything from enlightenment to delusion, devotion to addiction. One could view the saying, "we are all from a grander place" as a key to mankind's salvation or just as a pipe-dream. So wherever Neptune is in your chart you will find sensitivity, imagination, whether it is expressed or experienced as a blind spot or a vision; as romantic illusion or unconditional love as escape or relief; as suffering or compassion; as victim or self-sacrifice; as attunement or aversion; as madness or inspiration. Neptune is mostly patently experienced through music or meditation or selflessness.

Neptune is a slow moving planet that was not a part of the ancient horoscope. It was given rulership over the sign of Pisces and replaced the feminine side of Jupiter in the ancient wheel. Neptune, or Poseidon, is the God of the sea; and in myth as in psychology, Neptune the sea symbolizes a part of the unconsciousness. In astrology, Neptune represents spiritual or universal love; that love which includes compassion and understanding, that love which is more universal than personal, so it is often associated with spiritual love in the universal sense. Neptune represents dreams, the fantasies, the daydreams, the vagaries, the illusions, the inspirations, and the delusions in the personality. If a person is born without a strong Neptune aspects to the personal planets, the dreams of the generation he is born into will be a part of his reality but he won't be strongly involved in the energy of the planet. If his personal planets are involved in powerful aspects to Neptune, he will be a part of the creativity of the generation; he will need to explore his spiritual needs; he will be sorting out concepts of reality and fantasy.

In a personal case, close ties to Neptune indicate a natural bent towards the creative fantasy; the poetry and prose of creative endeavor lie close to the surface. Mostly a person with strong Neptune ties in the chart need help sorting out the differenced between illusion and fantasy, and those kinds of confusions are most often caused by the hard aspects. Neptune's aspects can tell where the one will most often be deluded, where one tends to see fantasy or illusion rather than insightful complements to intellectual concepts.

The placement of Neptune tells us how we can be deluded by self or others. The aspects to Neptune indicate the creative energy or the blind spots we develop based on early childhood environmental exposure. After considering the power parent- that is, the parent most influential in the development of our personal philosophy- look to Neptune to discern if this planet influences our concept of the parent. Neptune aspects involving planets symbolizing the mother or the father can give insight into the possibility of a distortion of that parents' role. Our distortions of reality, those distortions that encompass unreasonable fears or unreasonable concepts, will be indicated by Neptune aspects. Any Neptune aspect can be used creatively, for it symbolizes a creative source, a fountain of ideas within the personality. The hard aspects compel us to work for the  bonus; the easy aspects bestow the natural talent, and because we don't work for it we sometimes don't appreciate or use it.

Neptune in Sagittarius

You belong to a Neptunian generation born between 1970 and the mid 1980's. As this generation came of age, there occurred a blurring of the line between right and wrong. The underlying reason for this was a want of distinction between the law of man and the law of God. Where there is seen the unbridled following of the get-rich-quick ethos, later will appear a deep frustration and meaninglessness, and collapse. At the other extreme, fundamentalist religion seeks to overthrow anything that does not agree with it. Between these two extremes a germ of exquisite truth may be found.

Neptune in the 7th House

You look for sensitivity and idealism in others- or one in particular. You project on to your partner all those things that you long for in a mate. This can only too easily give rise to your having great love affairs that are followed by equally great disappointments. Furthermore, your partner becomes like a drug to you, for you are addicted to them and suffer very painful withdrawal symptoms when your "supply" is threatened or terminated.

It is of vital importance that you find some kind of "cure"- otherwise you could be doomed to be a "social junkie" That cure is in your realization that your yourself are carrying around within your psyche that ideal human being. The people that you long for and are fatally attracted to seem to be supremely gifted and so you worship them, or they are in some way afflicted and seem to need your help. In either case, you can often wind up feeling the victim in the relationship. The more you find the artist, mystic, healer, musician, visionary, or transcendental in yourself, then the more you will be able to relate to your partner as an ordinary human being with ordinary talents and failings.

Retrograde Neptune: The Symbol, Personality, KArma, sign and house

Neptune's symbol is formed by the Crescent of Soul ascending from the Cross of Matter. The horizontal line of the Cross falls closer to the bottom of the figure, suggesting almost an inversion of the Cross symbol, as it seems to be falling away from the rising Crescent of Soul. Here, the formless lifts from the formed, as the Soul's sincere desire rises above the lesser importance of matter. Mush like spiritual waters above earth, the symbol represents the dissolving matter that no longer needs to be crystallized.

It is interesting to note the inverted Cross bespeaks of matter dropping away into lower worlds. This is in great measure descriptive of the mystical qualities of the planet. When Neptune is in retrograde, the Cross appears upright through the inverted symbol, and the individual is more aware of his Soul as the Crescent of Soul appears closer to the earthly plane. There develops a powerful inner need to approach all material things in the world in terms of their deepest significance to the Soul. In a sense then, the Retrograde Neptune may indeed give the individual the opportunity to express a very advanced stage of evolution, since it forces him to live in this world, but not be of it!


The personality of the individual with Retrograde Neptune is not easily understood by others. His motives do not process the common sense that one expects to be at the root of all motivation. Instead, he vibrates to a higher music, heard only to himself. His perceptions do not come from the material plane, but are a direct connection with his Soul. Thus, he can be highly spiritual but cares little for the formed side of orthodox religion. He can have a great love for music, but cannot ascribe to any definite man-made structure within it. He senses practically everything, but he relates his senses mush less to physical reality than his perception of a cosmic universe. He knows much more than he could ever put into words, for here again he realizes the limiting qualities of language as being but just another formed boundary which could encircle his infinite understanding. He is able to see the appearances and illusions that others live in, and therefore has to try to make the best bargain between not toppling their sand castles, while retaining all the inner truths he knows.


The individual with the Retrograde Neptune is living through the karma of learning how to sort out that which is real in terms of his ideals and that which gives the appearance of fulfilling his dreams. He knows what he needs but has difficulty finding it in the external world. Constantly living one dream after another, he often winds up running from imaginary shadows, while chasing unrealistic fantasies. Still, he must find his ideals in the world of "no form" which has such a strong hold on him. He sometimes makes the mistake of projecting past dreams into present situations. This does not allow him to see the reality of the present clearly. He is highly intuitive, and through the different retrograde phases he is often able to know the outcome of situations long before he gets into them. But until he learns how to cope with the subtle flow of the Neptunian energy that he feel within himself, he does not easily trust his intuition. These individuals must learn how to integrate their senses with the ideals and dreams that they bring into this life. instead of trying to distort perceptions in order to make the present fit the past, there must be an awareness of what parts of the present truly symbolize the parts of the past that are karmatically incomplete.

Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius

Here, the individual experiences a heightened consciousness of the world and his place in it. He learns to live without anchoring himself to roots. Instead he lives a more natural existence, flowing with the currents of his fortune. He is a free spirit with very few attachments that are meaningful to him on the physical plane. With almost a prophetic insight into the future, he can grasp the essence of things in a moment, but he has difficulty stabilizing himself in everyday practical matters. He will play a great role in delivering the spiritual message of the Aquarian Age. His life is built on the expansion of formless horizons he senses within himself. As the same time, he has an endless giver of information and knowledge to others. Through phase 1 of the retrograde process he can perceive distant possibilities as very real probabilities in the here and now. He is a dreamer of the first order. But his dreams are more of a vision for mankind rather than fulfillment of personal desires.
More than with other placements, this gives a powerful sense of the cosmic whole happening within oneself. Bursting with life, this person is a pure expression of the Soul finally set free.

Karmically, he is not to be bound by anything other than what he perceives as the deepest truths within himself. He will avoid mass movements, organizations, clubs, the institution of marriage and any other man-made structure which prevents him from experiencing all that he feels inside.

Retrograde Neptune in the 7th House

This placement forces the individual to become highly independent. The promised strength of others is denied, either through the escapism of a marriage partner or the unreality of other people in the individual's life. He learns how to trust and depend upon himself. The retrograde phase which is accentuated will naturally depend upon which sign is on the seventh house cusp, but it will also depend highly upon the individual's mate.

Usually, the individual reacts as a kind of secondary response to the way this planet is being used by those he loves. Through a tremendous sensitivity to other people's feelings, he grows more compassionate as the years pass. He learns to expect less from those who are less able to give. And, he learns how to build more within himself. He is living through a very spiritual karma of experiencing impersonal love in that one area of his life where he consciously expected personal love. While he will go through some disappointments in his intimate relationships, he is blessed with a tremendous opportunity for Soul growth through sincere sacrifice.

He will have to draw on much strength from within himself, because in this incarnation he will experience a good deal of loneliness. And much of the love he expects to receive from others will in actuality be the exact mirror of what he himself gives out. If married, he will pay a karmic debt to his partner through sacrificial love.

Aspects to Neptune

Neptune Square Mars
What is more, you feel that you must act upon these finer feelings and subtle yearnings. SO you can be impatient to reach some artificial high, make a sexual conquest, or save some siren-like figure or to be saved or conquered by some hero. Such sexual myth making is both enthralling and confusing, but at times can find you impotent or frigid, chaste or kinky. However, it is through these miasmas that you find your won fascinating blend of desire and imagination.

Neptune Sextile Pluto
Neptune is a generational planet as is Pluto. Where there are aspects between these energies they are common to a great number of people within that generation. Pluto represents the mass unconscious, the unconscious motivation of a generation. Neptune symbolizes the universal dream. The merging of the energies symbolizes the possibility of integrating the mass unconscious and its creative dream.

In the Hindu creation myth the "god" (or creative essence) is immersed in a dream of a world. In this dream state nothing happens; ideas float around but nothing materializes, nothing is realized. In order to actualize consciousness, the "god" realizes that some manifestation must take place. So he splits himself up into millions of pieces and becomes the universe- the planets, the sky, the earth and its waters, the vegetation, the animals, the grass, the rock. The universe teeming with life, all struggling to survive, is the conscious realization of that dream.

When aspects take place between two representive forces, great changes take place in the world. When we are born with these aspects great changes take place within us. The dream becomes intermingled with the unconscious motivation; the dreams bring the contents of the collective unconscious into realization. Unless the aspect between these tow planets also ties into a personal planet, the effect will take place in our generation; when they are tied to the personal planets in our chart we have a chance for profound personal transformations.

You are helped in taking steps towards enlightenment by the fact that doing so has become more a generally accepted pursuit since the horrors of World War 2. However, you will need more that this point alone to set you off on this path.

Neptune Sextile Midhaven
Your sensitivity and imagination may be used positively to further your profession, or be an integral part of its nature. So your career should involve the arts, metaphysics, healing, or anything that enlighten, relieves or entertains.

Putting it all Together:

My Neptune aspects make me feel like I am living inside of the ocean and watching others from a safe distance. It also reminds me of the song STILL by Alanis Moresette from the Dogma soundtrack. I see everything that is happening and going on which makes for a more serious and lonely side of me. That is why I have found my perfect mate in Jeff- he allows me to have my freedom but I know that I am loved by him- that it is something that is real and true. This planet has given me my most wonderful memories and my most horrific ones but it made me a better person and I have grown tremendously as a result. This hard planet has opened me up to receiving my spiritual nature and my spiritual gifts and took patience with me as I tried to find my place in this world.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ashlee's Uranus Profile...

Ashlee's Uranus Profile
Uranus- Awakening and Freedom
Uranus is the impulse that awakens, which more often than not amounts to some form of disruption or surprise taking place. Uranus introduces you to the unusual or innovative, through the technological or metaphysical, making you aware of what is bubbling under the future in the making. Uranus represents what is unique about you as an individual human being, and ultimately towards the  recognition of the goals of the human race itself, something which is essentially the stuff of evolution. Uranian events and personalities are unexpected, taking the form of accidents or meaningful coincidence (synchronicity). Uranus is the spark of genius, it's electricity itself, and magic, that something in the air. In a word, Uranus is change. Uranus is intuition, which is simply a sense of the truth, the only thing that will set you free.

Uranus was discovered in the 20th century and has replaced the masculine side of Saturn as the ruler of the sign Aquarius. As astrologers traced the type of energy that seemed to emanate from Uranus, they found it tied in with the concepts symbolized by Aquarius, that it indicated an opportunity to expand consciousness, to advance human development in the humanitarian sense. Some people don't have lives that are personally affected by this planet except at a cursory level- they simply live in a generation born with Uranus in a particular sign and therefore a part of that generation's particular behavior pattern. However, when Uranus aspects personal planets, these people become involved in matters that are important to their generation, they become a part of a team of world changes.

Uranus seem to indicate certain behavior patterns. It can indicate a certain attitude that may conflict with planets which represents other facets of personality. The sun symbolizes the "I am " part of the personality; the Moon represents "I feel"; Venus "I want", Mercury stands for "I talk", Mars "I act", Jupiter "I relate", Saturn "I fear" and Uranus comes along with "I behave"

One may question the difference between "I am", and "I act" and "I behave" but there are subtle differences. The "I am " part of the self may never manifest; it cannot as long as the person doesn't resolve how he is different from humanity, and how his needs differ from those people he may imitate. Mars, representative of "I act" , indicates how he will take physical action to express himself. Uranus will, however, indicate behavior which can be very different from action. For example, consider the bully who rants and raves and threatens everyone in sight, but when confronted in turn, his actions don't match his words or his behavioral attitudes. He may behave as though he were pugnacious, and in reality act like a coward.

In terms of behavior, one can consider the Uranus placement the point of Eccentricity in the chart, for whatever the planet touches by aspect can be diagnosed as a part of the personality that will be handled in an unorthodox, unconventional or eccentric manner. Uranus also represents a point of increased conscious ness, and its location indicates the growth point in every individual's life. If we understand the placement of Uranus and consider how we can use this planet (or facet of personality) in the process of "finding" ourselves, Uranus can be a friend indeed. The Uranus point may be called the rebirth potential, perhaps it indicates the bursting of the cocoon for some.

Uranus in Sagittarius

You belong to a generation (the early or late 1980's ) whose impulse was to change religious, legal, cultural, and educational attitudes. This set in motion, especially in the post war generation, not only more liberal religious attitudes but also an amorality that fostered an increase in crime create because of a commensurate disrespect for the law in particular and for the difference between right and wrong in general. All this let the genie out of the bottle, the results of which are destabilizing and complex- but ultimately profoundly liberating.

Uranus in the 6th House

Freedom is an issue for you where your working life is concerned. You are not keen on a rigid routine, so flexi-hours or self- employment are desirable, if not downright essential. Sharp ups and downs, along with interminable changes of fortune in the work sphere would indicate that job security is going to have to take second place to job satisfaction. There is or should be, something inventive or highly original about yourself.

Similarly, unpredictable health- especially intermittent or odd complaints- would point to your being a round peg in a square hole, or that a change of work environment or lifestyle was called for. Further regarding health,  you can successfully diagnose the cause of complaints- in yourself and others- by spotting the symbolism involved. For example, trouble with the pancreas, which regulated blood sugar, would suggest that one is bitter or sour about something, that life has lost its sweetness.

Retrograde Uranus: Symbol, Personality, Karma, Sign and House

The symbol for Uranus is formed by two opposite Crescents of Soul connected through the Cross of Matter. As the wayward wanderer of the heavens, Uranus has always been connected with all that symbolizes man's unique abilities to reach  beyond the mundane. In order to do so , he must break convention at all costs, often tearing himself in half in the process. The Soul Crescents pointing in opposite directions remind us of the lunar symbols of waxing and waning Moon; each presenting a different side of life, like the two sides of a coin which although they are so opposite  in nature cannot exist without each other.

The Cross of Matter stands at the center of this tug of war, symbolizing all that man has already established as his traditional foundations. From the Arms of this Cross, the two Soul Crescents constantly pull in opposite, and as yet uncharted directions. The nature of the Soul, seeking to explore the unknown, forces the individual to make continuous decisions between the stability he already knows and the positive and negative possibilities of all he has not yet tested.

Thus the symbol for Uranus stands less for man's unpredictability than it does for his striving to free himself from the matter or form side of life, which hampers all of the existential possibilities he innately knows he can reach.

When the planet is retrograde, one takes this as a personal crusade, feeling deeply within oneself a responsibility for the progress of mankind as a whole. The symbol when inverted puts the two Soul crescents closer to Earth. Thus, it is not enough for this individual to liberate himself. He must feel the freedom of everyone in his life space before he can be contented with the fact that the liberation of his own Soul has penetrated into the matter all of he sees around him.


The individual with the retrograde Uranus displays a rather unique personality. On his innermost levels he is a rebel against all that binds him. If he is a fearful person, he may exhibit claustrophobia. If he is a daring person, he will attempt to topple all that he sees as having outlived its usefulness. He cannot be contented to just go along with life, for there is too much he sees that can add richness to mankind if only society would shake itself loose from all of its false security anchors.

He will actually worry if others begin to accept him too much, for then he feels he has lost a great part of himself. In this respect, he will from time to time loose many friends and acquaintances, sometimes jobs, and romances all because the strangeness of his ideas is often too difficult for others to accept. And  yet, years later, when society is advocating all he once stood for, he no longer has an interest in whatever advanced theories or attitudes he was promoting at the time. Thus, he is very much a forerunner of the future. Because of this, he can experience a great deal of loneliness, but he would never give up his gift of originality for the companionship of others. He knows that above all else, his Soul must be free. Anything which impedes this freedom he will shake from his path. For those who are able to understand him, he is one of the most fascinating people to listen to; for he is literally filled with all of the ideas that mankind needs for the future of the human race.


On a personal level, Retrograde Uranus plays havoc in human relationships. The individual experiences an inner changeability that often makes him hypocritical to himself. His mental and emotional levels often fight each other so that he may know certain things which should lead him in the direction which his knowledge points to, but at the same time, he feels other things which may lead him in an entirely different direction. He is living a Karma of learning how to express the inner freedom that he brings into this life. And, He must not be bound by trying to make sense at all times to others, or even himself. a free spirit does not always appear to make sense, nor should it. The fact is, that a logical continuance of common sense in an individual is more of a Saturnian trait, bound by the rigidity of order, discipline, and the pointing of oneself towards specific goals. But, the individual with Retrograde Uranus is not living such karma.

In order to explore his inner being, as well as so many other realms of understanding that mankind as a whole has not yet reached, his path is often long and crooked. He darts this way and that seeking that his quest is a never-ending process, for each new discovery leads to still another question. He can be extremely happy so long as others do not try to force him into molds of thinking and behavior patterns that he has already transcended due to meaningless roles they play in his perception of the grand scale. He has learned how to be independent in former incarnations, and now he must use this independence to rediscover and understand the reason he originally wanted it.

Retrograde Uranus in Sagittarius

Here the individual spends most of his time in phase 1 of the Retrograde process. Itching for future and distant horizons not yet within his reach, he keeps aspiring for all that is symbolic of whatever is beyond the mundane things in life. As such,  he has difficulty stabilizing himself in his practical day-to-day living. He cannot focus on small things or details for very long, because he gets border very easily. HE needs constant new stimulation to satisfy the very active thirst for life that keeps driving him on.

He loves to travel, and if he's not doing it physically then his mind is mentally roaming through all the unknown regions he has not yet explored. Still, he is not necessary a deep person. Instead, it is scope, breadth, and bigness that he is seeking. This is a rather difficult position for marriage, since the individual feels threatened when he is restricted. He needs room to explore all the possibilities he finds in his higher mind, and any attachment to one person would deny him the advantages of superficiality experiencing many.

This same attitude carries over into the most of the areas in his life. Following one religion would violate the Uranian need to be fair to the others coupled with the Sagittarian drive to experience them all. He goes through career changes for the same reason. While all this may seem to indicate that he is a very scattered person in terms of other people's values, he sees it as fulfilling his insatiable curiosity to experience all there is to life. And, when he is allowed to follow his numerous directions ( which don't always seem to relate to each other) he is able to maintain a very high levels of enthusiasm. This enables him to be a kind a Karmic messenger, bringing to everyone he meets, the piece of life they need at the moment. Thus, while he is enjoying himself in each new discovery he is actually a spreader of seeds that others will care for, nurture, and help to mature into what will become man's future consciousness.

Retrograde Uranus in the 6th House

Here the individual can express great innovations in his daily work routine. He can take the most mundane chores and discover uniquely interesting ways of dealing with them. At the same time, he is highly sensitive. This makes him particularly open to influences in the external environment, which in turn make him feel the need to be activate at all times as he can become internally restless.

No matter how much this individual may say that he wants peace, he tends to vibrate to all that takes life from the mundane to the exciting. Thus, if peace is really his intentions, he has a powerful tendency to defeat himself. One of his greatest concerns is wondering why other people do things the way they do. This train of thought leads them into constantly trying to understand the motivations of everyone around him.

Karmically, he is a great innovator on the physical plane. Past incarnations have given him a great understanding of the relationships and processes of the physical world. Regardless of which retrograde phase he is in any given movement, he is constantly seeking to understand, or looking to apply his understanding, so that he may be of better service to the world around him. All he has to learn is how to stay calm and collected in the process.


Uranus opposing Sun

(Already covered in Big 3 Aspected)

Uranus sextile Mars

(Already covered in Mars' profile)

Uranus square Midhaven

There is something in you that, consciously or unconsciously, rebels against authority, your parental and social background, or anything which smacks of limiting your freedom. This in turn causes you to be unreliable, unpredictable, or bored with your work or home life. Unless you wish this disruptive and non-productive influence to continue, you will need to identify and sort out what that 'something' is.

Putting it all Together:

This aspect does make me an odd duck- but I stuck to my guns and found someone who could understand me and Halloween will be 8 years together. I make it a point to give people the knowledge to free themselves from anything that is oppressing them- unconscious or consciously. I want this world to be free from tyranny, hypocritical anything and for human beings to focus on the similarities of others and for get our differences. If I had to fight for my freedom- face my inner demons and come head to head with myself - I think others should to. Because When I was shackled and bound by my father's oppressive nature I still kept my light. I maintained my inner spark. When the abusive boyfriends came I managed to keep my inner light. When I figured out the root of this I made efforts to find the fun in everyday things; make it interestingly fun on order to get through my day and realized that my father has no power over me. My decisions, or my psyche. I have worked tremendously on all of my natal chart aspects so that I may be a more complete person.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ashlee's Saturn Profile...

Ashlee's Saturn Profile
Saturn- Lessons and Responsibilities
Saturn is all about order. About being in the right place at the right time. Above all, Saturn is the necessity and force of circumstances and the lessons they impose, along with the sense of discipline and responsibility that is behind the learning of them. Saturn is about testing and pressure, and so it can be limiting and depressing as it delays and denies. Saturn is also order as it  is currently understood, that is, concrete reality, the status quo, or any form of authority such as parents, elders, teachers, and officialdom. So Saturn can be a sense of inadequately or inhibition for the simple reason that before we have learnt what we have to learn that is how we are most likely to feel. But Saturn is a sense of Achievement and status when we have learned those lessons well.
Saturn represents the part of us that needs to mature.  The ancients considered Saturn as father time, for after 3 rounds of a Saturn lifetime was usually ended. Saturn has been called the Grim Reaper, the energy that cuts us down. It can be, but primarily Saturn is a tester, the teacher who tests our maturity in the school of life. If we grow, mature, pass the tests of various life cycles, if we understand universal law, we find Saturn a friend. If we wish to cling to our childhood ideas and illusions, if we wish to remain ignorant of natural law, if we think the universe owes us a living, Saturn seems to generate fear and apprehension. The fear is not caused by Saturn but by our own inner apprehensions, for Saturn seems to relate to each individuals conscience. Somewhere within we inherently know when we have not cooperated with cosmic law.
Early in life, Saturn indicates the individual's weak point, the point of insecurity that can manifest on a physical level (including frail health) or on an intellectual level (indicating an apprehension regarding intellectual ability) or it can influence one's feeling of self worth. Children who don't feel worthy feel guilty about taking up space in the universe, for they are seldom recognized by anyone they consider to be an important authority figure early in the life.
According to the symbols of the unconscious, the first authority figure we meet is that of our father. If Saturn is poorly Aspected, it usually indicates that the father has an unhealthy or unconstructive impact on the developing child's psyche. The aspects Saturn makes to the personal planets in the horoscope begin to tell what effect the father has on which facet of the child's personality. That affect influences children's attitudes when they begin to pursue adult responsibilities; the influence can touch any part of the personality ranging from expressing sexuality, to career aspirations. Often the more psychologically based Saturn afflictions are best worked out in analysis for they may be time- consuming to uncover.
Saturn represents the mundane area in life that we regard with caution or what we approach with fear. The sign and house placement of Saturn is important. When Saturn is in the 5th house the apprehension does not involve new beginnings but rather, those matters indicated by the fifth house: there may be apprehension regarding taking risks, a fear of gambling, a fear of a love relationships, apprehension about entertaining, about having babies, about the children one has given birth to. Since the 5th house represents the children of our minds as well as those of our bodies, the Saturn caution may also include apprehension about the creative ability. we spend much time being cautious about Saturn, about our fears, that eventually they become our strong points and the Saturn location becomes an area of strength and maturity. AS we learn to face our fears and apprehensions, Saturn turns into a friend.
WE can often sure our fears when we observe how our father reacted in similar situations. Considering Saturn from a spiritual level, it has been mentioned that Jupiter and Saturn were the cross-over planets according to the ancients. IF we understand the concepts symbolized by these planets we can lift the consciousness to more evolved levels. Saturn, as tester, symbolizes that energy must be expressed in a responsible way; we cannot merely satisfy our personal drives in a willful fashion. They must be channeled to meet universal needs. In the natural zodiac, The Moon rules the fourth house and the sun the 5th, symbolizing that we are a combination of our environment (fourth) and our creative endeavor (fifth). In the ancient wheel Saturn opposes both the Sun and the Moon for it rules the sings of Capricorn and Aquarius. The universal forces do not inhibit self-expression, but they do not indulge selfish expression either. As we learn to express the self maturely, the energy becomes productive rather than restrictive.
Saturn aspects to the personal planets indicate the part of the personality that must mature in this life. Some people have consciously make an effort to express or develop facets of the personality; the difficulties will ne shown by the Saturn ties. These ties don't keep us from being, but emphasize the importance of that area of life. The more Saturn aspects people have, the more intense the need to break the ties with inherited experience and become self-responsible. When people break from the past, when they can free themselves to explore all the mystic images describing the process of maturity, the soul can assimilate the responsibility of a higher consciousness.
Saturn in Libra
You are learning the art of grace and harmony, to develop principles concerning relating and justice. Initially, the need to learn such lessons may manifest as a fear of being answerable to something or someone, or of having to subscribe to society's rules. Along the way, by way of compensation, you are therefore drawn to committing yourself up to the eyebrows, either financially, emotionally or both, or to trying to be all things to all people, or to being caught in the valley of decision.
So as time goes by, you should gradually and eventually acquire a sense of how to compromise without sacrificing your own or someone else's principles, how to be lighthearted yet at the same time sincere, and to make considered decisions. This could enable you to become an authority in what were are first possibly areas of weakness: fair play and keeping the peace without merely glossing over issues.
Saturn in the 5th house
These lessons and limitations bear most of all upon your individual means of self-expression. This includes anything that is a creative product of some outlet of yours, such as artwork, hobbies, children, games, romance, etc. SO delays, difficulties, duty, denial or heavy responsibilities are all possible in one or more of these areas. You are learning to go about such matters in a disciplined way, as if you have something to prove.
Until you do, little or nothing will be forthcoming. When you do, however- which would be through a gradual process- you can become quite an authority in that field. Overall, you tend to feel that your creative efforts, are being watched and judged. They are!- by yourself. As you are your own overseer, why not be a positive and generous one?
Saturn Retrogrades: The symbol, Personality, karma, sign and house
The Saturn symbol is composed of the Cross and the Crescent. Here matter and the form side of life must be united with the souls sincere desire to express itself. Thus, all that the individual does he crystalizes into what he is adding to his Soul nature. The value of things is seen by the Soul itself which must discriminate between what it wants to partake of and what it wants to avoid. As the individual looks at his life through his Saturn he may appear somber and serious but what he is doing is considering the relationships between idea and form. He concerns himself with his ability to see how mush of his soul he can actually manifest with matter. Thus, it becomes important for him to view his deeds as a reflections of his true inner being.
The retrograde nature of this planet causes him to experience much of this reflection as an inner struggle between the consciousness of his ideals, their practicality, and his ability to live up to them. Thus, for many, the retrograde Saturn becomes their conscious and their guide, blending as a mediator between the perfected higher being and how much it must still learn in order to live here on Earth.
This individual with Retrograde Saturn is intensely serious about completing whatever he has left undone in his past. He tends to want to go backwards in order to fill any gaps in what he had hastily considered finished before. As such, he tends to be thoughtful and steady. At times he may seem overly cautious of too frugal, but any reserve on his part is based entirely on his need to conserve substance for purposeful use. He does not believe in waste or extravagance for he has experienced that in other lives. Now he is deeply appreciative of everything he learns or receives. Often he feels an inner debt to GOD which manifest itself as a powerful sense of gratitude for all he sees around him.
He tries to teach others, who are less knowledgeable or experienced than himself. Yet, he is unsuccessful if they have not gone through his past life " fall from heaven" and his great struggle which has now earned him his way back. AS a result of this, there is built in maturity in the Retrograde Saturn that one could not have achieved without great personal struggle and sacrifice.
Retrograde Saturn always indicates a continuing Karma from past incarnations. Whatever the lesson, the individual is unusually slow in bringing it to completion. Thus, in this life he needs to carry the extra weight in his Soul of a former life so that when the two ultimately combine there will be enough evidence for him to fully understand his true mission. Much of what he does in this life is a repeat of his Saturn already stands for. But now he faces circumstances and situations that are slightly different. The retrograde action of the planet can make him feel its restrictive force, particularly if he tries to escape the weight of its lesson. But, if he flows with it, understanding that through the patient guidance he is receiving, he is slowly being led to identification with something higher than he may have imagined, he can truly appreciate the workings of Gods beautiful universe through this planet.
Saturn is one's teacher and when it appears Retrograde, the individual has experienced similar teachings before this life. As the years unfold there is an enormous amount of wisdom that steadily ours from the Retrograde Saturn.
Of all the planets, it is the most natural and comfortable in its Retrograde position, for it affords the individual a kind of second chance to improve on the relationship formed between his Soul, the circumstances he was faced with in a past incarnation, and how these were understood. Now under the gentle guidance of Saturn, he is able to out into form all that he has learned in the past.
Retrograde Saturn in Libra
In this placement Retrograde Saturn adds inner maturity to the otherwise indecisive qualities of Libra. The individual feels a strong responsibility to others. Often he experiences their Karma more than they do themselves. Naturally this can throw him off balance. In the long run his judgment is quite sound and he is able to steady himself.
A born peacemaker, he is often thrown into the middle of opposing people ore ideas. From this position he tries to bring harmony by establishing a balanced third point which expresses the positive aspect of both sides.
He has the ability to actually change and alter the Karmic directions of these people he comes in contact with. As a result of meeting him they begin to re-evaluate and weigh proportionately their own past beliefs and the direction they had been moving in, Thus, for many, this placement gives an opportunity to take an objective look at their purpose in life so that their validity may be re-assessed. For the individual with Retrograde Saturn in Libra life is a series of turns and twists until he understands that his Karmic mission in this incarnation is not for himself, but rather to help direct others to a more balanced purpose. This is done by setting an example of balance through harmonizing the apparent opposites of thought. He brings this about by finding the essential unity of human ideals.
His adaptability allows him to change from one Retrograde Phase to another depending completely upon the need of the moment. Thus, he is truly one of God's most versatile and valuable helpers.
Retrograde Saturn in the 5th House
With this placement the individual feels a strong need to overcome obstacles that he perceives in his creative process. He keeps feeling that he should be doing more in life than he actually is, but he tends to delay much of his productive output until later in life. He feels a need to create something of lasting value in order to feel a sense of purpose. In some cases, he will have to bear a heavy burden in terms of paying a karmic debt to a child. still, if he can do this, it will help him to established the sense of purpose he is seeking.
He tends to stymie himself, actually slowing down any real progress in life, because he has inner fears of commitments. Still, no matter how much he would rather be an observer of life, he keeps falling into one situation after another where the full weight of responsibility is put on him. The more he seeks pleasure, the more responsibility he finds himself carrying. In great measure, this is to teach him what life is really about.
Love matters prosper slowly for there is a great deal of maturing to take place before an intimate relationship can flow smoothly. The individual has many self-doubts when it comes to expressing his creative abilities. He doesn't really think he can measure up to other's standards. Thus, he forbids himself much that he really needs. He can turn probabilities that he could attain into such obstacles that they become too remote from his life for him actually to reach them.
He worries too much over childhood inadequacy fears which are still operating in his unconscious. Karmically, he must learn how to stop perpetuating fears which block his creative flow. AS soon as he can do this, he will not only overcome many of his obstacles, but he can also make an important contribution to mankind.
Aspects to Saturn
Saturn Sesquisquare The Sun
(Already covered in the Big 3 Aspected)
Saturn Trine Mercury
(Already covered in Mercury Profile)
Saturn Opposing Venus
(Already covered in the Venus profile)
Saturn Squaring North Node and South Node
Limitation, Discipline and Organization Distract You from the Pursuit of Your Destiny, Talents and Resources
Saturn square the Moon’s Nodes suggests that you have difficulty pursuing your life's destiny lesson and/or properly utilizing your karmically derived talents and resources while at the same time developing/employing self-discipline and/or a sense of limits and organization.  Paradoxically, it is just these Saturnian skills that are likely to assist you in fulfilling the destiny symbolized by the Nodes. You tend to concentrate either on your past/destiny or on learning the lessons symbolized by Saturn's placement. Both are manifestations of karmic imperatives, and therefore this configuration suggests that you bear conflicting karmas in this life. Your strongest tendency is likely for you to become absorbed in the Saturnian sphere—issues that revolve around self-discipline, structure and organization, overcoming insecurity and dealing with life's karmic lessons.  In becoming so self-absorbed in this area of life, however, you are in danger of losing your opportunity to pursue a unique destiny or to make full use of your talents and resources. You may not pursue these opportunities due to over caution or lack of spontaneity.  If, on the other hand, you force yourself to focus on matters of destiny or developing your talents, you may find yourself hampered by insufficient discipline and organization, or by your need to overcome severe obstacles. You can realize the transcendent potential of Saturn square the Moon’s Nodes when, through struggling with the challenge presented by this configuration, you perceive the karmic (and practical) links between the development of the Saturnian function, your destiny and your wise use of natural talents and resources.  You recognize that, at a level of increased awareness, you must attend to the Nodal imperatives within a structured and super-ego contained environment. Therefore, you must develop strength, order and self-discipline. You also perceive that in developing your Saturnian qualities, you are making necessary progress toward the goals of achieving your life destiny and employing your karmic resources properly.  Yet, you are aware of the distinctions among these three functions and you provide a space for each in your life and psyche.  As you diligently focus on integrating these tasks, the balancing that you must achieve among them becomes easier. Without a strong will or sense of yourself beyond your ego-persona, you will likely become compulsively absorbed in your Saturn function.  Thus, Saturnian qualities are likely to be pronounced in your personality, especially the more negative characteristics such as rigidity, rule-bound conformity, and authoritarianism.  Another reaction you may have is to sink into your insecurity.  In this state, you may cast the blame on others for your failure to achieve your destiny or to exercise your talents.  You may have a highly critical nature.  Your criticism may become more aggressive due to your innate sense of your own weakness, which sets you up into a defensive mode.
Saturn Trine the Ascendant
(already covered in the Big 3 Aspected)

Putting it all Together:

It is Actually this planet that has taught me so much about myself, my karma and my life purpose. My life has not by any means been an easy one; there was a lot of sacrifices, obstacles, and hindrances that have plagued me since I was born into this world. Since then I have made a constant effort to right myself in all that I was lacking- If only to shut my father up about how much of a weakling that I was. I tried to escape my destiny; scoffed and laughed at my fate and said screwed universal laws. Turns out I was punished for having those horrible thoughts and actions. I pay extremely close attention to everything now as a result of this humungous Karma slap. It was always my fault- even from my past incarnations, but I blamed it on others and I heavily suffered for it. I started out as not being wanted. Continuously misunderstood by the people in my life but I persafuckingvered and become the Goddess that you now see before you. I worked on myself; on the lessons that I skipped and had to learn later. I had to unlearn all of my father's negative tendencies that he was forcing me to learn. I had to stand up for myself and fight back against all of the tyranny that my father ruled me with and I began to accept that I wasn't perfect. That I wasn't going to be put down and beaten into submission because my view differed than his. I took all of his punishments, the beatings, the verbal abuse and I turned it into my strengths. I was forged out of the fires of Hell and came through on the other side. Went through the light to acknowledge that I am a good person; that my soul does matter and it does have a purpose- to show others that they are stronger than they think that they are. That by me setting a positive example of living my truths I have begun to heal my Karma and hopefully this will be my last Incarnation.

It was only recently that I accepted my higher self and stopped running away from my Destiny. I see now that I just had to accept the fact that I am here to do something that only I can do... and that is to help people objectively find their life missions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ashlee's Jupiter Profile

Ashlee's Jupiter Profile
Jupiter: The Retrograde, Sign, House and Aspects
The planet that governs over my relationships and my 7th house is Jupiter. It is my descendant which puts my 7th house in Sagittarius. this is also referred to as the Other, the Shadow, your alter ego, the side which you keep private...
Jupiter: Faith and Growth
Jupiter is all about growth and the laws, beliefs, and ethics that govern it. It is also a sense of expansion, which leads on to faith and joy, opportunity and enthusiasm. Naturally this can lead to excess and to being 'over' -something like overoptimistic, overindulgent, overrated, overweight, etc. It is also about growth in the sense of travel and philosophy, religion or broadening of knowledge and understanding. Jupiter is anything big, as well as the bigger picture and God.
When we are born, we look to the mother figure to give us our food and care. Our first attempt at relating to someone else comes from our own survival needs. A baby yells for food and the food appears; a baby needs care and after a cry or two the care appears. When a baby reaches out to another person, the reaching out is motivated by "need" The childhood years teach us how to relate with people who are not our parents; we usually learn how to do this because of our relationship with brothers, sisters and or playmates. We want their toys, we have to learn to share. We go to school and learn something about team play or teamwork. If we have problems learning to relate as young people or if we still find it difficult to relate as adults, Some Jupiter affliction may be prominent in the chart.
Many astrologers have called Jupiter the expansive planet; it indicates our "good luck" problems with weight gain, and it indicates abundance. Jupiter may symbolize all of those things, but if we are looking to discover what motivates a person , what the blocks may be when attempting to communicate with others, the problem may be diagnosed from the sign and aspects that are involved with Jupiter.
Jupiter can be called a generational planet because it sits in a sign for about a year, it takes 12 years to circle the zodiac. This means that lots of people have Jupiter in the same sign. Jupiter cannot be considered really a personal planet unless it aspects the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars or the Ascendant in the chart. The personal planets describe personal attributes, and Jupiter describes the beginnings of relating self to the outer environment. Some call the process of relating self to environment the microcosm-macrocosm relationship.
When Jupiter is afflicted, the individual is born into a household where attitudes regarding the concepts of relating or not well developed. This child sees a set of "normals" which imply that people do not consider each other's needs, or perhaps the family members don't listen to each other. As an adult, he may reach out to relate and find he's lapsed back into the patterns he observed as a child. He may express himself in an unconstructive manner, getting into these dilemmas fostered by "I want it anyway;" he may relate excessively, he may over expand or over relate; he may pursue whims that are not based on common sense. He may not have any conscious idea of what he wants for life. He may not know how to examine his personal needs because he never was allowed to do so as a child, or he may not have seen his parents doing it.
If we wish to experience more than just a role-playing relationship, we each must learn how to relate our feelings, our thoughts, and our personalities to someone else. When Jupiter is well Aspected, the individual is taught healthy relating procedures in the early home. When Jupiter is afflicted, the ability to relate to another person must be consciously learned. As we explore consciousness, if we wish to develop a well integrated personality, Jupiter symbolizes one of the stepping stones in our development, for it gives us the key to how we are functioning in the relating department.  
If we wish to go further in the process of evolving consciousness Jupiter symbolizes the need to integrate the knowledge we learn into our daily lives. The knowledge that we assimilate must be kept in perspective. The learned person may use his knowledge to set himself apart from others, to maintain a position above others, to remain untouched by those which whom he comes into contact. We hear the phrase, "He has a large ego," but more often than not the individual with the purported large ego has no ego at all. Because he has poorly developed sense of self, he has a need to make others aware of his importance. Relating, on the other hand, is a whole different thing, for it includes sharing, being a part of, while at the same time maintaining a sense of self. This means the self must feel pretty secure, for we can't really share it until we have a healthy self image! Relating to another person can be illustrated by thinking of a pebble thrown into a pond. It makes ripples. Every ripple is free and also a part of the water in the pond. We are each free to do our own thing, yet we, too are part of the "pond."
In the personal sense, Jupiter indicates how we will relate ourselves to others. Some people may feel that Mercury would better indicate this relating potential, but Mercury symbolizes how we think and talk. We can talk an awful lot without relating or allowing ourselves to be open or receptive to share with someone else. The aspects to Jupiter will indicate how the sign potential can be shared with others -friends, lovers, family, as well as how the personality is integrated into the environment. 
Jupiter in Scorpio
Your faith is discovered in crisis situations. So what or who pushes you to your limits is what you find irresistible. Whatever you are after in life is probably lying deep somewhere, either in earth, water or most likely in the mind or soul. You are enormously confident in your pursuit in such things, but you can also be ruthless too, getting people to do your bidding, often through sexual or financial means.
Because of all of this, you stand to gain, or lose, a great deal. As ever with Scorpio placements, there is an 'all or nothing' quality about them. And as Jupiter itself has to do with excess, your life will be punctuated with great highs and great lows. The big question is whether the ultimate payback is worth the investment, especially in emotionally terms. In other words, your undeniable ability to get what you want out of people and things could find you wealthy but not necessarily happy. What would prevent this dilemma from occurring is the purging of any greed or dubious alterior motives.  
Jupiter in the 5th house 

Most of all you apply this faith to, or look for it in, your enjoyment of living life to the full through creative, speculative, or romantic pursuits- or children if you have any. Your giving rein to your lust for life can lean towards the excessive, but you have the innate belief that it is only through experiencing something to excess that you will properly absorb the meaning and worth of that experience- and then know for sure where you stand in relationship to it. You are a great believer that life is a play and the world is a stage- but just make sure you know who the director is!

Retrograde Jupiter: The symbol, Personality, Karma, Sign and House

The greatest beneficent giver is symbolized by the Crescent of Soul rising vertically from the western arm of the Cross of Matter. When matter and soul combine harmoniously each is able to fulfill the other. It is interesting to note that the Western arm of the Cross is highly significant as the West always symbolizes maturity of that which has grown out of it birth in the East. In the normal symbol, the Cross of matter appears east of the crescent of Soul. Thus what the individual has materialized early in life, forms his wisdom later on.

For the retrograde Jupiter, the inverted symbol shows the Crescent of Soul in the East transporting the Cross of matter to the west. Thus, what the individual knows within his Soul early in this life ( and a result of past incarnations) is always what gives birth to what he experiences in matter later on. This can make retrograde experience a highly spiritual journey if the individual chooses to use it to its best potential. There is a type of incorruptible insistence on truth the retrograde Jupiter as it does not depend so much on the changes in matter that often sway the meaning of so many other planetary configurations. The individual is free to experience himself on a more pure level than if his truth depended upon his material existence.

At the same time, This configuration  causes conflict with the outer world, as idealism takes precedence over practicality. A natural affinity for Jupiter's pure truth creates a distaste for the mundane everyday experiences of life.


The individual with retrograde Jupiter is a living truth unto himself. His ideas about right and wrong, the morality of the world he travels in, and in the fairness of other peoples opinion has little effect on what he feels inside. In a powerful attempt to be righteous, this person develops his own unique set of standards. Usually, these are coming from past personal experiences early in this life as well as from other incarnations, and do not necessarily reflect mass consciousness, as much as they do the individuals privately formed conception of the universe.

He is highly conscious of different places and how much they are similar to each other. At the same time, his is conscious of different levels in his ways of thinking. Always a student of the mind, he seeks experience an abundant richness within himself. which he hopes will eventually qualify the possibilities that are available to him in the outer world. Often this causes him much discontent, manifesting itself as an inner restlessness. He likes to get on with things, grasping the essences of an idea and relating to its importance rather than the details necessary to put that idea into practice.

If  well Aspected, he can be strongly self-motivated, but has to guard against trying to do too many things at the same time. Basically, he is a free spirit. And while he will conform to the ideals of society which are helpful to him, he struggles constantly to maintain his sense of individuality.

Some with this placement have great wisdom, amounting to almost a prophetic ability. Quiet, unless spoken to, they can in few words sum up the essence of a long involved detailed projects, which would enmesh others in a multitude of trivia.

As much as the individual is capable of being conscious of, his intrinsic self-honesty is one of his most important identifiable characteristics. If poorly Aspected the Retrograde Jupiter can cause a person to hold grudges from past incarnations. In these cases, a long past desire to get even becomes reprojected onto new people in the present. Fortunately this is the exception rather than the rule; for the Retrograde Jupiter affords the individual an opportunity to see himself through his higher mind. when he does this some of this personal self-involvement gives way to a higher and more impersonal understanding. The development of richness in the inner being ultimately takes precedence over the desire  to acquire riches in the outer world.


The Karma in the Retrograde Jupiter always deals with the introspection through  the higher mind. The individual must be able to justify himself to himself in order to feel that he is truly worthy of the respect and honor that Jupiter promises.

In some former incarnation there had to be a higher regard for some religious or spiritual principle which the individual  has seen violated. In the current life he feels even more determined to restate the value of this principle in his mind.

He has to guard against being judgmental of others as he sees an outer world vibrating to rules he cannot fathom. Still he must have patience with others, if he expects them to listen to the expression of his inner truths.

On another level, there is a tremendous amount of deja-vu experiences inherent in the Retrograde Jupiter. Times and places from the past all blend into a continuous present, such that at any given moment or in any  given place, the individual is in touch with generalizing that time or place into all like times and place that he has experienced. Thus, his consciousness expands through these two dimensions simultaneously, and often without limitation. He does not know how to bind his mind totally inward to a fine point focus. Instead, he absorbs the symbols of his thoughts from his environment, ultimately to learn that anywhere is home, and anytime is now! The more these outer symbols represent the truths he learned in a former life, the more comfortable he becomes.

Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio

Here much time is spent in phase 1 of the retrograde process as the individual tries to project what he believes to be the truth to others. However, this is the one sign in which the person is also aware that what he has convinced himself of as the truth is not the complete truth at all. Thus, he can project what superficially believes to be adequately complete while at the same time knowing that he is experiencing a deeper understanding on another level.

He brings into this life memories of struggling for honor and as he lives out his karma he becomes a test for other people in this area. He can bring out the worst and the best in himself and others at the same time. This causes him to be a peculiar paradox. for he is alternately understood and misunderstood, respected and degraded, loved and despised for all he represents to other people. His life is one of constant transformation as each day symbolizes new opportunities for struggle which help him to rise above the lower self which he now sees, but which still binds him in the current life. Very much the extremist, he stand for both heaven and hell at the same time. His ideals are usually very high, but during the first half of life he has difficulty pulling his higher mind out of these intense sexual drive which he brought with him into this life.

On any level, he is not to be bound, for the depths to which he goes are usually reached alone and often completely misunderstood by others. He must have this freedom to explore the unknown reaches of the universe that keep calling him.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 5th House

Here the individual spends most of his time in the phase 1 of the retrograde process. He is reaching outward to express the creative attitudes he has developed in a past incarnation. He sees life on a grand scale and the boundaries of conventional society as the stepping stones which we must transcend at any cost. IF the rest of the horoscope is strong, this adds to a domineering nature.

In those charts containing many squares, along with the emphasis on the fixed signs, the individual tends to be oblivious to the advice of others. He tends to invade other people's psychic space without realizing he is doing it. His own goals are very high but he often overestimates his ability to accomplish them. At times he can expect too much from children because through them he spreads the ideas that he is not capable of achieving himself. He lives with a "don't stop me" attitude as he is bursting forth to taste all life has to offer. At the same time his great sense of pride keeps him from embarrassing myself in the eyes of others. He would rather dart from one creative experience to another than be thought of as being wrong by those whose esteem he wants. He lives by the principle that if he can run through a rainstorm fast enough you won't get wet.

This is a difficult placement for marriage and relationships of a lasting nature as the individual's highest truth is always related to his own opinion of himself rather than the evaluation of criticism he might receive if he allows others to know him too well.

Here is the sense of identity is based on the gap between the ideals set up in former incarnations and all he creates in this life. Thus, he is truly the person who "is what he thinks, having become what he thought" and in later years he will know himself by what he has created.

The Aspects

Jupiter opposing Moon

(Already covered in Big 3 Aspected)

Jupiter quincunx Sun

(Already covered in Big 3 Aspected)

Jupiter sesquisquare Mercury

(Already covered in Mercury Aspects)

Jupiter conjunct Pluto

When the relating principle symbolized by Jupiter is tied to the unconscious motivation symbolized by Pluto, many different kinds of energy manifest. On the other hand, the individual may feel a strong need to develop a perspective between macrocosm and microcosm, and Pluto indicates the content of the collective unconsciousness, a combination of energy between the two planets can indicate a person who may be tremendously creative about manifesting the relating principle.

These aspects may indicate one who can relate to the needs of the masses, for Pluto also symbolizes the masses of people, the common folk. The aspects may also indicate the type of person who needs to control all attempts at relating with the masses, or with people in general.

Because Pluto is one of the slow-moving outer planets, many people born in any given year when Jupiter is transiting the same sign as Pluto will have this aspect. It creates a mini-generation of people who will have choices to make as to how they pursue relationships. If the conjunction is unafflicted by other planets it can be diagnosed by the sign and house placement.

It indicates that relationships will be affected by the unconscious motivation caused by the conjunction to Pluto. It can indicate a person who may need to control all his relationships, a person who needs to stay on top, needs to manage those around him. He may reach out for new experience with great care and caution because he doesn't want to feel out of control. This person may be extremely sensitive about relationships in general, for a chance word overheard can send his subconscious self on a trip that will analyze and re-analyze anything that bothers him because of certain kinds of early childhood experience. This oversensitivity can be worked out by examining childhood experience that relates to the formation of such sensitivities.

Jupiter Sesquisquare Ascendant

(Already covered in the Big 3 Aspected)

Jupiter trine Midhaven

This aspect is good in two ways: first, helping you find the right direction in your life. Second, enabling you to make others feel positive about you and eager to help if you need it. You are able to pursue your goals without making people feel that you will take something away from them. You have a strong sense of social responsibility, a feeling that you should give your life over to a purpose that is useful in the world. It isn't that you are totally selfish or self-sacrificing, but that nothing seems worth doing unless it is of use to others. You will always get along easily with authorities, and while you are young that usually means people who are older. You know that they have something to teach you, and you are willing to learn from them. You don't feel you have to show everyone how smart you are, even though you believe that you are rather special. You are willing to take your time and let the world find out how much you can do. You will always have a project to work on, because you hate to be idle, either in mind or in body. Usually you are busy with some consuming interest, which may mean more to you than being with others. You feel that you are self-sufficient, and that your activities are enough to give you a sense of fulfillment in life. You don't feel an urgent need to be with others all the time.

Putting it All Together:

Needless to say I was an extremely sensitive child. Optimistic. Hopeful. Innocently naïve little girl that wanted to relate to others but unless you spoke to me first I most likely wasn't going to talk to you.  My parents didn't relate well therefore I didn't relate well to others. For me, Jupiter is considered a "personal" planet due to the fact that it is Aspected to my Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Ascendant so for me relating to people means everything to me. Mix this with what you have already discovered about me you can begin to understand how much I had to overcome to become the person that you see before you.