Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paris' Big 3 Aspected...

Yesterday we learned that Paris is a highly emotional person due to her experiences of her past. That she is reactionary; which means that she reacts to the vibration that others are giving off. When her feelings get hurt she has a two-fold process: Paris will yell and scream and then retreat into her shell till it is safe.

Today we will discuss the planets and the energies that also play a role in Paris' life.

The Ascendant and its aspects:

Ascendant conjunct Mars
This combination is important for the Ascendant is the house symbol of the action taken, how one starts things; and Mars is the planetary indicator of the action taken. Mars generally indicates how the sun sign qualities are put into action. This is a very powerful aspect for it indicates a high energy potential. These individuals will make quick, sometimes rash, decisions. The early childhood environment will be very active and it may even be somewhat violent. These individuals will be very familiar with anger, and the kind of anger that she was exposed to as a child will be indicated by the sign in which the conjunction occurred. In this case the conjunction is in Pisces which means the type of anger displayed was one of projected with guilt attached to it, perhaps anger that is caused by overly sensitive reactions to life. The emotional reaction to life will have to be handled constructively or Paris might spend too much time overreacting to ordinary life situations. Career decisions need to be thought out carefully to overcome the natural inclination to jump into new situations thoughtlessly.

Ascendant square Jupiter
The Ascendant is the Masquerade, the indicator of how we project our persona; it reflects how we handle new beginnings. Jupiter indicates how we relate ourselves to others, and how we relate to our personal needs. We either relate (or understand) what we start, or we don't. If we relate easily we tend to do well professionally.; if not, we really have to be brilliant in order to get ahead. When Jupiter squares the Ascendant the relationship needs argue with the persona. in Paris' case there is an argument about whether or not to put herself out there or in situations that could hurt her without overreacting.

Ascendant semisquare Saturn
Saturn indicates what we regard with caution and the Ascendant represents the persona, or how we begin something new, the aspects between Saturn and the Ascendant will indicate caution or circumspection. When Saturn squares or in this case semisquares the Ascendant the approach to any new beginning is clouded with conflict, for early in the life the Father was not encouraging. Paris will commence with new activities with caution or apprehension. Some of the conflict will be caused by an inner lack of self confidence, for early problems with the father image usually manifest as problems with authority figures later on. The semisquare indicates that there is a self-worth predicament that can be coupled with the sign quality dilemma indicated by the square aspect. Cancer rising indicates a soft approach, a need for love, a positive approach to life, perhaps the ability to nurture others that can be used in a profession. Saturn in Saggitarius suggests that the father early in life was anything but that and as a result Paris has some unresolved father issues that are impeding her adult growth. If Paris is to grow she needs to confront her image of her father and incorporate both of these strong personalities into her being without judgment; just acceptance.

Ascendant square Midhaven
The MidHeaven is the point in the sly where the Sun would be at noon. The quality of the sign placed here in the tenth house at the time of birth symbolizes the nature of your position in the world- status, profession, reputation, recognition and where your experience Authority. That being said since it is in the sign of Aries Paris has a certain boldness to make her way professionally in the world. She would do well in any type of profession that entails some type of pushing, selling or pioneering which could include the military. Holding a leading position in her career is also quite desirable as is having freedom to do things her way. At times she may have to fight pretty hard to maintain or achieve a certain position. This proves to be worth it in the long run, when she is at last out in front. To compensate for this often-hectic outer world activity it is important for her to have a harmonious home life. Making a priority out of this is desirable, and a beautiful home atmosphere is very possible. Here there is a clash between the persona of Paris and the professional that she wants to be.

The Sun and its Aspects:

Sun Conjunct Mercury
Because Paris' Sun and Mercury are both in Cancer this makes her not only act like a cancer but she also talks and communicates like a Cancer. Since Mercury represents the 5 senses as well as the mind, Mercury in Cancer people hear, speak and relate via the 5 senses in an emotional way. Mercury just helps to express the qualities of the sign type that you were born into even if it does not agree with what the Sun wants; this planet helps shine light in a positive way of growth.

Sun Opposing Neptune
There is a feeling of loss and a need for compromise added to it. The father of this child is so involved with his own spiritual growth that he ignores the child. Paris doesn't understand why her father is so distant and removed. When questioning the parents, the child is probably misinformed, for Neptune opposing the Sun often indicates that the father is either romanticized or aspersions are cast in his direction. Paris is confused as to who daddy is and therefore who she is. The world of fantasy, creativity, illusion and delusion are delights for the child. The tendency to go off into a dream world is sometimes hard to avoid.  The sense of this individuals personal reality is distorted in some way-the child feels like she is living a lie. This opposition also makes the child fantastically intuitive and psychic. It's difficult for others to understand these children. Since these people do not know what is expected of them  as far as social behavior is concerned forming love relationships can present difficulties. Communication with others may be delivered on a "mental" plane rather by verbal communication. expectations about relationships may be unrealistic, for the expectations may be full of fantasy. This in itself may prevent relationships from developing for their feelings are too hurt by too many people too often. There may be discomfort in working with the physical body so the physical emotional relationships may be difficult to consummate on the "grosser" levels since love is a spiritual experience. Much of the difficulty can be traced by and back to the father. for when this person is young the father lives in his own private world. The girl child grows up to think that all men should be like her dad. Paris is surprised to find that other adults don't act and react in the same manner similar to dad's. When the energy is understood the aspect can be really creative. Once she finds her creative outlet they love their work, they love to work with their ideas and the enthusiasm is delightful. 

Sun Trine Pluto
When these two planets confront each other, two portions of the personality are interacting. The sun represents the " I am " principle in each of us. Pluto represents great transformation, for its rulership is the symbol of transformation and death. As these two to parts of the personality relate to each other they involve the principle of personal growth. Pluto brings obsession, the ability to control and manipulate, as well as the energy of transformation. As long as we hang onto our present life style and our present consciousness, we reach out more often to control others as well as the universe around us. We think that "control" will guarantee that our personal universe will not change. However, the catch 22 about aspects is that we must transform ourselves. The effects of Pluto seem to tie in with the feeling of being uprooted, or overwhelmed by something or someone much larger and stronger than ourselves. We have to learn to trust in the universe before we can let go- and when we let go of control or obsession, we are beginning our rebirth. That being said here is a soul on a constructive trip. This aspect tends to manifest on two levels: either the individual is going along for a ride in this life, a ride that allows one to enjoy all the things of the contemporary culture- the suburban home, the color tv, the joys of mass market entertainment; or the person has the energy and talent to work cooperatively with traditional managemental concerns dedicated to doing something for humanity. In each case the personality is capable of expressing the Sun energies in a constructive way as long as their involved in some kind of group endeavor. Any kind of mass media communication will be successful and fulfilling for there are natural talents for it in the chart. This is a child who was born into an atmosphere where the parents are able to teach her or reach her. The father is cooperative individual who presents the child with an image of an authority figure communicating in a warm way with other authority figures. When dad returns home from work he doesn't present a negative picture of the work world, he doesn't feel isolated as a father; therefore, the child feels more secure.  Other aspects may offset this, and the energy may not be free to flow until the "blocking" aspect is cured.

The Moon and its Aspects:

Moon Trine Saturn
The moon indicates our emotional responses to the various aspects of life, it represents our physical mother during childhood, it indicates how we react emotionally to those close to us. Saturn symbolizes restrictions, feelings of lack, inhibitions, attitudes of self-denial. It also indicates the impact of the father on the psyche. When these two planets interact with each other they indicate the mother and her emotional reactions to her environment and how they are affected by the attitudes of the father during the native's formative years. Whenever there is a contact of the moon and Saturn, the person feels that emotional reactions cannot or should not be displayed; that all authority figures ( the father, other males introduced later in life, as well as any person in authority) can restrict and restrain the emotional nature. Paris arrives in an atmosphere where the father works cooperatively with the mother and visa versa; the parents present a united front even if it is a somber one. The child learns to work through emotional problems; she offers herself carefully in a relationship, for emotions are not treated lightly. The chance of starting a relationship that works through all of the possibilities, that leaves no stone unturned, that explores all its potential, comes out of this aspect. This makes for a careful thinker someone who is reasonable in crisis situations, a person who doesn't fly off the handle in spontaneous reactions. This is a diplomatic personality.

Putting it all together:

So it looks like Paris has to come to terms with her childhood and her perception of her father and what he means to her. there is a lot of hints within her chart that indicate that the father is a source of discomfort and blocked memories that are impeding her growth as an adult. Due to her feelings regarding her father she is prone to be anti-men, or anti anything that reminds her of her father. It seems that she gets her flare for her emotional reactions from her mother because that is how she understood her mother to react.

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