Monday, January 28, 2013

Welcome to Clockwork Illumination...

Hello and welcome friends to my newest endeavor Clockwork Illumination- where I help you find Illumination in your life one tick at a time!!! Here, I will attempt to give my clients a formative view of their own personal astrological clock and how it relates to their life, and the lives of others. As a life interpreter, it is my job to read, analyze and decipher the planetary energies and how they relate to you in your life at this moment in time. Psychology, astronomy, and sociology are also incorporated into what I do for my clients giving them a complete sense of self.
For me this is a 3 stage affair: fist stage being where you came from. Second where you are currently and last where you want to be. When we look at the Natal or birth chart it gives the client a firm footing as to understand what cards they were dealt with when coming into this world. This is a very important first step because if we do not know what we are working with then how are we to figure out what we are capable of. This stage also gives us background information as to what kind of family life you had, how people view you, fears, hopes and things that you may not want exposed.  Once we have learned about ourselves and the "missed lessons" have been addressed we then proceed to the second stage: the Progressed chart. A progressed chart is where you are at this exact moment in time- where you are currently in life. It lets us know what kind of mindset/ behavior you are having that includes your life experience up till this point. Namely where your life has gone in order to get to this point in life. The last stage is putting it all together. Once you know why you are the way that you are and where it is coming from we then work on a plan of success. During this self discovery period we figure out how best to utilize your traits, skills, and energy to make your life more empowering.   
This blog site will serve as a collection of interpretations that I have made in regards to the transiting planets and actual natal charts and anything else I find that might help you on the path to being yourself.   
Thank you and enjoy!

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